Chapter 19

Double Identity

~Sang Hee POV~

Lunch ended and we all headed back to our classrooms. Kris and I were  walking to class Baekhyun had gone ahead cause I had to go to my locker. "So how long do you plan to stay for class?" Kris asked jokingly.


"Maybe a good 15 fifteen minutes," I laughed, "Why? Do you plan on faking a stomach ache again?


"No, I think a tooth ache would be more believable," Kris laughed I laughed along with him. We walked into class I earned a few glares from Jiyeon and her 'friends'. I sat in my seat when Kris sat in the empty seat beside me. 


"Wait, why are you sitting here?" I asked.


"Why? Is it wrong for someone to sit beside there friend?" Kris winked which involuntarily made my heart flutter.


"You do realize I'm just going to end up leaving 15 minutes into class plus, what about Baekhyun?"


Kris looked behind him then back at me, "I think Baekhyun will be fine, and at least I get to spend 15 minutes with you," he smiled. *What was that supposed to mean?* Class started and true to my word I was about to get up when Kris grabbed my hand. He gave me a pleading look and mouthed, "Please?" I sat back down defeated Kris gave me a smile. I noticed Kris was still holding my hand. *What the hell is he doing?*.But, I didn't let go.


~Kris POV~

Sang Hee was about to get up when I grabbed her hand. Electricity shot up my arm at least that's what it felt like. She looked back at me I gave her my best pleading look and mouthed, "Please?" She sat back down with a deafeated look. I smiled. I noticed I was still holding her hand I was about to let go when I noticed she didn't seem bothered by it so I didn't. With a smile still plastered on my face I looked back to the teacher.


~Jiyeon POV~

*WHAT THE ING HELL? First that get's Kris to sit with her now he's holding her ING hand!? But, no matter right? She's going to pay today after school..*


~Author POV~

2:50. You managed to stay the whole entire class thanks to Kris. You two got up.


"I'll meet you at the audotorium ok?" you asked.


"How about the cafe I wanna grab another ice coffee," Kris said.




"Oh, come on, I'll treat you to one of those mango smoothies, please?" Kris pleaded.


"Fine," and with that you both headed off in different directions to go to your lockers. Jiyeon saw this as an oppertunity. Jiyeon and her 'friends' Jiae,Eunjung,and Hyomin waited at the entrance/exit of the school.


"Do you think this a good idea, Jiyeon?" Hyomin asked warily.


"What do you mean? Don't chicken out on us now Park Hyomin!" she hissed she then noticed you coming towards them,"There she is get ready," Jiyeon smirked devilishly. While Hyomin bit her nail uneasily. Just as you walked out the door Jiae and Eunjung both grabbed you by your arms. Jiyeon smirked they then led you towards the side of the school where no one would see you. They shoved you towards the wall.


"Jiyeon what are you-"


"SHUT UP !" Jiyeon slapped your face. You cried out in pain. "I SAID SHUT THE UP!" Jiyeon slapped you once again then kicked you in the stomach you doubled over in pain. Hyomin flinched at every time Jiyeon hit you she knew this was wrong but, didn't know what to do. "Song Sang Hee when I get thru with those precious hands of yours won't be of any use," Jiyeon smirked.


"What are you-" you were cut of when Eunjung grabbed your hands and put them to the ground. Your eyes widened when Jiyeon smashed your fingers under her 7 inch heels. You screamed in pain. Jiyeon stomped on your fingers several times.Hyomin couldn't take this anymore this was wrong. Hyomin ran away from the horrifying scene to get help. She ran thru hallway till' she saw Kris and EXO-K talking. 


"Kris! Kris!" Hyomin called. Kris rolled his eyes, he knew Hyomin was one of Jiyeon's friends. "Kris!" she finally got to Kris and EXO-K.


"What do you want?" Kris asked flatly.


"It's Sang Hee!! Jiyeon she's,s-she's....I'm sorry," Hyomin bowed deeply,"It's my fault.." Kris froze when he heard your name.


"What about Sang Hee?!" Sehun franticlly asked.


"Outiside the s-school to the r-right, I'm so sorry...." Kris bolted as soon as Hyomin spoke.


~Kris POV~

I ran as fast I could outside the school. *That better not have done anything to-* my thoughts were cut off when Sang Hee's screams of pain filled my ears. I followed the scream.


~Sang Hee POV~

Jiyeon left me there. My fingers twisted in ways they weren't supposed to. I tried to move them I screamed at the immense pain. I heard footsteps. Relief filled me when I saw Kris. 


"K-Kris.." I managed.


"Oh my goodness Sang Hee," Kris rushed to my side he looked at my hands in horror.


"Pretty gross, huh?" I let out a weak laugh trying to joke. Kris picked me up bridal style.


"We have to get you to the hospital," Kris carried me we got to the front of the school where EXO-K stood there. Their eyes widened in horror. "Come on we have to get Sang Hee to the hospital." Kris then carried me to what seemed like his car. Sehun opened the door while Kris set me down gently in the back seat. Chanyeol drove while Kris sat with me in the back. My head rested on his shoulder. We arrived to the hospital where the nurses rushed to Sang Hee's side.


~Kris POV~

"I'm sorry sir but, you'll have to wait here, ok? Don't worry your girlfriend will be fine," the nurse reassured me I didn't even bother correcting her my mind filled with Sang Hee. I sat down in the waiting area hearing Sang Hee's cries of pain as the doctors put her fingers back in the right place. I flinched at every time I heard it. Sehun and the rest of EXO-K came to my side,




"It's my fault,"


"No it's not Hyung don't blame it on yourself-"


"If I had gone with her to her locker she would be perfectly fine,"


"Hyung it's not your fault," Sehun came infront of me,"It's not your fault araso? It's that evil 's fault." I didn't answer back afterwards. We all just waited praying that Sang Hee would be fine.


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Sorry I haven't been updating Double Identity lately.. WRITER'S BLOCK IS A REAL H XP


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Chapter 33: Ahh ! This story was so good :D I can't wait for the sequel XD
Chapter 33: oh my gosh! this was lovely! it's my first encounter with a person who's both a boice and an exotic like i am :D
Chapter 33: gaaah! daebaaaak! XD me likey likey!
Omhoon! I love this story!!! XD
Read it all in one seating~
I'm waiting for the sequel! XD
Chapter 33: To all you guys that are upset of the abrupt ending, DON'T WORRY! I will write a sequel. When? Idk. BUT I WILL WRITE A SEQUEL! :D
haeyeol28 #6
Chapter 33: Love your fiction so much!! Thank you for sharing this fiction of yours. It was really beautiful :))
Chapter 33: awww, what an unexpected ending!
i wish you can still continue their 'love story', what'll happen to EXO-K and EXO-M....
anyway, you did a good job, author-nim!
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 33: Such an unexpected ending D;

So abrupt! So sad it's over already!

lunaluna #9
Chapter 33: auwwwwwwwwww thank you for making this story<3