Chapter 17

Double Identity

~Author POV~

You and Kris took your seats in the classroom and soon afterwards class began. About half-an-hour into class it became a mere bore to you. So you scooped up your bag to leave, you made your way towards the door until Jiyeon shot up her hand and said,


"Seonsangnim how come Sang Hee get's to leave in the middle of class?"she asked innocently.


"Well, Jiyeon if you don't recall Sang Hee is the top student at our school. As a teacher my job  requires me to teach you students and then test you to see what you've learned. Sang Hee you see, already has perfect grades even without me teaching so I don't see why not," the teacher then turned back around. You smirked triumphantly while, Jiyeon glared at you.


~Jiyeon POV~

*I'll get you soon, *


~Sang Hee POV~

I wandered the halls a bit then walked to the basement. At the basement I was playing guitar when I heard a shuffling noise. I froze. *. . . . * A head peeked into the basement a smile lit the person's face. I sighed in relief.


"You scared the ing out of me."


"Haha sorry.." Kris replied.


"Well, How'd you manage to get out of class?" 


"You know the old 'I need to use the bathroom' excuse," Kris answered I chuckled.


"Won't she notice when you've taken a half hour just to pee?"


"Not when you fake a stomach ache and she tells you to go to the nurse's office as well," we both burst out laughing. Kris took an empty seat across from mine. "Play something for me," he said expectantly.




"Cause that's what you do down here right? Or is there some secret door somewhere that I don't know about?" Kris joked.


I laughed at his playfulness, "Ok, Ok fine." I cleared my throat and began. (A/N This is the song you sing :D).


~Kris POV~

I smiled when I saw Sang Hee sing. The way she sang made me my heart flutter and the fact that she was singing to and for me and only me made my heart flutter even more. *Her voice is so unique. It not exactly something you hear everyday it's special. She's special. I may just like all those guys who confess to you but, no I'm not cause I know the real Song Sang Hee unlike those other guys. That's right the Chinese exchange student officially has has fallen for Song Sang Hee*


~Author POV~

You were in your own little world when you sang. In fact you always are, you love to sing and play guitar with all your heart. While you were focusing on singing you didn't notice Kris. He stared at you his eyes filled with awe, admiration and affection. He saw how passionate you were when you sang. He saw how much it made you happy and in turn seeing you happy made him happy.

~Sang Hee POV~

I finished the song and looked up. Kris smiled straight at me which made my heart skip a beat.


"How was I?" I aksed smiling. Kris held a thumb up,


"Jjang!" We laughed. "Hey, we should play the game we were playing yesterday," Kris suggested.


"Ok my turn first,"


~Author POV~

You two talked till' lunch during that period of time you found out alot about Kris. He lived in Canada for awhile and is pretty fluent in speaking English. He total he can speak up to four languages: Korean,Mandarin,Cantonese,and English. You also found out his favorite color and other things like that. Kris found out about Jin Sook. He found out that your glasses actually aren't real and that you actually don't need them. He found out about your favorite artist are the Avett Brothers and things like that. You two noticed the time and headed to your locker to get your lunch.


"How come you don't bring lunch if you don't buy lunch?" you asked putting in your locker combo.


"Because D.O. prepares us lunch," Kris explained. You grabbed your lunch and closed your locker shut.


"Kaja," with a smile you both headed towards the cafeteria.During that time Jiyeon was caking on even more makeup onto her face when she you and Kris walking towards the cafeteria. She furrowed her eyebrows,


"I warned that to stay away from Kris," she stomped the floor in frustration like a spoiled child, "I will get you Song Sang Hee," she said thru gritted teeth to herself.


~Kris POV~

We walked to the cafeteria towards EXO-K.


"OOOooo what do we have here? Since when did you two become so close?" Baekhyun slyly smirked.


"Whatever. You guys wanted Sang Hee to sit with you guys right?" we took our seats. 


"So, Sang Hee why did you need Kris's number yesterday?" Sehun asked.


"Well, Kris said he needed help for the showcase I needed to ask him something," she replied putting up her cute, polite facade.


"WAIT. So you two weren't on a date yesterday??" Chanyeol asked.


"Nope," she replied popping a piece of Kimbap in .


"OOO so that's why you two went to the audotorium and Kris started rapping,"Chanyeol mouth formed into a 'o' shape. Sang Hee giggled. *I have to admit when she puts this facade up she is really cute but, I like the real Sang Hee better* I inwardly smiled at the thought.


"Oppa~" a certain annoying voice cooed. Sehun scowled. Jiyeon squeezed between me and Sang Hee. *. She did that on purpose.* Sang Hee tryed to keep a polite expression but, her clenched fist underneath gave me the hint that she was pissed as well.


"Soo what are you doing Oppa~?"Jiyeon used aegyo causing Sehun and Baekhyun to gag.


"We were just talking," I said flatly.


"Then why is that doing over here?" she pointed towards Sang Hee and scowled.


"Hey! Don't talk to Sang Hee that way!!" Sehun defended.


"Oppa~ You should stay away from s like her," Jiyeon twirled a strand of hair with her finger. At this everyone in EXO-K including myself jaw-dropped.


" Says the practically throwing herself on Kris!" Chanyeol sneered. Jiyeon sent Chanyeol a glare.


"Oppa~ Chanyeol is being mean to me~," Jiyeon faked a pout. *I don't want to be mean but, this is being to much..*


"But, Chanyeol does have a point doesn't he? Don't play innocent with me, I know you're the one that slapped Sang Hee in the face," I smirked Jiyeon glared at Sang Hee."Don't think that Sang Hee tattle-taled on you. It was easy putting two and two together I mean no else hates Sang Hee in this school except you," I got up, "Well, I'm gonna go now," now it was my turn to grab Sang Hee's wrist and we walked off with EXO-K trailing behind leaving a very-very-pissed-of-Jiyeon.



 A/N: Oh yeah, if you're wondering for the song why I used the Dia Frampton version instead of the orginal by Colby Calliat is cause I wanted Sang Hee (you)'s voice to have a certain sound in other words Dia Frampton's voice I love Dia frampton's voice *o* So that's why in all the songs Sang Hee sings it's always the same artist (Dia Frampton of Meg and Dia) :) just thought I'd clear that up ;D

Double update today~ ;)

OOOoo Kris confirmed his feelings for Sang Hee!!~

What about Sang Hee?

Thanks for reading!~ :)

Please tell me what you think^^ ;D

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Sorry I haven't been updating Double Identity lately.. WRITER'S BLOCK IS A REAL H XP


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Chapter 33: Ahh ! This story was so good :D I can't wait for the sequel XD
Chapter 33: oh my gosh! this was lovely! it's my first encounter with a person who's both a boice and an exotic like i am :D
Chapter 33: gaaah! daebaaaak! XD me likey likey!
Omhoon! I love this story!!! XD
Read it all in one seating~
I'm waiting for the sequel! XD
Chapter 33: To all you guys that are upset of the abrupt ending, DON'T WORRY! I will write a sequel. When? Idk. BUT I WILL WRITE A SEQUEL! :D
haeyeol28 #6
Chapter 33: Love your fiction so much!! Thank you for sharing this fiction of yours. It was really beautiful :))
Chapter 33: awww, what an unexpected ending!
i wish you can still continue their 'love story', what'll happen to EXO-K and EXO-M....
anyway, you did a good job, author-nim!
-theirmusicismylifee #8
Chapter 33: Such an unexpected ending D;

So abrupt! So sad it's over already!

lunaluna #9
Chapter 33: auwwwwwwwwww thank you for making this story<3