Chapter 14

Friends to Couple

Sungjong POV
That was so embarrassing. I thought that girl was Mi-Sun but when I looked at her hand, I noticed she wasn't wearing a ring and Mi-Sun always wears it. No matter what. I know this because Hoya always asks Mi-Sun if she's wearing it which of course she is.

Back to that girl, I just couldn't believe how much she and Mi-Sun were alike. I could of sworn it was her. It was no wonder why she had clothes on that didn't fit her style and wasn't with her sisters at all. Plus I'm pretty sure she had a birth mark of a music note on her wrist. If that wasn't my imagination then...

Am I really losing it? No that can't be it. So I'm not crazy. I'm just an idiot. Now I remember what MinJee looks like. She looks like Mi-Sun. It takes me this long to realize this. Minjee was right there. It was no wonder why when I first met Mi-Sun I had my very first flashback. I thought it was just a one time thing and completely ignored it. And no one else can have a birth mark shaped almost exactly like a  music note on the left wrist.

I quickly search for Mi-Sun. With my discovery in mind, I now feel frustrated till someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turn around.

"Sungjong what are you doing here?" 

I turn around. "MinJee?"

"Cute One, don't you know me. I'm Mi-Sun. Why would you think I'm MinJee?"

I grabbed her left arm and looked at her wrist. No birth mark. "Oh sorry Sunshine..."

"The others didn't hurt your feelings did they?"

"Anio. I promise they didn't." I said making sure she was calm.

"Well why are you here alone?"

"To be honest, Sunshine you're going to think this is a stupid reason. And just to let you know Hoya and I were aganist this."

"Does it deal with spying on me?"
I nodded my head in response.

Mi-Sun sighed. "Well I should of saw this coming. So for sure you and Hoya didn't want to do this?"

"We just wanted to stay home till you came back. Apparently, the others can't wait that long. I'm sorry Sunshine. I really wanted to give a break from me but they we all had to go."

"It's okay Cute One I understand everyhing. I wont blame you or Hoya. I'll have to deal with the others later. I'll see you when I get back okay."

"Wait what about—"

"It's alright. I kinda figured you guys would do this so it's fine. When you get with them, make sure everyone goes home. And that's from me." she then disappeared into the crowd, leaving my mouth hanged open because I wanted to tell her about Minjee. Guess I'll just tell her when she comes back to the dorm. As soon as I got my phone out, Hoya was calling.

"Did you find her yet?" he asked.

"Ne. Don't worry I told her. She said we need to go home. Now."

"Good. Because everyone else is giving up. Plus I'm glad you found Mi-Sun. I thought Woohyun found her. He ran into a Mi-Sun look alike. I almost thought it was her myself."

'That was MinJee' was what I wanted to say. But in order to make sure it was, I said nothing about it.

"Just meet us back at the dorms." Hoya said. "And no distractions.

"Ne. I'll go straight." 

After hanging up, I looked back. Mi-Sun and MinJee were no longer around.  This was just a dissapointing day. I don't know how bad, but it just felt the worst ever. I passed by the park and was hesitant to go there. 'Hoya said no distractions. Better not go to be safe.' I took another glance then just quickly walked away. 'Mi-Sun better come home soon.'

MinJee POV
To many times have I bumped into people. I really have a problem with that. I remember running into Eun-Mi so many times when I first met her. I thought it was the last time I'd be doing that. But no I ran into three people today. That must be my new thing now. Bumping into people on accident.

First it was that guy who I think was at the park. I really wish I looked up so I could ask about my poem. The second time was when I was trying to find that guy again. I had bumped heads with another guy.

"Mi-Sun? Is that you?" he asked.

"That's not my name. It's MinJee." I told him as I saw the group he was with were behind him. "You must of mistaken me for someone else..."

"Oh really? I'm sorry, you just look like someone I know."

"Come on Woohyun it's time to give up. We might as well as go find our maknae and go home..." one of them said.

"Alright, maybe we should of just stayed till she came back."

"That's what I was trying to tell you guys but no you all just ignore it." another said.

"Sorry again for thinking you were someone else." Woohyun said as he and his group left.

Mi-Sun? That's Eun-Mi's sister's name. What connection could she possibly have with them? And do I really look like Mi-Sun? Why do I gave a feeling that she really does? 

I gave up looking up for that guy and just headed back to the shop. Although my head was up this time, I had again bumped into another person. Only this time, it was a girl.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to! Honest!" she said.

"Ani. It's fine. Don't give it a second thought." I told her.

"Are you sure? I really feel bad."

"Ne. I've been bumping into so many people lately. I'm kind of used to it."

She giggled. "Well let me at least help you with all of this. So what's your—"

Our eyes had just met. Why does this girl look like me? I bet this was Mi-Sun.

"Um I just realized that I need to go. Again, sorry for running into you." she handed me my bag and ran off.

Before I could call out to her, she had already left. For sure I knew that was Mi-Sun. And Eun-Mi wasn't kidding. She did look like me. It was as if I was looking into a mirror. I should of told her some boys were looking for her. Then again I had so many questions to ask her. I guess I could ask Eun-Mi about this. I'll be able to tell her tonight.

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Chapter 22 is up. But I'll be editing some stuff like the font. Everything will remain the same.


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Iqahh_Firqahh #1
The girl must be Jiae!!! Randommmmm
Chapter 20: Let them meet already!!! Lol
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 19: Update soon~!
Smileonce133 #4
Chapter 18: LOL late much Minjee
Chapter 17: Yes yes yes! It is lee sungjong! Thanks for the update!
Inspirit93 #6
Chapter 17: Ohh I wonder what her reaction will be! Update when you can ^^
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 16: Ohh I wonder is it's MinJee...I'll find out soon so update when you can :)
Inspirit93 #8
Chapter 14: Update soon~! ^^
Chapter 13: Update soon!! Btw, im a new reader here :D
Inspirit93 #10
Chapter 13: I wonder who the girl was :o anyways update when you can :)