
My Robot Girlfriend~


Dong Hyun's POV:

"Mister! Mister! Open the door please! Please!" I banged the door to the inventor's room. I need Athena back, because of that stupid dare William said. Someone opened the door and it was.... Athena. She looked at me for a second before slamming the door on my face.

"Ya- Yah! Athena! I need to talk to you! Please just listen to me!"

"What?" the inventor opened the door.

"Ahjusshi, oh ahjusshi, please, I... I need her back."

"But you just promised-"

"I know what I said Ahjusshi! But... I...." I was speechless. I couldn't possibly tell them I just wanted to use her. 

"I love her." Oh god, what the heck am I doing....

"You what?"

"I love her ahjusshi.... even if... I just met her, I already had feelings for her..."

"Athena!" Ahjusshi called her.

"Yes master?"

"Come back to him."

"What? No! He made me leak oil! I can't forgive him!" Is she angry? She has feelings aleady? And whats with the leaking oil?

"Sorry, I attached a feeling wire to Athena before I made her, and when she's sad she produces oil in her tearducts instead of tears." Woah. This is the most intelligent and most amazing robot inventor I have ever seen. But, aside from that, what am I gonna do now? I need to beg. Ugh, I hate begging, but... I don't wanna be bullied for the rest of my life.

"Please Athena." I said while kneeling in front of them, much to her and ahjusshi's surprise.

"Yah! Get up! So embarassing!"

"So you forgive me?"

"Is... your back okay?" Why is she asking? Is she worried about me?

"Uh... yeah."

Then she did the most bizarre thing a human could ever think of. She tarsier jumped me! I fell on the ground with a loud thud. What was she thinking? She's made of metal, she's heavy! And I haven't fully recovered yet! 

"Omo! I'm sorry I was just excited!"

"Yeah, well, warn me next time you become excited again alright?"

She smiled at me, and I smiled too. Wow, why am I smiling at her? We went back inside my dorm and I said the truth about her.

"Athena, listen to me carefully okay? I need you... Because WIlliam and his friends, they threatened me."

"What did they do to you again?" I could see she was furious. I told them about the girlfriend thing and the bullying me all college thing.

"Don't worry master, I'll pretend to be your girlfriend! I promise that I'll be the best!"

"And you have to start being the best by not calling me master. It sounds weird you calling me master when we are dating."

"Ah, yes.... D- Dong Hyun..."

Wow, the way she said my name... It was... magical. Aish! You're starting to go crazy Dong Hyun!

"But Hyung- ah..." Wow, she already gave me a nickname? That was fast.


"You look terrible."


"No, I mean, I should give you a makeover! You need to be cool you know. So that you know, you're not only known as the nerdy guy with a girlfriend, but a handsome one."

How dare she call me terrible looking! But she has a point...

"Okay, tomorrow, after class, okay?"

"Okay, Good Night, Hyung- ah!"

"Good Night Athena- yah."

I feel so comfortable that we are talking to each other so comfortably now. I guess we are okay now. But wait... where will she sleep?

"Athena- yah, where will you sleep?"

"Inside the closet. I'm a robot, I don't sleep."

"Still. Don't stay in the closet. Sit here on the sofa. You can lie down if you want too. Good Night."

"Hyung- ah!"


"Th- Thank You..."

"You're welcome." I said while smiling.

"TWITTERPATED!" she suddenly screamed and ran inside the comfort room. what is wrong with her? Aish, whatever, I'll just sleep.

Athena's POV:

He smiled at me again! Darn it! Why did I scream that word? What if he already knows what it means? Aish, at least here in the comfort room I am safe.... I'll just go out after a few hours... But I can't believe it. He's nice to me now... I feel... happy. I wish we could stay like this always. Not fighting, not arguing. Just smiling and talking about each other. That William is in big trouble! Hah! Just wait till he sees Hyung- ah the day after tomorrow. I'll show them....

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@drYang salamat! thanks for welcoming me. :)
wow! haha! welcome! enjoy AFF :) im from the philippines too :)
:) this is cute :)
@Pink3raser thank you so much. :)