Chapter 30

Double Identity

~Sang Hee POV~

I woke up as usual then got ready for school (with the help of Jinsuk). Jae Hee then drove me to school. I walked inside as usual the news of me breaking both of my hands had died down but, some people every now and then still pointed then whispered. I got to my locker. *Damn it... Can't even open my own locker...* I then noticed another rock preventing my locker from opening. "Your Welcome. -Kris" the rock read. I smiled crept upon my face. I don't know about Kris's and I's relationship right now, I mean he did confess to me and I did accept it so I geuss we're I shrugged the thought off and awkwardly tried opening my locker. I somewhat managed to get the books I needed for class when I felt a prescence behind me. I turned around. My face brightened. "Kris," I breathed, a smile lit my face. Though, I didn't get a greeting back. Kris then pulled me into a warm hug my hair softly.

"Good morning, Sang Hee," he whispered in my ear. I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach at how sweet he was. I then felt the piercing stares of everyone in the hallway and a certain, Park Jiyeon.  I wriggled under Kris's embrace, reluctantly. I noticed the disappointed etched on his face. I tilted my head towards Jiyeon who was absolutely fuming by now , coming closer to us. Her little group of friends and her walked up to us. 

"Hi Kris-Oppa~," she cooed. Kris and I both rolled our eyes. "If you don't mind me asking, are you and Sang Hee dating?" she asked. I looked at Kris. *Are we dating?* I wondered myself. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Actually, we are," Kris said. I glanced over at Jiyeon who looked like she was about to burst but, then quickly composed herself. 

"Wae, Oppa? You don't have to date if you only feel sorry for her since she's now a useless nobody," she said curling a strand of her hair with her pedicured finger. 

"Actually, Jiyeon, I'm dating Sang Hee, because she's pretty, smart, funny, talented, and a warm hearted person. A far cry from the cold hearted, two faced you are," Kris said proudly. I nearly blushed at Kris's words while, Jiyeon turned red from embarrassment.

"Well, just in case Sang Hee gets too boring for you, I'll be waiting, Oppa," she said with a greasy wink then sauntered off her little group of friends trailing behind. 

"God, I hate that ," I muttered, though Kris managed to hear me as well.

"Same here. Kaja, we should get to class," he suggested, I nodded then we both walked down the hallway.Class began and Ssem Lee said she had some important announcements.

"Due to certain circumstances, the date of the showcase will be forwarded to this week, this friday to be exact," Ssem Lee announced, the whole class buzzed with excitement and nervousness. "I understand that shortens the time it gives you all so I suggest you practice hard this whole week," she said. Afterwards Ssem Lee began class though, I didn't exactly pay attention I was too nervous. *I know I've decided to sing instead of do that piano piece yet, I'm stil nervous. What will my parents do to me when they see me at the showcase?*



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Sorry I haven't been updating Double Identity lately.. WRITER'S BLOCK IS A REAL H XP


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Chapter 33: Ahh ! This story was so good :D I can't wait for the sequel XD
Chapter 33: oh my gosh! this was lovely! it's my first encounter with a person who's both a boice and an exotic like i am :D
Chapter 33: gaaah! daebaaaak! XD me likey likey!
Omhoon! I love this story!!! XD
Read it all in one seating~
I'm waiting for the sequel! XD
Chapter 33: To all you guys that are upset of the abrupt ending, DON'T WORRY! I will write a sequel. When? Idk. BUT I WILL WRITE A SEQUEL! :D
haeyeol28 #6
Chapter 33: Love your fiction so much!! Thank you for sharing this fiction of yours. It was really beautiful :))
Chapter 33: awww, what an unexpected ending!
i wish you can still continue their 'love story', what'll happen to EXO-K and EXO-M....
anyway, you did a good job, author-nim!
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 33: Such an unexpected ending D;

So abrupt! So sad it's over already!

lunaluna #9
Chapter 33: auwwwwwwwwww thank you for making this story<3