Chapter 9

Double Identity

~Sang Hee POV~

"Sang Hee-ah, would you like to eat dinner now?" Jin Sook asked after my parents left. I declined then retreated to my room. I closed my door with a sigh. I've always wanted to tell my parents that I don't enjoy piano that it's more for them then it is for me. I'm too scared though. My parents are quite intimidating people I can't even remember the last time they even smiled at me. 




My thoughts were interupted my phone ringing. I picked up my phone and answered,"Yeobosayo?"


"Sang Hee?" Minhyuk asked from the other line.




"Where are you? I thougt you were coming today,"


"Sorry Minhyuk-ah I may not be able to go to the concerts as frequent for the next month or so,"


"MWOH!?! WAEE~??"


"Mianhe, Minhyuk-ah, I'll still come but, maybe just two times a week for now,"




*. I don't really want to tell him. I'm afraid he'll treat me differently* "Mianhe again, Minhyuk-ah I can't exactly tell you that..."


"Oh? Well, CNBLUE'S about to perform now I'll see you later araso?"




"Bye Sang Hee-ah~"


"Bye~" I hung up.


I sighed I didn't really enjoy keeping this secret from everyone. I'm just afraid of what they'll think. Everyone at school thinks I'm sweet, polite ,and cute with the exception of Jiyeon of course. While, CNBLUE and a few others back at the underground concerts know the real me but, don't know anything about my life outside of the concerts. I just wished I had someone who knew everything.Someone I didn't have to hide anything from them. Someone who would understand.


~Kris POV~

School started out as usual. During class I gave Sang Hee a few glances to make sure she's ok. She seemed fine. About 15 minutes or so into class Sang Hee left. I heard Jiyeon snort **. 


Lunch came.I arrived at the cafeteria to find it nearly empty. Sehun came running towards me,"Hyung what are you doing here come with me!" Sehun grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards heaven-knows-where.


"What the hell? Where are you taking me Sehun?" I asked.


"We're going to the audotorium, I heard Sang Hee's playing piano there, I think she's practicing for the showcase," Sehun said still dragging me.


"Piano huh?" 


"Yup. You're really in for it Hyung Sang Hee plays piano like an angel," *She sings like an angel too* we arrived at the audotorium where we saw a huge group of students watching Sang Hee.We spotted EXO-K and strode over. I watched Sang Hee glide her fingers over the piano. I had to admit she did play piano well. But, I could tell she enjoyed   singing much more. She had more passion when she sang.


~Sang Hee POV~

I stayed in the basement for a while then went to the audotorium to practice the piece my parents had given me. Soon students started piling into the audotorium playing piano.


"Wahh~ She's so talented~"


"She looks like such an angel when she plays,"


"I heard there's going to be a scout from Julliard. She's definitely going to get accepted,"


This is one of the reasons I'm afraid of revealing that in reality I don't enjoy piano as everyone thinks. My parents aren't the only one counting on me teachers even students are counting on me as well. How would they react if they found out? I shook off the thoughts and focused on the piano piece. In the corner of my eye I saw EXO-K. All of them stared at me with admiring eyes except, Kris....? Those shining black orbs seemed to be studying me I had never been nervous playing piano infront of anyone but, this was the first time ever that I was. *What the hell is wrong with me? Damn you Kris Wu.* I finished the piece then scurried off into the school basement dropping by my locker to grab my lunch.


I ate in the basement wanting to be alone. Eating my Kimbap I heard a small shuffle of feet. *HOLY EFFIN SHISUS. WHO THE HELL COULD THAT BE?? WHAT IF IT'S JIYEON??* Mt thoughts were interupted with another shuffle of feet. With wide eyes I sat there frozen hoping the person would go away.I heard footsteps going back upstairs. *Hopefully they didn't see me*. I continued strumming my guitar while finishing off my lunch. I was looking down focusing on my guitar with a pice of kimbap between my teeth. Suddenly a shadow cast over me. I looked up shocked. I was face to face with,Kris.


"Personally, I think you should sing while playing that guitar of yours for the showcase,"


Sorry for not updating for two days ;_; please forgive me TT^TT

I went to Canada for the weekend. We went to Victoria. Once again I'm SO sorry for not updating for two days straight ;_;

Please comment telling me what you think~ :)

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Sorry I haven't been updating Double Identity lately.. WRITER'S BLOCK IS A REAL H XP


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Chapter 33: Ahh ! This story was so good :D I can't wait for the sequel XD
Chapter 33: oh my gosh! this was lovely! it's my first encounter with a person who's both a boice and an exotic like i am :D
Chapter 33: gaaah! daebaaaak! XD me likey likey!
Omhoon! I love this story!!! XD
Read it all in one seating~
I'm waiting for the sequel! XD
Chapter 33: To all you guys that are upset of the abrupt ending, DON'T WORRY! I will write a sequel. When? Idk. BUT I WILL WRITE A SEQUEL! :D
haeyeol28 #6
Chapter 33: Love your fiction so much!! Thank you for sharing this fiction of yours. It was really beautiful :))
Chapter 33: awww, what an unexpected ending!
i wish you can still continue their 'love story', what'll happen to EXO-K and EXO-M....
anyway, you did a good job, author-nim!
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 33: Such an unexpected ending D;

So abrupt! So sad it's over already!

lunaluna #9
Chapter 33: auwwwwwwwwww thank you for making this story<3