Chapter 22

Friends to Couple

When MinJee and Sungjong reached the park, the first thing they did was go on the jungle gym. It was just like old times, but instead of chasing an imaginary monster away, Sungjong was playfully chased after MinJee since she pulled his hood over his eyes. After running around for a long time, the two sat on the swings. Sungjong then reached into his pocket and took out MinJee's poem.

"Here." he handed it to her. "I assume you've been looking for this."

"Wah! So you did have it." she sighed with relief. "I was scared somebody else had it."

"But you were here when you dropped it. Why did you run away?"

"I don't know. I had a feeling it was you calling out but I guess I was just scared to face you. Or maybe I was just too shocked that you had came here..."

"I had a feeling you were here as well. But I just wanted to make sure."

"Funny how we both have the same mind."

"Maybe that's why our birthday's are  on the same day."

"But you're still older then me."

"By fifteen minutes. It shouldn't matter to you anyway. Remember you always acted the oldest."

There was a moment of silence between them before they spoke to eachother again.

"I'm sorry." Sungjong said suddenly.

"For what?" MinJee asked.

"About forgetting you. If I had remembered, none of this nonsense would of happened." he looked down.

"Don't feel bad about it. Half of it is my fault as well. If I hadn't let you go easily..."

Sungjong looked at her. "What are you talking about?"

"When you got called to do your training, I had a way of not letting you do it." she sighed. "But, I knew it wouldn't be right. And at the same time, I had feelings for you. So because I loved you, I had to let you go..."

"You really did? I just thought you did that for the sake of our friendship."

MinJee gave a half smile. "I thought it was. But love was something that had taken over me. Which made me let go too easily."

"How's about we don't talk about our past anymore. And just relive it?" Sungjong then stood up. "I'll be your prince, for real this time."

MinJee brightly smiled and stood. "Then shall we go to our palace to talk some more."
"I shall you there." Sungjong held out his hand.
After telling each other stories they've done over the years they were apart, Mi-Sun called them to say it was time to come back. Infinite had a big schedule coming up and Sungjong needed all the rest he could get. 
"I guess we have to leave now." MinJee sighed.
"What's wrong?" Sungjong asked.
"Well since we're finally together, I was hoping we do more things, but I keep forgetting you're in a group now. I bet you're busy nowadays so we'll barely see each other. Plus we're in different companies—"
"MinJee stop. You make it sound we're going to be separated forever." he places his hands on her shoulders. "But listen here. We're not okay. I don't want you thinking negative. Ever. No matter how far apart we are, we'll still have each other."
She grinned brightly. "Alright, I understand."
"Besides, you'll have Mi-Sun to keep you company. She'll tell you how she deals with us being away. Now let's go. The others don't like waiting."
"Sungjong wait." MinJee tugged on his sleeve before they started to leave.
"Bwoh?" as he faced her, she gently placed her lips over his.
After they released, MinJee said, "Now we can go."
Hand in hand, the two happily walked back to the dorm. They took one last look at the park then didn't turn back. We'll return here. Someday. They both thought. Little did they know it was the last time they ever went back to the park due to always being busy. Days become mouths and they still never went back. 
On the bright side, their releationship grows stronger. And will forever love each other till the very end.
As for the park, it was soon abandoned yet it was never torn down. The bars and swings soon became rusty. Everyone who passed by it didn't even take a glance as if the park was never there in the first place. 
One windy night, when the full moon shined on the park only, two paper airplanes landed on top of the jungle gym and remained there every season of the year.
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Chapter 22 is up. But I'll be editing some stuff like the font. Everything will remain the same.


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Iqahh_Firqahh #1
The girl must be Jiae!!! Randommmmm
Chapter 20: Let them meet already!!! Lol
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 19: Update soon~!
Smileonce133 #4
Chapter 18: LOL late much Minjee
Chapter 17: Yes yes yes! It is lee sungjong! Thanks for the update!
Inspirit93 #6
Chapter 17: Ohh I wonder what her reaction will be! Update when you can ^^
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 16: Ohh I wonder is it's MinJee...I'll find out soon so update when you can :)
Inspirit93 #8
Chapter 14: Update soon~! ^^
Chapter 13: Update soon!! Btw, im a new reader here :D
Inspirit93 #10
Chapter 13: I wonder who the girl was :o anyways update when you can :)