Chapter 12

Double Identity

~Baekhyun POV~

"Eh? Why?" Sehun asked.


"Because he specifically told me not to follow him," I explained.


"Shouldn't we just respect Kris since he doesn't want us to follow him?" Suho asked.


"Now why would we do that?" I asked I spotted Kris walking into the cafe on the corner of the road, "OH! There he is! come on~" I pulled them behind a bush in front of the cafe.


~Kris POV~

I walked inside the cafe. I took the seat the by the window so it would be easier for Sang Hee to find me. I ordered an ice coffee then waited for Sang Hee.


~Sang Hee POV~

*NOT repeat NOT A DATE SANG HEE SO CALM THE HELL DOWN* I chanted in my head while walking towards the cafe. I saw Kris through the window and gave a wave. I took a deep breath then walked inside the cafe.


~Kris POV~

I saw Sang Hee through the window she gave a wave. I felt my palms become sweaty. *Calm down Kris. Calm down.* 


"Hey," she greeted setting her bag on the chair infront of me, "I'm gonna go order something first, kay?"


"Yeah s-sure," I stuttered a bit. *Damn it.. Calm the hell down Kris...*


~Sang Hee POV~

"Hey," I said to Kris as I set my bag in the empty chair in front of him, "I'm gonna go order something first,kay?"


"Yeah s-sure," Kris stuttered a bit I tried to stifle a laugh. I had to admit he did look pretty cute... I ordered a mango smoothie I'm not exactly a big fan of coffee. 


~Baekhyun POV~

"Hyung look, it's Sang Hee," Sehun pointed. Sure enough, there was Sang Hee she was walking towards the cafe she waved at someone. We all turned our heads to see her wave at.........Kris?!




"Do you think....?" D.O. trailed off.


"THEY'RE ON A DATE!!!!!" me and Sehun exclaimed.


"Looks like Kris does have a chance with the Sang Hee," Kai smirked.


~Kris POV~

Sang Hee came back with a mango smoothie. I think she noticed me eyeing it because she explained,


"What? I don't like coffee," 


"Seriously?" I asked amused.


"Shut up," she sat in her seat, "Sooo, what do you want to do for the showcase?"


"Well, I don't know that's why I asked you," she frowned. *She can act so cute without trying*


"Do you play any instruments? Sing? Dance?"


"I can dance but, I'm not as good as Kai or anything.." 






"Aigoo," Sang Hee pinched the bridge of her nose, "The how the hell did you even get into Seoul Academy of Arts?"


"I'm pretty good at rapping.."


"Rapping?" Sang Hee asked her voice becoming hopeful, "Well, we can start from there, can I hear you rap?"




"Because I wanna know just how well  you can rap," Sang Hee rolled her eyes.


"No what I mean is like , here? now?"Sang Hee looked around.


"Good point,"she let out a sigh,"Ok then follow me," she stood up.




"Come on," she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the cafe.


~Baekhyun POV~

"OMO! Baekhyun look their holding hands!!" D.O. pointed.


"OMO, they really are on date~" Chanyeol cooed.


"They look so adorable together!!"Sehun exclaimed.


"Come on, we have to follow them,"


~Sang Hee POV~

I dragged Kris out of the cafe. I dragged him towards the school.


"Ermm..Sang Hee? Where are you taking me?" Kris asked. I didn't answer. I dragged him inside the school thankfully the doors weren't locked. I dragged him inside the audotorium.


~Kris POV~

I kinda liked holding Sang Hee's hand.....She dragged me inside the school's audotorium. She finally let go of my hand where I found myself standing in the middle of the stage.Sang Hee scurried to the sound booth she brought back a microphone then.


"Here. The mic's on," she handed it to me.She then sat in one of the seats in the front.I awkwardly stood in the middle of the stage. "Well, We don't have all day Kris,"Sang Hee looked at me expectantly.I brought the mic up to my  mouth and began. 

(A/N: Kris raps his own part here kay? :3)


~Sang Hee POV~

Kris started rapping and I had to admit he wasn't just 'pretty' good he was good possibly better. Even without music his tempo and beat were perfect. I stared at him in awe.Those shining black orbs stared straight back at me. I gave him a thumbs up and a smile.


~Kris POV~

As I started rapping I noticed Sang Hee staring at me in awe.She gave me thumbs up and smile. I swore my heart fluttered. This better not be happening...But I think I am.. I don't know..Could it?..Could I possibly...

Be falling for Sang Hee....?



ooooooooooooooooooOOOO is Kris falling for Sang Hee? What about Sang Hee?

HEY GUYS! I'm really close to fifty subbies~ 


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Sorry I haven't been updating Double Identity lately.. WRITER'S BLOCK IS A REAL H XP


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Chapter 33: Ahh ! This story was so good :D I can't wait for the sequel XD
Chapter 33: oh my gosh! this was lovely! it's my first encounter with a person who's both a boice and an exotic like i am :D
Chapter 33: gaaah! daebaaaak! XD me likey likey!
Omhoon! I love this story!!! XD
Read it all in one seating~
I'm waiting for the sequel! XD
Chapter 33: To all you guys that are upset of the abrupt ending, DON'T WORRY! I will write a sequel. When? Idk. BUT I WILL WRITE A SEQUEL! :D
haeyeol28 #6
Chapter 33: Love your fiction so much!! Thank you for sharing this fiction of yours. It was really beautiful :))
Chapter 33: awww, what an unexpected ending!
i wish you can still continue their 'love story', what'll happen to EXO-K and EXO-M....
anyway, you did a good job, author-nim!
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 33: Such an unexpected ending D;

So abrupt! So sad it's over already!

lunaluna #9
Chapter 33: auwwwwwwwwww thank you for making this story<3