Chapter 2

Friends to Couple

MinJee POV
I'll never forget him. But has he forgotten me? I keep asking myself this  ever since my training. He was my best friend. He could of even been my brother. I was around him all the time till a sudden feeling had come to me telling me I should be more then friends.  How could I have been blind? To realize that the one for me was by my side all these years. Through my ups and downs he was always there.

From the past two weeks after my first day, I've been trying to see if there was a way to contact him. The problem was that I had forgotten which entertainment company he was under. So I went to the top companies (the ones I could think of) till I couldn't think of any more.

"Are you sure he wasn't here?" I would ask them. But all answers were the same.

"Sorry he's never been here." or "hes been here but he went to a different company." was what they would tell me. I felt like I was missing one but it never came up.

I spent the rest of my days focusing on my training but I still couldn't get over the fact that I didn't know which company he was under. Was he going solo or was he in a group? It's unlike me to forget these things.


It's been almost a year. Summer was coming again, taking spring's place. Last summer didn't even help me get over him. Because I can't. And the fact I was in the middle of helping a friend with her love life. I couldn't escape the feeling. Every time she would bring it up, I would be a little sensitive but in order to help her through it, I just had to hide it all. I was glad she had a happy ending, but I have yet to get mine.

Who am I kidding? It's been almost a year. He probably has his eyes on someone else. When I think about this, it makes me want to cry. But I then thought back. There was a reason to my action. I would of been the reason why he wouldn't have gotten the opportunity. I just had to let him go because I love him.

Mi-Sun POV
School was almost over. I just couldn't believe it. Summer was just around the corner. After leaving school with a smile, I was glad it was a Friday. Weekends are now my favorite time of the week. Or maybe just being able to go home. Before it was whatever, but now, I actually look forward to going home. Why? Because I'm always greeted by my personal welcome committee. Infinite. My neighbors. They always stand outside waiting for me. I love them so much but mostly Hoya because he's my boyfriend. I never wait for my sisters, Soo-Jin and Soo-Min anymore. They always go straight to SHINee's dorm ever since I've been dating Hoya. Things have changed but is it good?

Soon I arrived home and of course Infinite was there. They all stood outside the door of their dorm. 

"Yay! Sunshine's home!" Sungyeol was the first to notice me approached.

"Hey guys. You didn't wait long like last time did you?" I teased.

"Anio, we just got back from practice actually." Sunggyu said.

"Sunshine you must be tired after long day. Aren't you?" Dongwoo asked.

"Well I am a little." I answered. "I was studying all last night and almost overslept today. But I'm pretty sure I passed."

"That's my girl." Hoya said with a smile. I went over to him and he placed his arm around me. "Then let's get you inside. You can rest if you want."

Everyone went inside. Hoya and I stayed behind for a little bit.

"You're really tired aren't you?" he said. I just nodded. "Do you want me to carry you?"

"No it's okay. But could you keep on holding on to me? I don't want to fall. I feel a little out of it."

"Don't worry Sunshine, I got ya."

As we went inside, I held on to Hoya as if my life depended on it. I really felt like I was going to crash any minute. Studying wasn't the only thing that had me up. Since both of my parents passed away and my two eldest sisters aren't around until they say, I'm left in charge of the twins. Sure we could live with my uncle, but because of my age I have to take care of them and I might as well finish my last year of high school. I feel like my sisters and I shouldn't even live together. We basically sleep at our bfs place. I feel like I never see them anymore...

The point is that Infinite's dorm is my second home. 

"I'm almost done with school." I said as we entered the room.

"I know. But that doesn't mean I'll be free." Hoya said. "I'll probably be still in schedule for more then a week. Maybe two. You know that we've been more popular now."

"I know. But when summer comes and if you guys are on schedule can I come along?" I asked with a pout. 

"You know I can never say no to you when you do that. But we'll have to ask Sunggyu first."

"I'm your girlfriend not his aren't I?"

"We'll discuss this later okay?" Hoya gave me a peck on the cheek. "I'm positive you'll be able to come anyway."

I've been going with them to their live performances a lot lately but if its for over seas, I have to stay in Korea till they come back. Our relationship has yet to be announced to the public. But the CEO and their managers all accepted it. Its a good thing they all like me. Over the year we've been careful so that nobody was suspicious about it. So far it hasn't happened, yet. I'm mostly terrified by the Inspirits though. That's the reason why I'm holding it off. Announcing it anyway. So far out of my sisters' realtionships, I've been the most careful. Hopefully it stays that way.

When we entered the dorm, the first thing I noticed was that Sungjong was sitting quietly in the corner. He seemed to be the only one who didn't look excited to see me. Which was weird because he would usually be the first to start a conversation with me. It also freaked me out because it looked like he was going to be sick. I came over to him and asked if he was okay. Sungjong didn't answer me till I shouted his name a couple times. When he finally responded, Sungjong refused to tell what was really wrong. I then went to Sunggyu and asked if Sungjong has been spacing out lately.

"He has been a little bit." he answered. "But I don't know what's wrong with him. He's been doing that from the past three weeks."

"Actually hyung, Sungjongie's been like that for six weeks." Sungyeol said.

"Six weeks?" I gasped. "How come I just noticed now?"

"He's been only doing it while we were out. One time he was like that when you called Hoya on Monday."

"It was a Tuesday not Monday." Sunggyu said.

"No it wasn't. It was Monday." Woohyun butted in. "I'm pretty sure it was."

"All of you are wrong. It was Tuesday!"

"Monday!" they all said to their leader.

Obviously, Sunggyu was for sure he was right and just couldn't take the fact that he was wrong. So it was all the members vs him. I rolled my eyes. They were all wrong anyway. It was Friday. I remember because it was no wonder I didn't hear Sungjong's voice during that time. He's usually the most lound on the phone and is sometimes arguing with another memeber. I took another look at him. He continued to sit quietly playing with his phone. This worries me. What is wrong with Sungjong?

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Chapter 22 is up. But I'll be editing some stuff like the font. Everything will remain the same.


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Iqahh_Firqahh #1
The girl must be Jiae!!! Randommmmm
Chapter 20: Let them meet already!!! Lol
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 19: Update soon~!
Smileonce133 #4
Chapter 18: LOL late much Minjee
Chapter 17: Yes yes yes! It is lee sungjong! Thanks for the update!
Inspirit93 #6
Chapter 17: Ohh I wonder what her reaction will be! Update when you can ^^
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 16: Ohh I wonder is it's MinJee...I'll find out soon so update when you can :)
Inspirit93 #8
Chapter 14: Update soon~! ^^
Chapter 13: Update soon!! Btw, im a new reader here :D
Inspirit93 #10
Chapter 13: I wonder who the girl was :o anyways update when you can :)