
Love triangle


"Seoyoung ah, wanna join us for lunch?" Youngjae tapped her.

She sighed before replying, "Haven't you guys eaten just now? Besides I have detention all thanks to SOMEONE"

"Seoyoung replied!" Jongup gasped.

"I'm not dumb you know.." Seoyoung muttered and slung her bag over her shoulders before making her way to where detention was being held when she was stopped all of a sudden.

"Mianhae Seoyoungieeeee! Forgive me?" Zelo ran to give her a back hug.

/loud slam on the table/

Seoyoung pushed him away and turned to see what happened. Sungjae was standing, his chair kicked backwards while Ilhoon and Peniel were staring at him. They happened to make eye contact and Sungjae's face turned red before he quickly turned away.

'What is he doing?' Seoyoung thought as she gave him one last glance before leaving the classroom.

Seoyoung reached within minutes and stood at the door as she looked at her watch.

'I'm going to be late for work later omg," Seoyoung sighed.

"Sit down and do your work," The teacher instructed Seoyoung as she greeted her.

Seoyoung sat down without a second word and took out her assignments to try and finish it since she was already here when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She stole a glance at the teacher and saw that she was busy marking some papers before carefully taking her phone out.

-Unknown number calling-

“Whatever,” Seoyoung muttered and rejected the call, tossing her phone into her bag.


The door burst open to reveal Yongguk standing at the door and an astonished Seoyoung who was staring at him.

“Sorry I’m late for detention,” Yongguk said as he sat down beside Seoyoung.

The teacher pursed her lips before nodding slightly and resumed with her work.

“What are you doing here?!” Seoyoung hissed.

“Nothing much, just to see you,” Yongguk shrugged his shoulders and played with his phone.


“No using of handphones in class!” The teacher sent a glare in his direction and he kept it obediently.

Seoyoung smirked before continuing with her assignment. After a painstaking 2 hours, the teacher released them and Seoyoung packed her stuff swiftly before rushing out of the classroom. Just as she reached the main gate, a motorbike pulled up in front of her. The biker handed a helmet to her but Seoyoung merely stared at him before moving around the motorbike to exit the school. The biker got down and held her arm to stop her from walking.

“Yah! What’s your problem!?” Seoyoung shouted.

“Fetch you of course,” The biker took off his helmet, revealing Yongguk, causing Seoyoung’s jaws to drop.

“I don’t need you to fetch me,” Seoyoung hissed and yanked her arm out of his grip.

Before she could do anything more, Yongguk had shoved the helmet on her head and manhandled her to his bike. He climbed on after her but did not start the ignition. Seoyoung hit him on the back, signaling him to move but he still did not do anything.

“Yah! I’m running late! If you still do not move, I’m-“ Seoyoung couldn’t finish her sentence before she jerked forward suddenly.

Yongguk had started revving the motor and braked all of a sudden, which made Seoyoung lose her balance and crash into his back. Seoyoung quickly released him and moved back into position, looking at anywhere but the front. A pink tinge had crept up onto Seoyoung’s cheeks but the helmet had made it not visible. Yongguk mentally facepalmed himself when Seoyoung continued to sit there doing nothing. He did the same thing again but this time Seoyoung seemed to have got it because she was staring at him with eyes wide open. Her cheeks had turned red and Yongguk smirked as he felt a pair of hands wrapped around his waist. They managed to reach the restaurant after Seoyoung gave him the directions and she handed him the helmet before rushing into the restaurant.

“Sorry I’m late!” Seoyoung stood there panting and apologizing.

“Kyungmi? Is that you?” Her manager was looking at her in surprise.

What..? OH!’

Realization hit her as she realized she was in contacts and her hair was down. She mentally facepalmed herself as she nodded meekly.

“Kyungmi? You look so pretty! You should stick to wearing contacts!” Sungmin had stuck his head out from behind the cashier and saw her standing at the entrance.

“Thank you,” Seoyoung smiled shyly at him before she felt a presence behind her.

