Chapter 15

Double Identity

~Sang Hee POV~

I looked in my closet and saw a dress with a note attached to it:


Sang Hee,

Wear this for the symphony dear^^

-Jin Sook


I looked at the dress:

I let out sigh then grabbed the dress to put it on.


~Kris POV~ 

I went out of my house at exactly 7:20 sure enough, Sang Hee's chaffeur was there.


"Excuse me, but, are you Sang Hee's friend that I've been instructed to pick up?" an older man around his late fifties asked me.




"Very well, please come inside," I clmibed into the car and the man drove off.


~Sang Hee POV~

I came downstairs I had curled my hair and wore pearl earrings.


"Uwaa~ You look stunning Sang Hee-ah,"


"Thank you," I replied. I looked out the window to see Jae Hee driving in front of the house, "Well, there's Jae Hee. Bye Jin Sook~"


"Bye Sang Hee-ah~!" Jin Sook waved as I left.


I walked to towards the car getting a bit nervous.. *Calm down Sang Hee araso?*


I came into the car to see Kris in a suit:

My heart skipped a beat. *Well, I did tell him to dress formally..*


~Kris POV~

After an awkward car ride with the chaffeur we arrived at Sang Hee's house well, it was more of a mansion. I stared at it in awe. Until, I saw Sang Hee then she just took my breath away, her hair was curled and she was wearing a cute silk dress with a pink bow on the front.


"Ermm.. Hi Sang Hee," 


"H-hey," she stuttered a bit. *Do my ears decieve me? Sang Hee stuttered?*. "Well, come on we don't wanna be late now," she gestered towards the car.




In the car the chaffeur greeted Sang Hee,"Hello Sang Hee,"


"Hello Jae Hee," she smiled back. The chaffeur then started the car then drove off to the Blue Square Musical Hall. In the car it was a bit awkward,


"If you don't mind by asking why'd you choose me to go with you?" I asked trying to break the awkwardness.


"Because you're a good friend!~," Sang Hee said out loud but, then whispered in my ear, "Cause, with everyone else I would have to put up that whole perfect,polite,cutesy facade."


I lowered my voice a bit, "Why'd you ask me specifically don't you have someone else that knows of your real personality?"She whispered in my ear once more,


"Well, you know when I told you and EXO-K the other day at lunch I don't have any friends? I was telling the truth... You're the only one who knows about, the guitar,my singing,everything." What Sang Hee told me made my heart flutter with joy.You're the only one who knows about,the guitar,my singing everyhing. Those words echoed in my head.


"What about those people at the concerts?"


"Well, they know I play guitar and sing but, they don't know anything out of the concerts..." she whisperd in my ear again. Then the chaffeur cleared his throat catching our attention,


"Sang Hee we're here,"we climbed out of the car,"I'll be sure to pick you two up after the concert Sang Hee,"


"Ok Thank you Jae Hee~," she waved while Jae Hee drove off.


~Sang Hee POV~

We turned around where we faced the Blue Square Musical Hall. We started walking inside the building,


"Just to warn you Kris these things are dreadfully boring. Tell me if you get bored and we can just ditch," I told him.


"It seems like you really don't like classical,"


"You got that right my parents forced into playing it's not that it's the piano I hate it's the monotonous pieces they force me to play," I replied with a frown.


"Do you always go to these things?"


"No, but, whenever my parents visit me they always buy me tickets to symphonys and stuff like that,"


"Oh," was all he replied. 


~Kris POV~

I kinda felt bad for Sang Hee. Her parents forced her to do piano? and I'm also geussing they made her put up the whole polite,cute,perfect facade as well... Plus her parents weren't there half the time? 


We arrived inside the theater where we saw the orchestra tuning there instruments while the conductor was going over the music. Sang Hee chose seats towards the back I geuss she was serious when she said we could ditch if it gets too boring.


~Sang Hee POV~

I chose seats towards the back just in case I wanted to leave early, which was most likely.The orchestra stopped tuning there  instruments and the conductor began.


About an hour or so I saw Kris's head rock back and forth trying to stay awake. *How cute.* I poked him,


"Hm?" he asked.


"Come on," before he could answer I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out.


"Why'd we leave?" Kris asked.


"Cause you were falling asleep back there," 


"Oh..haha sorry," Kris rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.


"It's fine. Truth be told I wanted to leave as soon as we sat down," I joked.


"Soo..What now?" Kris asked.


"Mhmm.. I don't know," I shrugged then a idea popped into my head,"Oh! Come on~," I grabbed Kris's wrist once more. I dragged him out of the musical hall and to a nearby park. I let go and ran to one of the swings Kris chuckled at my childish but, I didn't mind.


"So why are we here?" Kris asked.


"I found this place one time when I snuck out of the musical hall when I was around 9,"I smiled at the memory.


"So I'm guessing you've been going to those symphonys for quite a while now right?"


"Yeah.. And I hated them from the start,"


"So how'd you find the underground concerts?" Kris asked sitting on the swing beside me.


