Chapter 12

Friends to Couple

Sungjong POV
I had the poem close to me so that it wouldn't go away. As I opened my eyes, I found myself still at the park, sitting at the swings. It came to me that I have slept over night. I just didn't think how worried my members were going to be. When I got a phone call from Hoya, I could hear all of them asking me where I was in the background. The weird thing was that none of them seemed mad. At least that's what I hope...

"Sungjongie are you sure you don't want us to come and get you?" Hoya asked.

"I'm fine hyung. I'll be home in ten minutes. I promise." I answered.

"Be careful alright? Who knows who's up at this hour." Dongwoo said.

"But its 8 in the morning."

"Oh you know what he means. Just get here before Mi-Sun does. I think she's coming to check on you before she hangs out with her sisters." Sungyeol said.

"Alright I'll hurry." After hanging up, I took one more look at the park, placed the poem in my pocket and headed back to the dorm. All I really wanted to do was just walk slowly and enjoy the beautiful morning, but since they said Mi-Sun was coming, I had to walk fast.

It then came to me that my members were actually worried about me not being home. Why did they suddenly feel that way? Did they recollected themselves and started to care about me? Well that's kind of doubtful. When I arrived back to the dorm, I opened the door and as I entered the room, everyone stared at me.

"Uh... I'm guessing I'm in trouble?" I said awkwardly, closing the door behind me.
"Anio. Where did you get that idea?" Hoya asked.

"Well I just thought—" I paused. "Nevermind. I'll just be in my room."

"Hold it right there. We're not finished here."

I slowly walked towards them. "What's this about?"

"Sungjongie we had a discussion and we don't like seeing you depressed. So we're putting everything aside to help you out." Dongwoo explained.

"Yeah I mean we're a group. We should be helping you get though things. Not ignoring you and let one person do all the work."Woohyun added.

I looked at Hoya. "You told them didn't you?"

"It's better to tell them now then not at all." he said. "Besides I had to at least get them involved. If they didn't know then what was the point?"

I knew at this point there was no point in arguing. I sighed. "Okay. I'll allow this, but only if our leader doesn't act like he cares. He needs to mean it."

We all turned to Sunggyu, who was mainly the quiet one. It doesn't surprise me that he hasn't said anything because obviously this deals with me. I know what he's thinking. 'I don't see why I have to care about this. It shouldnt be my problem. Sungjong just needs to get over it.' 

Sunggyu kept looking towards the side or the floor. No words had come out of hime yet.

"Come on hyung. We talked about this." Hoya said. 

"Alright fine. Fine. I won't act. I'll mean it. I promise."

"Now that doesn't really sound convincing." a voice said.

We all turned and saw Mi-Sun at the door. She then started to clap in a sarcastically way.

"Bravo. Almost all of you are willing to help out your maknae. What's it going to take for it to be all of you?"

We were silent. How long was she standing there? Was Mi-Sun here the whole time? Not even the other knew. I could tell because their eyes were widen and jaws were dropped. After a long silence, I spoke.

"Sunshine were you here the whole time?"

"You think I don't know?" she passed me and looked at everyone else but mostly at Sunggyu. "Seriously guys, there will be no satisfaction from me if I don't see everyone doing their part. This goes for you Matrue One, especially. I mean it."

"Alright alright. I promise I wont act. Just stop giving me that look. You know it scares me." Sunggyu said.
I smiled. And laughed a little. When Mi-Sun gives Sunggyu the "look", he just can't argue with her. No one can. I think I'm the only one who hasn't been given it yet. Everyone else has but it's mostly Sunggyu. No surprise.

"Well, now that's out of the way, I shall be off." Mi-Sun headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Remember I told you I'm spending with my sisters today. Eun-Mi has dinner plans for tonight anyway so don't worry I'll be back around dinner time. No one better have their feelings hurt when I come back." she then left.

Now what was I supposed to do while Mi-Sun was gone? Silence was once again surrounding the room. Today we had no schedule and no practice and this was the first time Mi-Sun was gone on these days. It was weird. I'm so use to her being here that I don't remember the last time we did something with just us.

I put my hands in my pocket and felt the poem. I wanted to look at it but I didn't want them to see. So I slowly made my way to my room.
"Sungjongie, what are you doing?" Woohyun asked as the other looked at me.
"I'd like to be alone for bit. I promise I wont stay in bed all day like I did last time. I just need fifteen minutes for myself."

"Take all the time you need." L said.

After closing the door behind me, I took out the poem and read it again and again. I sighed. I just couldn't believe I was so close in seeing her again. Why did she have to run off? Did I really scare her? Is that why she left? Oh MinJee this isn't like you, what happened to your tough side?

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Chapter 22 is up. But I'll be editing some stuff like the font. Everything will remain the same.


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Iqahh_Firqahh #1
The girl must be Jiae!!! Randommmmm
Chapter 20: Let them meet already!!! Lol
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 19: Update soon~!
Smileonce133 #4
Chapter 18: LOL late much Minjee
Chapter 17: Yes yes yes! It is lee sungjong! Thanks for the update!
Inspirit93 #6
Chapter 17: Ohh I wonder what her reaction will be! Update when you can ^^
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 16: Ohh I wonder is it's MinJee...I'll find out soon so update when you can :)
Inspirit93 #8
Chapter 14: Update soon~! ^^
Chapter 13: Update soon!! Btw, im a new reader here :D
Inspirit93 #10
Chapter 13: I wonder who the girl was :o anyways update when you can :)