The Truth

Love triangle

It took them only half the time Seoyoung took to walk home from work. Himchan parked the car by the roadside and took out his phone. Seoyoung waited but nothing happened. She turned to her left and gaped open in disbelief at what she saw. It took Himchan a while to notice someone staring at him and he paused the game before turning to meet eyes with Seoyoung.


“What?! You’re asking me that? I should be the one asking you!” Seoyoung gushed.

“Whatever, thanks for the ride and bye,” Seoyoung unfastened the seatbelt and got out of the car as fast as possible before slamming the door shut.

“I swear he’s bipolar.. A while ago he was being such a gentleman by fastening my seatbelt for me and now he’s playing his phone? I can’t believe it!” Seoyoung muttered, kicking the ground angrily.

Himchan stared at her back when she slammed the door, sighing in exhaustion.

“Hyung’s gonna flip if he finds out she did that to his precious car.. But then again, I wonder how he can even stand her.. I only spent less than an hour with her and I’m going crazy already ugh! Shouldn’t have promised to help..” Himchan groaned and leaned back onto the seat.

“It’s not like Seoyoung will ever go back to hyung.. But at least it’ll stop her from being with that Sungjae guy.. Sorry, not that I hate you but well..” Himchan sighed and drove back to the dorm.

Seoyoung kicked the front door open, shocking all of the MBLAQ members who were sitting in the living room as they stared at her, trying to figure out what happened. None of them dared to say a word as Seoyoung made her way up to her room, muttering a string of incoherent words.

She threw herself on her bed and covered her face with the pillow, muffling her shouts. She was so preoccupied with her thinking that she did not realize someone came into her room and sat down on her bed. The sudden shifting of weight made Seoyoung startled and she removed the pillow to see who was there.

“Hey princess, what happened?” Mir asked softly.

“Princess.. It’s what he called me too..” Seoyoung muttered under her breath, not intending for him to hear but he heard it nonetheless.

“Someone else called you princess? Who? Tell me, I’ll go kick his !” Mir punched his fists in the air, grinning.

“.. It’s okay..” Seoyoung let out a long sigh.

“You know you can tell me everything right? I promise I won’t tell hyung,” Mir scooted closer to Seoyoung and ruffled her hair.

“Don’t tell me what?” A voice spoke from the door.

“Yah! Oppa! Why are you eavesdropping!?” Seoyoung complained as she sat up straight.

“I just wanted to see if my baby girl’s alright,” Seungho chuckled.

“Eww hyung, stop calling her that, I’m getting goosebumps all over,” Mir shuddered as he rubbed his arms.

“What did you say?” Seungho was beside Mir in a flash, headlocking him playfully.

“Oppa! You’re suffocating Mir oppa!” Seoyoung frowned as she tried to pry his hands off Mir.

“Alright alright,” Seungho relented as he surrendered his hands in the air.

“Why do you always shield him?”

It was Seungho’s turn to pout as Mir hugged Seoyoung tightly, grinning at the older male.

“Okay oppas, I need my beauty sleep already so please get back to your own rooms,” Seoyoung announced with an air of finality as she flopped back onto her bed, closing her eyes and pretending to sleep.

“Fine, you always do this to your poor oppa,” Seungho sighed and dragged Mir out of the room with him.

“Good night baby girl”

“Good night princess!”

The next day, Seoyoung went to school with Mir as usual, and Mieun pounced on her the moment she entered the classroom.

“Seoyoung ah! What happened with you and Himchan yesterday after he dragged you away?”

“Ugh.. Don’t even talk about it. I can’t believe he waited till I ended work to drive me home too! Is he my personal bodyguard or what? I swear, he’s lucky Sungmin didn’t work yesterday if not I’m definitely going to kill him!” Seoyoung raged.

At the mention of Sungmin’s name, Mieun gulped. She felt bad having to keep a secret against her best friend, but she had already given Sungjae her word. As much as she regretted it, she had no choice now. All she could do was hope that Sungjae break it to her as soon as possible, before she found out the truth some other way by her own. Mieun was spared from answering when the 3 BTOB members entered the classroom.

“Annyeong Mieun, Seoyoung!” Peniel greeted them happily.

“Annyeong!” The 2 girls answered at the same time, looked at each other before laughing to themselves.

“What was so funny?” Peniel cocked his head to the side, trying to figure out the situation.

“Happy 1st Year Anniversary guys!” Seoyoung suddenly shouted, holding out a gift in front of her.

“Happy 1st Year Anniversary to you guys too!” Mieun followed suit, presenting a gift of her own.

“Ah! You guys remembered!” Ilhoon said excitedly, bouncing up and down like a little kid.

“Of course we would,” Mieun answered matter-of-factly.

“Oh! We’re going to celebrate with Jiyong hyung, Jongwon hyung and Yonghyun hyung after school, wanna join us?” Peniel asked, eyes twinkling.

“Ah.. I’m working later on.. My manager called me earlier on asking if I could work because they were having VIP guests over and they were shorthanded..” Seoyoung replied sadly.

“Yah why are you always working!” Ilhoon complained, stomping his feet.

“Because it’s fun?” Seoyoung shrugged her shoulders.

“But not as fun as hanging out with us,” Ilhoon smirked.

