Chapter 15


~Onew POV~


I watched as Atsushi took Yun Hee in his arms and carried her towards the bathroom. He did not intend to do, what I thought he did, did he? He wouldn’t help her shower? He should call a girl to help her. It would be awkward but it seems like Yun Hee does not mind. She does not protest. She simply complied with Atsushis hidden request.

I blink my eyes and look towards Taemin who looks just as stunned as I feel.


~Taemin POV~


“He’s her doctor and he told me it would not be the first time he helped her like this…but still…this is so weird…and I was forewarned.” I whispered and shook my head before leaving the room. I walked towards our own little fitness room were Minho kept his sandbag for training purposes and started to kick it as hard as I could, trying to forget that a man nearly twice her age was giving a bath to my sister. I took out my anger about this on the sandbag, even though I knew my twin was okay with Atsushi hyung helping her.


~Yun Hee POV~


It took me a while to get cleaned up even with Atsushis help but when I was finally finished and back in my room I sighed in relief. I felt clean and fresh again and I smiled softly.

“I brought you another cast. It’s been nearly three weeks since you put pressure on your foot and it’s time to get you used to walking at least, before we can get you back into training.” Atsushi told me and my eyes widened.

“Three weeks? I remember being put under for a week but what has happened afterwards? I don’t remember a thing.” I said.


~Atsushi POV~


I knelt down beside her and took her little hand into mine.

“I know you wouldn’t…we brought you here after you passed out but you caught a really bad cold and had a high fever for most of last eight days. Your fever finally broke yesterday morning and everyone was anticipating you waking up with a clear head. Only Onew and Taemin are here today. The rest are covering for them, so they can be here for you.” I told her and helped her put on the new cast. It would still make it impossible for her to move her knee but it was lighter and I would be able to gradually let her move it more when she became used to walking around again.


~Yun Hee POV~


I listened to Atsushi with wide eyes and nodded a bit. When I had a fever I normally did not remember what happened around me, so I guess it was all right for me to do as Atsushi said.

When I was back in clothes and had the cast around my cloth covered knee, he helped me get up and handed me a pair of crutches. Reluctantly I took them and started to slowly inch my way towards the door. I wanted to explore a little but I had to take it slow because I was still wobbly on my feet.

I heard Atsushi laugh behind me and shot him a glare before I starred at the door as if it would open alone, before I started jiggling with my crutches so I could open the door without putting to much pressure on my injured leg.


~Atsushi POV~


I started to laugh, when she was making her way towards the door with the tempo of a snail. She looked simply to cute when she pouted, then glared and finally started to jiggle her crutches while opening the door. It was too hard for her to ask for help. But I also have to admire her. She was a really independent girl regardless the circumstances. I walked behind her and gestured for her to walk along the corridor towards the open end where she could find the living-room and the kitchen.


~Onew POV~


I was sitting on the sofa staring into the TV in front of me while not really seeing anything that was going on there. Although I probably should have watched since it was an interview with Key and Jonghyun and no one knows what those two will do if they are left to their own devices but well…my mind is just to preoccupied with thoughts of Yun Hee. Kissing her had been amazing and I wanted to do it again and again and again. Her body had molded into mine as if it had been made for me and I wanted to feel her near again. Her brother did not seem to have anything against it otherwise my dongsaeng had told me of regardless me being his leader. He had been feeling protective of her the very moment he learned he had a twin sister.

When I heard someone shuffling along the corridor I turned around to take a look and what I saw made me smile. Yun Hee inched her way along the corridor on crutches, her cute nose scrunched up in concentration and look of slight irritation in her eyes. She was wearing sweatpants and a loose shirt which showed off one of her creamy white shoulders because the collar was so wide. Her feet were covered in a pair of converse chucks and her knee held immobile by a smaller cast which seemed to be way lighter in weight and even as if it could help make her knee mobile once she was recovered enough.


~Yun Hee POV~


I was beyond irritated when I finally made my way into the living-room. I was a little sweaty again but I had finally arrived at the sofa and I let myself fall down beside Onew like I was a sack of potatoes and I put my foot onto the small table, so it wouldn’t hurt my leg to much. I breathed heavily and leaned my head back while closing my eyes. I heard Onew chuckle beside me and then I felt his hand at the side of my face caressing a few stray strands of hair away and kissing my cheek.

I blinked my eyes open and smiled softly. “I’m back on my own two feet, Onew hyung.” I whispered in a gentle voice while letting the crutches rest against the sofa side and turning a bit so I could watch him.


~Onew POV~


“Yes…I see but I still want to carry you around.” I whisper in return and look into her eyes in amazement. She looks so delicate yet so strong. She can cope on her own yet turns to me with this unreadable look in her eyes. I want to know what goes on in her head. I watch her studying me and I do not feel the slightest bit uneasy.


~Yun Hee POV~


I studied him for a long time and found my heart beating faster in my chest. I cocked my head to the side and watched him watching me with curious eyes. His hand was still on my cheek and I leaned into his soft touch, nuzzling my cheek against it. “Hmm…you can do that…but only you.” I answered after endless minutes. It felt good to feel his gentle touches and it made me feel wanted and at home and safe. All feelings I needed ever since my parents death. I bit my lip and seconds later I felt Onews thumb there freeing it.


~Onew POV~


“Don’t…” I whispered and freed her lip with my thumb, before leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “Tell me what’s wrong, Yun Yun. I’ll always listen to you.” I whispered against her lips and I felt her smile softly.


~Yun Hee POV~


“I know, Onew oppa…it’s just…I feel so safe with you and…” I hesitated for a moment before continuing. “...loved…and I don’t want to lose this feeling.”

I cuddled up against his side, sighing softly. I felt his arms around me again and smiled.


~Onew POV~


“I won’t leave you, Yun Yun. I like you way to much to do that.” I answered and put my arms around her. “It’s too early to say I love you, Sweety, but I like you a lot.” I felt her nod against my shoulder and smiled. “So you’re alright with me kissing you and cuddling with you?” I wanted to know and again she nodded before answering softly. “Yeah…I really like that and as long as things don’t get awkward between you and Taemin because of me I’m very much okay with it, Oppa.”

My smile widened and I chuckled.

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quexiyun #1
OOooooh... liking multiple people isn't good for your health. Update soon please!
Uuuuppppddddaaaaattttteeee swweeettyyyy pppllleaaaassseeee
woah... this is getting complicated... she loves Onew yet she still likes Heechul?? Im confused now... update soon unnie key??^^ <br />
<br />
Hwaiting~~ <3^^
she a <br />
who is she really?<br />
what if onew saw ?<br />
then your dumped .
Okay, she doesn't know Yesung? Confused over here! I get Henry and Kyuhyun, but I expected the last one to be Zhou Mi, not Yesung...<br />
I'll wait for the next chapters so you can explain ^^
omo... I want to know what he's going to say!!!! pls oh pls update soon^^<br />
<br />
i luv this story so much kekeke~~<br />
hwaiting unnie~~~^^
Woah~~~~ can you imagine how happy I am??? SUPER JUNI-OH!!!!! Yay~~~^^ sooo cool^^ omg im totally freakin out XD mich'yeo nan xDDD kekekeke~~<br />
nice update unnie pls update soon again key??~~~<br />
hwaiting unnie ~~~<3^^
Yeah! Super Junior in da house!<br />
And now I'm off to the shower and then my soft bed, annyeong!
You're making me curious, I want to know what happens next!
Love how Tae is a protective brother, makes me wish I had an older brother.<br />
Onew is taking it really well, so like I said before, he is a really good boyfriend ^^