Chapter 20


~Eunhyuk POV~


When Yun Hee turned the iPhone towards us and I saw the picture everything in my mind clicked together. Of course, now I knew why I thought for years I was seeing ghosts. Now that I saw her and Taemin together in one picture, facing off against each other while obviously dancing I realized they looked very much alike. But this can only mean one thing… My breathing stoked and I looked up from the phone towards her, just like everyone else.


~Donghae POV~


I took one look at the picture on her phone and my eyes went wide. "Holy …this means…" I began and had to lean against Sungmin for support not that he seems to fare any better. His eyes were wide as saucers and his breathing hitched in his throat.


~Sungmin POV~


Woah…if what I'm thinking is right…dad has come around very much…My breathing hitched in my throat and I felt Donghae lean against me. I turned my head a bit and kissed him quickly onto his soft cheek, before turning back towards our little sister.

"…so he…Taemin…he is?" I couldn't bring myself to voice it.


~Rest of Super Junior~


Our eyes were wide and we all stared at Yun Hee after taking one look at this picture. Some things started to make so much more sense now.


~Yun Hee POV~


When I saw them all staring at me with wide eyes I giggled and put my phone down.

"Yes…Taeminnie is my big brother…my twin brother to be exact…and…our father raised him here in Korea…so yes…he's your brother too. And no…he does not know yet…I did not really have the time to tell him much…he only knows about…you know what." My last words were directed at my brothers who knew why I had left Korea to go back to Japan quite in a hurry three years ago.


~Zhou Mi POV~


I studied this girls' face and I couldn't help myself. I had seen her face before and it wasn't because of Taemin. I leaned forward a bit and she turned around to look at the rest of us, seemingly realizing there were a few faces she did not recognize.


~Yun Hee POV~


I took another look around and realized there were three faces I did not recognize from training together with them. I also have to admit I did not follow their progress here in Korea, because I had enough to do back in Japan and yeah…

I frowned a bit when I found one of them studying me intently. But then I smiled softly. "Hi…for those who don't know me…I'm Lee Yun Hee. Donghaes, Hyukkies and Minnies little half sister…we share our dad" I told them and bowed while still sitting down, because I did not want to make Teukie umma or Kangin appa upset.


~Henry POV~


I observed my hyungs talking to this girl like they knew here and decided to wait until they would decide it was time to tell us who exactly she was. That was until she decided to tell us by herself. I smiled, got up from my seat and bowed.  "Henry Lau… Nice to meet you." I told her and smiled.


~Kyuhyun POV~


I simply bowed in my seat. "Cho Kyuhyun." I told her before going back to playing a game on my PSP.


~Yesung POV~


My eyes widened and I muttered in Chinese "So…that's her…the girl who got her parents killed and also killed a man in cold blood…" before I also bowed and told her "Kim Jong-woon, but you can call me Yesung…like everyone else does."


~Yun Hee POV~


I smiled at Henry. He was cute with his puffy cheeks and I realized when I heard him talking, he was not a native, even though he looked like one.

Kyuhyun was a little bit rude going back to playing with his PSP, but I could forgive him that. He seemed to be the maknae, although I couldn't be too sure about this. He reminded me a bit of Toshiya with his obsession for games and my smile grew wider, before faltering when I heard Yesung mutter in Chinese before he introduced himself.

"…no need to be rude, Yesung-san. News travel fast these days but they are not always accurate. I killed this man in self-defense and I got cleared by the police." I told him in nearly flawless Chinese, which got me wide eyed looks from all around the table. "What? I needed something to occupy my free time after I finished my schooling, so I decided to learn some languages…it's not like Daisuke let me get a contract and work…I was only allowed to do backup work." I pouted.


~Heechul POV~


When she started complaining about only doing backup work I couldn't help myself and started to giggle softly. God. I had missed this girl. I was still head over heels for her and one thing is for sure, she's finally old enough to do what we did back then and she looked even hotter than before.


~Yesung POV~


When she answered me in Chinese my eyes widened a bit and then I only nodded, deciding to get my facts straight, before accusing her of anything. When Heechul started giggling next to her my brow rose and I saw he had that happy, totally smitten look in his eyes and he leaned towards her, gathering her into his arms, before pulling her onto his lap, which she let happen without any complaint.


~Yun Hee POV~


I turned towards Heechul, when he started giggling and pouted a bit more but my only reward was that he pulled me onto his lap.

I decided not to complain, because I enjoyed it there, although I thought of Onew for a moment, before deciding, he wouldn't be to mad with me and even if he was mad with me, than he did not know me enough. I was always surrounded with various boys and some of them meant more to me than others. Like Heechul. He was my first and I was still very much in love with him and by the way he held me, I guess it was the same for him. Oh…that and the bulge under my told me about his feelings.

I smiled and turned a bit on his lap, so I could kiss his cheek. "Missed me much, Chullie?" I wanted to know, but I wasn't prepared for the answer I got.

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quexiyun #1
OOooooh... liking multiple people isn't good for your health. Update soon please!
Uuuuppppddddaaaaattttteeee swweeettyyyy pppllleaaaassseeee
woah... this is getting complicated... she loves Onew yet she still likes Heechul?? Im confused now... update soon unnie key??^^ <br />
<br />
Hwaiting~~ <3^^
she a <br />
who is she really?<br />
what if onew saw ?<br />
then your dumped .
Okay, she doesn't know Yesung? Confused over here! I get Henry and Kyuhyun, but I expected the last one to be Zhou Mi, not Yesung...<br />
I'll wait for the next chapters so you can explain ^^
omo... I want to know what he's going to say!!!! pls oh pls update soon^^<br />
<br />
i luv this story so much kekeke~~<br />
hwaiting unnie~~~^^
Woah~~~~ can you imagine how happy I am??? SUPER JUNI-OH!!!!! Yay~~~^^ sooo cool^^ omg im totally freakin out XD mich'yeo nan xDDD kekekeke~~<br />
nice update unnie pls update soon again key??~~~<br />
hwaiting unnie ~~~<3^^
Yeah! Super Junior in da house!<br />
And now I'm off to the shower and then my soft bed, annyeong!
You're making me curious, I want to know what happens next!
Love how Tae is a protective brother, makes me wish I had an older brother.<br />
Onew is taking it really well, so like I said before, he is a really good boyfriend ^^