Who is she to me?

Love triangle

Woohyun was about to throw a punch at Himchan’s face when Seoyoung jumped in front of him all of a sudden and he could not react in time. Seoyoung jerked backwards, into Himchan’s arms, due to the force.

“Seoyoung!” Himchan exclaimed as he held onto her tightly.

“Oww..” Seoyoung winced as she rubbed her head.

“Oh my god Seoyoung I’m so sorry!!” Woohyun apologized as he stretched his hand towards Seoyoung.

“What are you doing?” Himchan pulled her back, glaring at the younger male.

“I should be the one asking you; What are you doing?!” Woohyun snapped angrily, pulling Seoyoung away from his grip.

“You just hit her, what more do you want?!”

“We’ve always been like this since young-“

“The 2 of you cut it out!” Seoyoung freed herself and yelled.

“Woohyun, stop. I’ll do the talking,” Seoyoung silenced Woohyun just as he was about to open his mouth.

“Himchan, it’s nothing much, really. I’ve had worse. We always fought when we were young and it all stopped once Woohyun grew mature.”

“Yah! Are you trying to say I’m childish!?” Woohyun headlocked Seoyoung playfully.

‘When we were young..? How long..? Why have I not seen him before.. When she was still with Yongguk..’ Himchan frowned.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Himchan felt like he was playing gooseberry, an extra who was unwanted in the presence of the 2 who seemed to have ignored his presence. He gave a last glance at Seoyoung who was struggling to escape from Woohyun’s grip before he his heels. Even though Seoyoung was not laughing or smiling, Himchan could feel the happiness radiating from her, one that he never felt when he was alone with her. But this Woohyun guy was able to make her this happy? He started to wonder if Seoyoung had fallen for him without her knowing.

“Himchan! Where are you going?”

Himchan stopped in his tracks before turning around and saw that the couple had stopped whatever they were doing, even though they were still in each other’s embrace. His face hardened before he spoke.

“Back. Since you don’t need me here anymore”

“Your cut. I haven’t treated it..” Seoyoung frowned.

“Nevermind that”

“Or do you prefer me to call Yongguk here now?” Seoyoung hissed, before covering in surprise once she realized what she had just said.

Himchan’s eyes widened; It was probably the first time he ever heard Seoyoung mentioning his name so casually, which made him wonder if she had already forgiven Yongguk a long time ago. As much as he hated to admit it, Himchan wanted to stay. That way he could see Seoyoung, even if it was for a while more. He hesitated before nodding his head slightly and made his way upstairs. The pair of them watched him disappear into the corridor before Woohyun released her.

“Are you seriously going to go alone? What if he does something?” Woohyun grimaced.

“Woohyun chill. Nothing will happen, besides you’re here, he won’t dare to-“ Seoyoung stopped abruptly.

“To?” Woohyun raised his eyebrows before realization hit him.

“Yang Seoyoung, you better come clean with me. Did something happen between you 2?” Woohyun’s voice turned deadly.

“No no no!” Seoyoung answered, waving her hands frantically.

‘If you knew what happened, you’ll probably kill Himchan..’

“You’d better be telling me the truth..” Woohyun narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Seoyoung nodded before rushing up to get the first aid kit to avoid Woohyun’s onslaught of questions before she let slip what happened between them. With the first aid kit in her hands, Seoyoung knocked on the door with her free hand.

“Jeez.. Why do I have to ask for permission in my own house.. Oh yeah, before I walk in on him ,” Seoyoung rolled her eyes and pummeled on the door when there was no response.

“The door isn’t locked”

Seoyoung gritted her teeth at his response and turned the door knob to enter. Himchan was lying on the bed, with his back facing the entrance. Seoyoung’s face turned red when she saw that he was wearing only a wife beater and boxers.

‘Why the heck did he change into these?! Don’t tell me he’s planning on staying the night..’ Seoyoung frowned.

 “Yah. Are you staying over today?”

There was no response from Himchan. Seoyoung scowled and placed the first aid kit on the bed and climbed in beside him. She nudged him softly but he shrugged her hand off. That did it. Seoyoung grabbed his arm and mustered her strength to pull him up violently.

“Yah! That hurts!” Himchan shouted.

“Serves you right,” Seoyoung replied indifferently and opened the first aid kit.

“You’re over reacting..” Himchan muttered under his breath as he watched her fumble with the contents.

 “Oops.. Um, I think I got the wrong one.. Hold on a sec!” Seoyoung ran off, embarrassed.

Himchan chuckled at her reaction and lay back down onto the bed, hands placed over his head. He was so deep in his own thoughts that he did not notice Seoyoung returning until she poked his waist and he jumped slightly.

“Yah!” Himchan shouted without meaning to.

“Hey not my fault you were spacing out..” Seoyoung muttered, visibly upset.

“Hey I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you..” Himchan softened as Seoyoung’s hands dabbed at his cut lips.