“YOU! Kyungmi..? But anyway stop flirting with my girlfriend!” Yongguk had an arm around Seoyoung’s waist and glared at him.

“Since when am I your girlf?! You are not allowed to be so rude to my colleague! Just go home!” Seoyoung hissed and pushed him away to go to the back to get dressed for work.

“Colleague? Ha as if,” Yongguk muttered under his breath before walking towards Sungjae.

“Well well, look who we have here.. As If it wasn’t enough in school.. Does she know who you are? Because she seems to be treating you differently in school according to what Daehyun and the rest told me..” Yongguk whispered in his ear.

Sungjae’s eyes widened and he took a step backwards. Before he could say or do anything, Seoyoung had came back from changing and narrowed her eyes at the sight.

“Bang Yongguk! What did you just do! I thought I told you to go home!?” Seoyoung quickened her steps and roughly pushed him out of the restaurant.

“I’m so sorry! Did he do anything to you?” Seoyoung asked Sungjae worriedly.

“Aniyo don’t worry I’m fine,” Sungjae smiled and nudged her to get to work.


After the restaurant had closed and they were done changing, Sungjae was waiting for Seoyoung while everyone had left. Sungjae locked the restaurant up before they started walking to Seoyoung’s house. It was a comfortable silence as Seoyoung was reminded of the rilakkuma lying on her bed now and had blushed at the memory. What she didn’t know was that Sungjae was stealing glances at her sideways and had seen her blush. His heartbeat had quickened and he quickly took a deep breath to calm himself down.

“Oh! I nearly forgot!” Sungjae handed her a paper bag with her handbag inside.

“Ah! I forgot about my bag aish pabo..” Seoyoung muttered towards the end as she peeked inside the paper bag.

Sungjae ruffled her hair affectionately, making her blush again as she kept trying to make him stop. Sungjae recalled something and cleared his throat, thinking of how to put it into words.

“Um.. That..”

“Hmm?” Seoyoung turned to look at him.

“Is.. Is that guy earlier on your boyfriend by any chance?” Sungjae asked softly.

“Aniyo! Why would you think that way!” Seoyoung exclaimed in surprise before adding in a low voice, “He was my ex..”

“.. Geuraeyo?”

Seoyoung nodded her head before adding, “Yah! You don’t believe me?”

“Aniyo!” Sungjae relaxed and laughed.

As he dropped Seoyoung off a block away from her house like usual, his worry started to reflect on his face.

‘This is bad.. He’s going to blow off my cover sooner or later.. I need to tell Seoyoung personally before she finds out from others and get mad at me’

Sigh i kind of feel like discontinuing this.. i just don't feel like my story's any good.. :(

@helloangel123: Sorry it took me eternity to update ;___; hope you enjoyed the chapters! ^^

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nice story ^^
Hikaa12 #2
Chapter 32: Updatee!! :D Its amazing!! ;) Hihi :b Himchannnnn! >< I wonder who seoyoung would end up with! Aaaaa <3
Chapter 32: LMAO, poor Jello! XD He just tried to help Himchan, too! XD nyehehe~~
klienchoung #4
Chapter 31: Girll it's your story lol
Chapter 30: Omg the love relationships with the different characters is so awesome and I have no idea which guy to ship with seoyoung
Please update soon^^
bobojo #6
Chapter 30: Yay!! I've missed your updates ^^
Darchi #7
Chapter 30: Sometimes I really get angry at seoyoung.. She shouldn't let himchan in in the first place..-.- Seungho will be really angry. '_'
klienchoung #8
Chapter 30: Grrrrrr!!! SeungHo's gonna be angry...
helloangel123 #9
Chapter 28: I have no idea how i feel. I lost my feels~! nimimi dipito dipito slipi slow motion. :P YOU HAVE FINALLY UPLOADED! GOSH GUUUURL!
well, thisis a quick report from number 1 fan news! Stayed tuned until the next vhap is up!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 29: Oh hohoho...