Chapter 4

Friends to Couple

Mi-Sun POV
When I came home, I expected to see the twins' room empty, but I actually found them lying on their beds. Usually they would be at SHINee's dorm for the weekend.

After getting ready for bed, I turned off my light and just stared at the ceiling. My thoughts were back to Sungjong. I really do worry about him. What could be the reason why he's been not focusing? Has this type of behavior happened before? Question after question kept booming into my head till I told myself to just calm down. I needed sleep. I slowly closed my eyes and right away I was in deep sleep.

~ ~ ~

Soon I was dreaming. The setting was unrecognizable. I had no idea where I was. I was walking down the rode till I saw Sungjong from a distance. I had even yelled his name and he couldn't hear me. Was I invisible? Then I noticed a girl who sat by him. I got a closer look to see if I knew her. The two of them were laughing and smileing. They were even holding hands. Which I didn't see coming at all. Closer and closer I got, I still didn't get a chance to see the girl's face. I couldn't even hear their conversation. I came a little closer till the girl stood up. A sudden gush of wind blew her hair away. As I looked at her, my eyes widen.

I woke up with a scream and sat up quickly. My head then started to hurt. As I my light, I heard footsteps. It was three in the morning. Who could be coming at this time?

"Mi-Sun are you okay? What's wrong?" Hoya came and sat next to me. The rest of Infinite came in followed by my sisters.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I answered feeling a little dizzy. "Wait how'd you guys get in here?"

"Your sisters came and got us." Sungyeol said.

"You were talking loudly in your sleep. We tried waking you up but you didn't respond." Soo-Min explained.

"So we went to get some help. Infinite was the closest." Soo-Jin added.

"We heard you scream right when we opened the door." Hoya said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

At that time, I didn't know how to respond. I looked at Sungjong who handed me a glass of water. My dream was just had to be my imagination. But why did it seem so real? That girl. It couldn't have been me...

For the rest of the night, Hoya decided to stay over at my place. Even though he was with me, I still couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about my dream. It was just so wired. Sungjong. Plus a girl that looked like me? What the heck does it all mean?


The next morning, I had the feeling of lack of sleep. I yawned like every second and was completely unfocused. If people weren't watching me, I would've been runned over by a car.

"Sunshine you really don't look so good." Hoya said as we entered the practice room. "Are you sure you want to be here?"

"I'm fine. Stop worrying." I told him but to be honest I felt horrible. But I just had to find out was wrong with Sungjong. So that I can get over thinking that dream. "Just go talk to him."

"Alright if you say so. But remember no more late night studying. I think you doing that really made you a little out of it."

I continued to sit quietly as Hoya went to talk to Sungjong. My eyes were suddenly feeling heavy. I did my best to stay awake but within a second I was out like a light.

Sungjong POV
Last night, Mi-Sun had a bad dream. She didn't tell us. Which was okay I guess. I mean she doesn't have to tell us if she wanted to. And speaking of dreams, I've been having the same one over and over. A girl would call out to me saying "Come back to me. You know where to find me."

Was this dream trying to tell me something? Because I was not receiving the message. And I had no idea who that girl was. I mean she looks familiar but I just don't know who she is. Plus she just runs off in the end like she knows where I can find her. This dream just doesn't make sense.

While taking break, I sat in the corner and just stared at my phone. I just had this feeling like I needed to call someone. Or someone had to call me. I kept making a new message but left the contact blank. I sighed and canceled the message for the tenth time. Why can't I figure out things lately? After putting my phone down, I heard footsteps. I didn't want to look up but my head automatically moved upward. It was Hoya standing before me.

"Hey Sungjong. Mind if I join you?" he asked. All I did was nod my head but I kind of wanted to be alone though. Hoya sat in front me. "Why are you by yourself?"

"I don't really want to talk about it..." I answered, looking down.

"Sungjong look, I'm just going straight to it. Mi-Sun wanted me talk to you about what's wrong. I mean you've been losing your focus. Can't you at least tell me why?"

"Hyung, please don't make this difficult then it looks. I really really don't want to talk about this..."

"Why not? You don't trust me? Am I not worthy enough to know what goes on in your mind."

Hoya then gave me a look that only Sunggyu would give when he's "punishing" me. Only this time it looked a little more intimidating. I felt his stare burn right through me.

"Alright fine. You got me. Geez are you happy now." I huffed.

Hoya laughed a little. "I knew it. Now come on. Tell me."

"Can we do it later? I don't feel comfortable talking about it here... But I promise I'll tell you."

"Fine. At the dorm then. You better not forget or I'll have to remind you."

We then heard Sunggyu call us over to continue practice. After Hoya got up he held out his hand. "Kaja. We got work to do."

I grabbed it and stood. As we went to the others, we all turned to Mi-Sun who was sleeping away. Hopefully she wouldn't talk in her sleep while we practice. Before the song began, I looked at Mi-Sun once more. Then the girl from my dream was coming back. It then hit me; the two looked the same. But I still didn't understand any of it.

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Chapter 22 is up. But I'll be editing some stuff like the font. Everything will remain the same.


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Iqahh_Firqahh #1
The girl must be Jiae!!! Randommmmm
Chapter 20: Let them meet already!!! Lol
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 19: Update soon~!
Smileonce133 #4
Chapter 18: LOL late much Minjee
Chapter 17: Yes yes yes! It is lee sungjong! Thanks for the update!
Inspirit93 #6
Chapter 17: Ohh I wonder what her reaction will be! Update when you can ^^
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 16: Ohh I wonder is it's MinJee...I'll find out soon so update when you can :)
Inspirit93 #8
Chapter 14: Update soon~! ^^
Chapter 13: Update soon!! Btw, im a new reader here :D
Inspirit93 #10
Chapter 13: I wonder who the girl was :o anyways update when you can :)