
Love triangle

“What are you doing!”

Seoyoung pulled Himchan in the nick of time before he walked straight into the pole just a few inches away from him.

“Thanks,” Himchan grimaced as he looked up.

“What are you deep in thought about?” Seoyoung asked curiously.

“Am i? No I’m not,” Himchan denied flatly and continued walking.

“Yeah right,” Seoyoung rolled her eyes and followed behind, but still left him alone.

Seoyoung skipped all the way to the front where Zelo was, a pair of eyes following her movements closely.

“Hyung, you like her right?”


“No use denying it because I can tell. It’s so obvious! But don’t worry, I ship you two together,” The younger male winked and patted Himchan’s back encouragingly.

‘Do I really like her?’ Himchan wondered, eyebrows creasing in the process.

“No, I just treat her as a younger sister,” Himchan voiced aloud unconsciously, nodding his head.

“What?” Daehyun, who happened to be walking beside him, stared at him weirdly.

Himchan ignored the younger male and happily skipped to where Yongguk was.

“How was your haunted house date?” Himchan grinned.

“She clung onto me..” Yongguk muttered, a pink tinge forming on his cheeks.

“You like it right?” Himchan smirked as he nudged Yongguk’s arm playfully.

“Um.. Yeah.. Yah! Stop this!” Yongguk __

“Our bbang is shy!” Himchan snickered and shifted his gaze to Seoyoung.

Seoyoung and Zelo were linking arms as they hopped from ride to ride, full of energy. By evening time, everyone was tired out, with the exception of Seoyoung and Zelo, who still wanted to go on rides till the amusement park close. After seeing the death glares by the other members, they decided against it.

“Japanese food!”



Himchan groaned at the maknae line, hands covering his face. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips when his gaze landed on Seoyoung, who was excited at the mere mention of Japanese food. She had not changed a bit since the first time he knew her. How she could never get sick of Japanese food even after having it for 2 days; 4 meals straight. He chuckled at the thought and got caught by Jongup who winked at him. Himchan cleared his throat and maintained a poker face as they made their way to a restaurant selling Japanese food that they patronized often with Seoyoung.

“I haven’t seen you guys together in ages!” The ahjumma exclaimed happily when she saw them.

“Or did you forget about this place after you got famous?” She added on sadly.

“Aniyo! We were really busy! How can we forget this place? You sell really delicious food!” Daehyun exclaimed exaggeratedly.

“Why are you two standing so far apart?” She laughed before continuing, eyes twinkling as she pointed to Seoyoung and Yongguk, who were standing feet apart from each other.

“You guys are still together right?”

There was an awkward silence where the members glanced at each other, shuffling their feet nervously, before Daehyun spoke up.

“Um.. They broke up..”

“Aw really? You two looked cute together though”

“I look cuter with Seoyoungie!” Zelo chimed, slinging his arm over her shoulder and grinned.

The ahjumma chuckled and directed them to the VIP room that they always used so that they would not be disturbed. Before Seoyoung entered, Himchan slipped a piece of paper into her hand. Seoyoung felt something in her hand and looked up at Himchan questioningly but the latter only smiled curtly and walked to his seat.

‘Don’t eat too much’

Seoyoung frowned at the note which Zelo noticed and nudged her.

“What is it?” Zelo mouthed.

“Nothing,” Seoyoung shook her head and her hand balled up into a fist, crushing the note before slipping it inside her pocket so that no one would see it.

After the meal, everyone was pretty much bloated from the amount of food they ordered, except Seoyoung who ate selectively. Yongguk drove Seoyoung and Himchan home first before heading back to their dorm. After bidding their goodbyes, Seoyoung turned to glare at Himchan when the pair reached the front door.

“What’s with that note?”

Himchan refused to answer, shrugging his shoulders and unlocked the door since Seoyoung refused to do so until he replied.

“Go and wash up and come down half an hour later,” Himchan waved and disappeared into the kitchen.

“Yah! Why are you ordering me around in my own house..” Seoyoung’s voice trailed off as she stared at him.

“Whatever,” Seoyoung muttered and went back into her room.

Himchan was finally done with whatever he was doing and he glanced at the clock; 40 minutes had passed but there was no sign of Seoyoung. He frowned; She couldn’t have fallen asleep, could she? Just as he was about to climb up the stairs, he heard the creaking of the stairs and within seconds, Seoyoung appeared.

“What took you so long?” Himchan pretended to be pissed but it did not affect Seoyoung one bit.

“Oh, I was on the phone with oppa”


“What is it?” Himchan had a sudden bad feeling about the phone call.

“They’re flying back tomorrow. I know it’s kind of sudden but yeah. Apparently they’re going to wrap up things for their comeback. About time, it’s been a freaking year since they promoted a song,” Seoyoung rolled her eyes as she made herself comfortable.

“Your brother’s.. coming back?” Himchan asked aloud.

