Chapter 28

Double Identity

~Kris POV~
   As soon as class ended I bolted out of the classroom. As I walked swiftly (more like ran) in the hallway I could hear Baekhyun calling me from he other end of the hallway. I didn't respond though. I was about to drop my books off at my locker when I realized it's right next to Baekhyun's. *Whatever. Forget my locker then.* I burst through the doors and quickly made my way towards my car. Then drove off to Naksan Park.


~Sang Hee POV~

    After school ended I looked for Kris but, I couldn't find him anywhere. I had even asked Sehun and he didn't even know either. I frown. *Whatever..I'll just meet him at Naksan..* I looked at the time on my phone- 3:05. I texted Jae Hee:

         To: Jae Hee

              I'm gonna be going to Naksan Park today so you don't have to pick me up(:

          From: Sang Hee

I walked to the cafe grabbing a smoothie. I then walked to the nearest bus stop. I chose a window seat and looked out.


~Kris POV~

    I got to Naksan fiddling with my fingers as I waited on a nearby bench. *I hope she finds me I mean, Naksan is a pretty big park..* I then took a deep breath calming my breath hoping for the best.


~Sang Hee POV~

  4:13. I walked around Naksan by now I had already finished my smoothie. *Where is he...-oh! There he is!* I walked towards him. When I had gotten to him his face brightened. "Sang Hee!You're here!"

   "Yeah, I'm here," I replied."You were the one who sent me the letter, right?"

   "Yeah, good thing you found out," Kris let out a sigh of relief.

   "Seriously, Kris? Wu Yi Fan?" I gave him a incredulous looks. Kris rubbed his neck letting out an awkward laugh."So, why are we here?" I asked, curious.


~Kris POV~

  *. I didn't think this would be that hard.* "Well, y-you see, I wanted to a-ask you i-if..if..i-if.."

  "Come on Kris we don't have all day," Sang Hee punched my arm playfully, "Come on just say it."

  "Willyoupleasegoonadatewithme?" I quickly spit out.

  "Wait..What'd you say?" she asked.

 " please go on a date with me," I said slowly I looked down, "Please?"


~Sang Hee POV~

 OMFG. Is Kris asking me what I think he's asking me? He looked up then looked up at me, "Please,Sang Hee?" *How the hell could I not turn that down?*

 "Sure," I answered Kris pleading face brightened.

 "Chincha?" Kris asked grinning.

 "Yeah, where do you wanna go?" I asked, excited. An even larger grin came upon Kris' gorgeous face.



hai guise sorry for going MIA on this fanfic WRITER'S BLOCK IS SUCH A DAMN HH D: 


Thanks for Reading~!

Please tell me what you think~!!(:







p.s. please check out my new fanfic(espicially for you boices:D):Burning, Lovely ,Untouchable, & Emotional.

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Sorry I haven't been updating Double Identity lately.. WRITER'S BLOCK IS A REAL H XP


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Chapter 33: Ahh ! This story was so good :D I can't wait for the sequel XD
Chapter 33: oh my gosh! this was lovely! it's my first encounter with a person who's both a boice and an exotic like i am :D
Chapter 33: gaaah! daebaaaak! XD me likey likey!
Omhoon! I love this story!!! XD
Read it all in one seating~
I'm waiting for the sequel! XD
Chapter 33: To all you guys that are upset of the abrupt ending, DON'T WORRY! I will write a sequel. When? Idk. BUT I WILL WRITE A SEQUEL! :D
haeyeol28 #6
Chapter 33: Love your fiction so much!! Thank you for sharing this fiction of yours. It was really beautiful :))
Chapter 33: awww, what an unexpected ending!
i wish you can still continue their 'love story', what'll happen to EXO-K and EXO-M....
anyway, you did a good job, author-nim!
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 33: Such an unexpected ending D;

So abrupt! So sad it's over already!

lunaluna #9
Chapter 33: auwwwwwwwwww thank you for making this story<3