Seoyoung shook her head and continued treating his cut in silence, her expression unreadable. All of a sudden, Himchan pulled her in for a hug. Seoyoung dropped the cotton bud in surprise and tried to move away but Himchan held onto her even tighter, breathing in her scent.

“Himchan, wha-“

“Shh. Don’t talk..” Himchan murmured against her head, letting his head rest against hers.

Woohyun closed the door quietly without the 2 noticing and made his way down to the living room, deep in thought. It was just his protective side coming out since he has always been by her side ever since young right? After all, he was the only one who Seoyoung hugged apart from MBLAQ. So why was he experiencing a weird feeling within him when he saw Himchan hugging Seoyoung? He frowned and plugged in his earpiece to block off all his thoughts.

After what felt like hours, Himchan finally let go of Seoyoung and the latter scooted over to the edge of the bed and dusted her clothes.

“Uh.. Are you staying over? It’s not exactly safe for you to be here right now..” Seoyoung mumbled.

Himchan stared at her back for a few seconds before he sighed and got off the bed to put on his clothes. Seoyoung turned to look at him packing his stuff and hesitated for a bit before she left the room without a word. Seoyoung’s mind was in turmoil after what Himchan just did. As much as she liked Himchan, she was pretty sure it was not in the romantic way. It was more of a oppa-dongsaeng relationship she had felt with Himchan so for him to suddenly confess to her came as a shock. All the more so when Seoyoung knew Himchan was well aware that Yongguk still had feelings for her.

Seoyoung stepped into the living room, only to see Woohyun lying down on the sofa with his eyes closed. She inched closer to him and set the first aid kit softly onto the ground so that she would not wake him up. She sat down on the ground and glanced at Woohyun. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping, almost like an angel and Seoyoung found herself smiling at the sight. She reached out her hand to brush his fringe off his face so that it would not be covering his eye.

“You look so much better now,” Seoyoung smiled to herself.

Her fingers traced along his jawline and stopped at his lips. She frowned and grazed her fingers over the cut he sustained during the fight with Himchan absentmindedly when she felt something moist on her finger suddenly. Her eyes snapped open and gaped open at what she saw; Woohyun was her finger.

“Eww Nam Woohyun! What do you think you’re doing!?” Seoyoung retracted her hand back as her face contorted with disgust.

“What?” Woohyun blinked at her innocently before grinning like a 10-year old kid.

“Ugh nevermind. Have you been watching too much recently?” Seoyoung squinted her eyes at him suspiciously.

“Yah!” Woohyun hit her head lightly in mock anger while Seoyoung giggled away.

“Don’t fidget unless you want to drink the ointment!” Seoyoung hissed at Woohyun who could not keep still.

“Eww!” Woohyun flinched when he tasted the ointment.

“Serves you right for moving around,” Seoyoung smirked at him while clearing up.

“Hey! Let me go! I still need to get Himchan back!” Seoyoung struggled when Woohyun suddenly backhugged her.

“He can go by his own,” Woohyun pouted but still let go.


In one swift move Woohyun had grabbed Seoyoung by her waist and turned her around such that she was facing him before pushing her to the sofa. Seoyoung was taken by surprise and fell back onto the sofa, with Woohyun on top of her before she realized the awkward position both of them were in now. On the other hand, Woohyun seemed unfazed by what happened.


I finally updated! Running out of ideas for my title haha >_< I know it’s been very long sorry >_< But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ^^

@klienchoung: Yes Seungho’s gonna be angry but what if he doesn’t know about it? :P

@Darchi: Well.. She’s unsure of her own feelings haha. Not only Seungho I guess HAHA.

@bobojo: Sorry it took so long for me to update! >_<

@Snsd_rulz: Let me know who you ship with Seoyoung when you know because I’m rather confused myself HAHA

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nice story ^^
Hikaa12 #2
Chapter 32: Updatee!! :D Its amazing!! ;) Hihi :b Himchannnnn! >< I wonder who seoyoung would end up with! Aaaaa <3
Chapter 32: LMAO, poor Jello! XD He just tried to help Himchan, too! XD nyehehe~~
klienchoung #4
Chapter 31: Girll it's your story lol
Chapter 30: Omg the love relationships with the different characters is so awesome and I have no idea which guy to ship with seoyoung
Please update soon^^
bobojo #6
Chapter 30: Yay!! I've missed your updates ^^
Darchi #7
Chapter 30: Sometimes I really get angry at seoyoung.. She shouldn't let himchan in in the first place..-.- Seungho will be really angry. '_'
klienchoung #8
Chapter 30: Grrrrrr!!! SeungHo's gonna be angry...
helloangel123 #9
Chapter 28: I have no idea how i feel. I lost my feels~! nimimi dipito dipito slipi slow motion. :P YOU HAVE FINALLY UPLOADED! GOSH GUUUURL!
well, thisis a quick report from number 1 fan news! Stayed tuned until the next vhap is up!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 29: Oh hohoho...