“Yeah, so you better move out by tomorrow morning because they’re taking the evening flight back and oppa’s gonna flip if he finds out you’ve been staying over for the period of time they were in japan”

“.. Got it”

“Anyway, what did you want me down for?” Seoyoung asked as she looked around the kitchen, half expecting Himchan to have prepared something for her.

Himchan stared at her for a second before turning his back on her to get the ‘thing’ that he had prepared; 2 plates of omurice, and placed one plate in front of her on the table. Seoyoung tilted her head questioningly at Himchan who had a bottle of ketchup in his hand. He grinned and started drawing on her omurice. Seoyoung let out a gasp after he was done; She could faintly see a rabbit outlined in tomato sauce.

“Since when did you learn how to cook?” Seoyoung’s jaws dropped in surprise as she stared wide-eyed at Himchan.

“I’ve always known how to cook okay girl,” Himchan rolled his eyes and shot her a smirk.

“Mmm.. It’s nice!” Seoyoung mumbled with full, earning a disapproving look from Himchan.

“Be more ladylike will you?”


“Fine. Pretend I said nothing,” Himchan sighed in defeat while Seoyoung smiled triumphantly.

“So, why are you cooking for me when you’re the birthday boy?” Seoyoung gulped down the mouthful of rice and asked, confused.

“I.. Er..” Himchan started stuttering much to his dismay.

“Yah, why are you suddenly so shy all of a sudden?” Seoyoung laughed.

“It’s not like you’re cooking for a girl you like..” Seoyoung’s voice trailed off as she realized what she just said.

Seoyoung knitted her brows deep in thought before her expression slowly changed to one of surprise. Himchan was still staring at her, which was not helping the situation.

“Don’t tell me-“ Seoyoung was cut off by Himchan.

“No I don’t! I just felt like cooking, that’s all,” Himchan explained quickly, trying to conceal the fact that he was flustered by the thought.

“Oh really..” Seoyoung narrowed her eyes, skeptical of his explanation.

“But anyway, happy birthday to you even though I didn’t get you anything much. You even cooked for me!” Seoyoung pouted.

“But I really like the outfit you got for me, and the fact that you were here to celebrate my birthday with me is enough,” Himchan walked over to Seoyoung and gave her a tight hug, much to her surprise.

Himchan surprised both himself and Seoyoung by planting a small kiss on the top of her head before heading back to his room to start packing. Seoyoung froze in her seat long after Himchan was gone. Her mind kept replaying the scene from when Himchan hugged her to kissing her on her head and she could feel her cheeks burning. Her heart was racing really fast too.

“What.. is this I’m feeling..?” Seoyoung murmured as she placed her hand over her chest which was still beating rapidly.

Sorry guys been busy with work and school stuff and my other commitments recently so I haven’t had time to update :( Plus the fact that I didn’t know how to continue omg x_x My inspiration is gone T_T Someone help me ;___; And I feel like my chapters are getting more and more ridiculous in some way :( I gained subscribers but i lost one too ahh i should really update more >_< Thank you to those who subscribed and never left and of course new subscribers! ♥

On a sidenote, B.A.P and Infinite are coming for a concert yay! But this means my money will just fly lol the amount i spend on them ;___;

@-CheesecakeObsession: Your u/n! Cheesecake! Is your bias dae? HAHAHA

@pikachu97: Their past is pretty complicated haha. I haven’t forgotten about Sungjae don’t worry XD That’s the whole point of Himchan appearing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

@helloangel123: Did you like the new chapter? ^^

@InfiniteAddictxD: IKR omg infinite :( you live in montreal? That’s so cool! I’m sure they’ll visit someday! /fingers crossed/

Ahahaha I still don’t know who she’ll end up with so.. :x

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nice story ^^
Hikaa12 #2
Chapter 32: Updatee!! :D Its amazing!! ;) Hihi :b Himchannnnn! >< I wonder who seoyoung would end up with! Aaaaa <3
Chapter 32: LMAO, poor Jello! XD He just tried to help Himchan, too! XD nyehehe~~
klienchoung #4
Chapter 31: Girll it's your story lol
Chapter 30: Omg the love relationships with the different characters is so awesome and I have no idea which guy to ship with seoyoung
Please update soon^^
bobojo #6
Chapter 30: Yay!! I've missed your updates ^^
Darchi #7
Chapter 30: Sometimes I really get angry at seoyoung.. She shouldn't let himchan in in the first place..-.- Seungho will be really angry. '_'
klienchoung #8
Chapter 30: Grrrrrr!!! SeungHo's gonna be angry...
helloangel123 #9
Chapter 28: I have no idea how i feel. I lost my feels~! nimimi dipito dipito slipi slow motion. :P YOU HAVE FINALLY UPLOADED! GOSH GUUUURL!
well, thisis a quick report from number 1 fan news! Stayed tuned until the next vhap is up!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 29: Oh hohoho...