“Yeah I know right..” Seoyoung sighed. For once, she actually had to agree with Ilhoon. It was BTOB’s 1st Year Anniversary for goodness sake. She threw a glance in Sungjae’s direction, but was surprised to see a look of worry plastered on his face. She frowned, wondering what the matter was, but shrugged it off as she turned her attention back to Ilhoon.

“Hmm.. What time does your work end?” Peniel asked thoughtfully.

“Actually for today it’s a special occasion, so as long as the guests are done, we can start doing the closing. They’re coming over at around 7pm so hopefully they don’t stay too long,” Seoyoung replied, a little more cheerfully this time round.

“You’re coming too right?”

“I’ll head over to Seoyoung’s and come with her. That’s okay right?” Mieun looked to her best friend for confirmation, to which Seoyoung nodded her head and grinning.

“Okay then it’s set then! I’ll text you the address later on, so you can come over when you’re done, we won’t be done that early since there’s no school tomorrow,” Peniel smiled.

Seoyoung couldn’t wait for school to end, and the time to quickly pass. She had told Mieun to go get changed and dolled up before finding her. The safest time would be at 8pm. Seoyoung was in a good mood when she left the classroom, until she reached the main gate.

Himchan was waiting there again.

She narrowed her eyes and made her way to him cautiously, eyes darting left and right to spot the guy she wanted to avoid badly.

“Yongguk’s not here,” Himchan stated flatly as he motioned for her to get into the car.

Seoyoung sighed and resigned herself to her misfortune.

“Yah, don’t come later, I’m heading elsewhere with Mieun after work,” Seoyoung broke the silence, looking out the window.


Seoyoung muttered a thanks to Himchan before getting out of the car and into the restaurant to get ready. The guests must be really important for everyone to be getting so worked up over. She decided to put on a little makeup to look more decent, and also for the celebration with BTOB later on. The thought of celebrating their anniversary with her crush was enough to make her heart flutter and heartbeat quicken. She shook off the thought and quickly helped with the preparations.

As she was setting up the table, she noticed that there were a total of 12 guests. Also, the decorations although there was no name, there were words of “Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary!” and “To our future success!”. Seoyoung frowned; This must be a company which just secured a very important deal despite being set up for only a year. Yes, that must be it. It was too ridiculous if BTOB were to have their celebration here, Seoyoung had chuckled at the thought. Why, they could have had the money to go to a high class restaurant than here. Peniel had sent her a text, but she had not gotten the chance to read the address.

Soon, it was just a few minutes before the guests would start arriving. According to her manager, they could either be on the dot, or very late, depending on the situation. Not that it mattered to Seoyoung of course. But she was fervently hoping that the guests could be early if not on the dot, so that this could end early and she could rush over as soon as possible.

Seoyoung left the restaurant to get some fresh air at the back, when her handphone rang. It was her manager.

“Kyungmi? Where are you? I need you now, they’ve arrived”

“Arasso i’m outside getting some fresh air, I’ll come in now,” Seoyoung answered, and ended the call.

Seoyoung entered the restaurant nervously, noticing a large van with tinted windows parked at the entrance. She frowned; Companies don’t need vans like this.. Unless they were ministers or idols, but it was impossible. She shook her head to clear the thought and decided not to jump into conclusions.

She made her way to the back, to keep her handphone away when she heard voices speaking.

“.. Don’t tell her okay? Let me tell her myself”

“All this while you’ve been lying to her?!”

“.. I know.. But.. I just can’t find a timing to tell her!”

“Arasso. You better keep that away before she sees”

Seoyoung was wondering who they were because only the staff had access to the back and one of the voices although familiar, but she was sure he was not a staff. Out of curiosity, Seoyoung peeped over the corner and she dropped her phone in surprise. The loud thud made the 2 of them stop their conversation and turn towards her direction. The taller guy let out an audible gasp and his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Seoyoung.

“Y-you..” Seoyoung’s eyes widened in surprise, shock and hurt.

Happy 1st Year Anniversary BTOB! ♥ #365DaysWithBTOB I can't believe it didn't trend worldwide though.. What happened? ㅠㅠ Anyway i thought i would update since it's their 1st Year Anniversary but sorry i had to do this to you Sungjae >_<

@JaneyxD: Yes i agree >_< Sungjae's my bias in BTOB but well, i had to do this to him hahaha >_<

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nice story ^^
Hikaa12 #2
Chapter 32: Updatee!! :D Its amazing!! ;) Hihi :b Himchannnnn! >< I wonder who seoyoung would end up with! Aaaaa <3
Chapter 32: LMAO, poor Jello! XD He just tried to help Himchan, too! XD nyehehe~~
klienchoung #4
Chapter 31: Girll it's your story lol
Chapter 30: Omg the love relationships with the different characters is so awesome and I have no idea which guy to ship with seoyoung
Please update soon^^
bobojo #6
Chapter 30: Yay!! I've missed your updates ^^
Darchi #7
Chapter 30: Sometimes I really get angry at seoyoung.. She shouldn't let himchan in in the first place..-.- Seungho will be really angry. '_'
klienchoung #8
Chapter 30: Grrrrrr!!! SeungHo's gonna be angry...
helloangel123 #9
Chapter 28: I have no idea how i feel. I lost my feels~! nimimi dipito dipito slipi slow motion. :P YOU HAVE FINALLY UPLOADED! GOSH GUUUURL!
well, thisis a quick report from number 1 fan news! Stayed tuned until the next vhap is up!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 29: Oh hohoho...