"Kind of how I found this playground only it was around freshman year. I had snuck out of the musical hall again and I wandered around Seoul for a while, I heard the sound of music and found it captivating and followed the music eventually it lead me to the underground concert," I explained,"But enough about me how about you? I've been answering questions about my self now it's your turn."


"Ok, How about this I ask you a question then you ask me a question we'll go on and off?"


"Cool. My turn. How do you know EXO-K?"


"Well, we're childhood friends. Actually back in China I'm a part of the group EXO-M they we're kingkas of that school as well, and together we're EXO," Kris explained.


"So pretty much you guys a big group of friends with a fancy nickname?" 


Kris chuckled,"I geuss you could say that. My turn now. Why does Jiyeon hate you so much?"


"Jiyeon?" I scowled at her name,"I don't really know myself..Anyways, now it's my turn," I thought a bit for a good question,"Who's EXO-M and what are they like?"


"Well, there's Xiumin the oldest he's actually Korean.he's also got these chubby cheeks so we call him 'Baozi' which means Steamed bun in Chinese," Kris took out his phone,"Here's a picture of him:"

I laughed. Kris then showed me another picture of a boy that reminded me of Bambi you know, the fawn:

"This is Luhan. I know, he looks really cutesy looking but, when you meet him he gives a somewhat manly vibe,"I gave Kris a baffled look he chuckled at my reaction and continued,"He's a talented singer like you and is really close with Sehun." I nodded my head signaling him to continue with the next person.My heart fluttered a bit, when he said I was a talented singer.


The next picture was a guy with really cute dimples:

"This is Lay-"


"Wait, Lay as in the north American chip company?" I tried stifling my laughter.


"Yes. but, his real name is Yixing, he plays the guitar like you and is a skilled dancer as good as Kai," Kris explained,"Lay kinda likes to run his mouth and tends to say alot of embarrasing things about us...He's also very forgetful."


Kris then showed the next picture wof a guy with a really nice jawline:

"This is Chen he's actually Korean. He's a singer as well, and has a powerful voice that can reach incredably high notes." 


Kris showed the next picture it showed a guy with a scary glare:

"This is Tao the maknae of EXO-M. He may look scary and unapproachable but, in reality he's quite friendly, cute, and a bit sensitive. He also knows Wushu." Kris explained then put his phone away,"Ok. My turn since you don't have any friends-OW!" I punched Kris in the shoulder,"OK, OK sorry. Do you have any siblings?" I shook my head,"Then what about the people at the concerts?"


"Oh! Yeah," this time it was my turn to take out my phone I showed him a picture of Minhyuk:


~Kris POV~

Sang Hee took out her phone this time and showed me a picture of some guy with messy hair and large glasses. I inwardly frowned. *Don't tell me Sang Hee's got a crush on this guy or something..*


"This is Minhyuk. He's one of my very few friends including you, he's the drummer of a band that plays often at the underground concerts it's called CNBLUE. He loves to eat so NEVER treat him to dinner unless you're filthy stinking rich. He acts cute and is also very childish. Something I kinda loath but, got used to it." I nodded my head.


*Naww.. I don't think Sang Hee would like a a guy like that right?*


"Ok my turn," Sang Hee smiled then glanced at her watch,"HOLLY SHIIT!" she grabbed my hand,"It's already 9:06 Jae Hee's picking us up at 9:15 come on!" We dashed towards the front of the musical hall.Sang Hee let out a sigh of relief to see that Jae Hee had not arrived to pick us up yet. We waited a few more minutes then Jae Hee drove infront of us. We climbed into the car. About 15 or so minutes later we arrived in front of my house,


"Thanks Sang Hee," I smiled,"See you tomorrow at school."


"Byee~," Sang Hee waved. When the car drove off I went inside my house grinning like an idiot the house was dark so I geuss my parents went to bed already. Still grinning like an idiot I went to bed.


LOOONG chapter lulz but, I it was prolly just from the all the pictures XDD

Anyway sorry for late update D:

Thanks for reading~!

Please tell me what you think^^ :)





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Sorry I haven't been updating Double Identity lately.. WRITER'S BLOCK IS A REAL H XP


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Chapter 33: Ahh ! This story was so good :D I can't wait for the sequel XD
Chapter 33: oh my gosh! this was lovely! it's my first encounter with a person who's both a boice and an exotic like i am :D
Chapter 33: gaaah! daebaaaak! XD me likey likey!
Omhoon! I love this story!!! XD
Read it all in one seating~
I'm waiting for the sequel! XD
Chapter 33: To all you guys that are upset of the abrupt ending, DON'T WORRY! I will write a sequel. When? Idk. BUT I WILL WRITE A SEQUEL! :D
haeyeol28 #6
Chapter 33: Love your fiction so much!! Thank you for sharing this fiction of yours. It was really beautiful :))
Chapter 33: awww, what an unexpected ending!
i wish you can still continue their 'love story', what'll happen to EXO-K and EXO-M....
anyway, you did a good job, author-nim!
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 33: Such an unexpected ending D;

So abrupt! So sad it's over already!

lunaluna #9
Chapter 33: auwwwwwwwwww thank you for making this story<3