Love Rain


Kai woke up the next morning with a massive headache. He grabbed his head and groaned. In the corner of his eyes he found two pills on the counter with a glass of water and a note. Kai picked up the note: Painkillers to get rid of your hangover... and your wounds... Take care.

Kai put the note down and grabbed the pills and the water. The pills layed on his hands. He sat up but winced once he felt the pain come to him. He managed to sit upright and swallow the pills. He took big gulps from the glass of water and soon it was empty. 

He put his head back but bumped into the backboard, "Ow!" He groaned and rubbed the back of his head. He looked around the room and wondered what he could do....... nothing. 

He pushed the blankets off him and winced again. Slowly, he got off the bed and slowly made his way to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror, carefully examined his face. He could somewhat tell the bruises were calming down.

He softly touched his face, he could a little pain coming but not alot. He let out a deep sigh and left the bathroom.Kai changed out of his pajamas and into everyday clothes. He walked out of his room and to the kitchen, slowly. He spotted breakfast made already on the table. 

When sat down and took a bite of his food, he found it cold. He made a face and forced a swallow. He looked at the time, 3:30. I've been sleeping for that long?!??!

He put his fork down walked around the kitchen trying to find something else to eat. The food has been sitting out in the open air for a while and kind of went bad.

He opened the refrigerator and scanned what was inside, nothing. 

Then he heard the front door open.

You crept inside with your backpack hung on your shoulder. You walked into the kitchen and then let out a gasp once you saw Kai.

He smirked, "Surprised?" He continued to look around the kitchen for food.

"What are you looking for?" You asked.

"Food. The breakfast seemed to ... go bad." 

You mentally smacked yourself for not thinking of putting something over it.

"You seriously have no food here." Kai stated as he closed the cabinet. 

You thought back to this morning when you made breakfast. You told yourself you would run to the supermarket, but forgot. "I'll go to the supermarket." You set your backpack on the sofa, and grabbed your shoulder bag. 

"I-I'll go with you." Kai suddenly blurted.

You turned to him and looked at him. "Are you sure? Are you still in pain? You should rest-"

"Look, I rested enough today ... and I ... wanted to see what was at the store..." Kai awkwardly said. Yeah.. That works...


"Let's just go," He was already out the door. You blinked a few times before going out the door. 

You and Kai awkwardly walked beside each other. When your shoulder would brush against his, you couldn't help but blush a little. In order to avoid it, you step further away from him. 

Suddenly, you felt something drop on your head. You touched your head and felt something else drop. You looked up, the sky was dark grey, clouds were over your heads. Rain started to come down. 

As if instinct, Kai put an arm around your shoulder and hurried you to an oning. 

You looked as the rain started to fall. You always liked the rain, it gave you a relaxing feel and comfort. Sometimes you would sit by your window and watch it fall. 

Kai let out a sigh and put his hands in his pockets, "I guess we have to stay here for a while." 

"Wah! Are you two a couple?" A voice said from behind.

You and Kai turned around and looked at the old ahjumma. She was holding a spoon in her hand and pointed at the both of you. 

"You two look really cute together!" She said.

You started to shake your head.

"For you two I'll give you a free meal! C'mon sit." She guestured towards a small table to the side of her little kitchen. 

You looked at Kai, who was already making his way to the table. 

The two of you sat down. 

"I'll get you your food, ok?" With that the old lady went back to her counter. 

You looked back at the rain. 

The lady was back in no time with food, she set it down on the table with the chopsticks, "Enjoy!" 

Kai instantly grabbed the chopsticks and began to dig in. You slowly grabbed your chopsticks and poked around at the food.  

"Are you gonna eat?" Kai said as he looked from his plate to you.

"I'm not that hungry." You quietly said. That was part of the truth, you actually wanted Kai to get full because he didn't eat your cooking. You quietly watched the rain. 

On rainy days, you and your dad would sit together by the window and watch the rain. You would start to converse, but the silence was nice. Your dad was a very comforting person, he was always there for you no matter what. 

Soon Kai finished all the food. He sat back in the chair, "I'm so full."

The ahjumma came back, "Wow, you finished all the food!" She turned to you, "Why didn't you eat any?" 

You were taken aback by the question, you didn't know that the lady was watching you the whole time, "Uhh..."

She kept looking at you waiting for an answer.

"He was just really hungry, so I wanted him to eat all the food." You truthfully said.

She gave you a sweet smile, "Aw such a caring girlfriend!" She turned to Kai, "You have to be a caring boyfriend, too!"

Kai nodded and smiled at the lady.

"You two can leave whenever your ready, and come back soon!" She said and went back to her counter.

Kai turned to you, "Ready?" 

You pointed to the rain.

Unexspectedly the lady retuned with an umbrella, "For you two." 

You took the umbrella and bowed, "Thank you, we'll return it soon." The two of you got up and walked towards the rain, you opened the umbrella and went under it.

You scooted over a little bit, so Kai could get in. 

"I think we should go home, it looks like the weather's going to get worse." Kai gestured towards the sky.

You looked up and agreed. The clouds were thick and dark.

Both of you started to make your way back home. 

The umbrella was pretty small, so the both of you had to be squished together. You slowly walked the wet streets in silence. 

For some reason, Kai was starting to blush a little for being so close to you. Never had he ever blushed infront of anyone for being close to someone. He couldn't understand it. He would be way closer to other woman than this. Something about you made him feel this way.

Your arms were getting tired from holding the umbrella and started to fall. 

Kai felt the umbrella hit his head, he turned to you and noticed your arms struggling to keep it up.

Kai sighed and took a hold of it, "I got it." 

You lowered your hand and felt a great relief come over you.

Kai heard a car coming and turned around. He saw the car coming full speed splashing water to the sidewalked.

Kai's eyes widened and looked at you. The car was making it's way towards you. 

Instantly, Kai put an arm around you and pushed you to the other side of him, just in time before the car came. 

Instead of splashing you it splashed Kai with water. Your eyes widened in shock. He was soaking wet. 

You stared at him, wondering why he did that. After coming to your senses you grabbed his arm and hurried him to your house.  

You arrived at your house and pulled him inside, "You should take a shower and get cleaned."

Kai nodded and quickly walked to his room. He closed the door and made his way to the bathroom, he was still in pain but bared with it. He the water and carefully took his clothes off. Once he got in the bath tub he felt better, more relaxed. 


:'( :'( Sorry for the late update!!!! I'll update tomorrow if I can!!!! Even though I have like 30 subscribers only 1 of you comments :( that's one reason why i don't update alot. Comments make me feel motivated to write so please leave your comments :D But I still love you <3 <3 <3 

OMG I'm starting to like this new group C-Clown!! They're added to my list of my fav rookies which include EXO, NU'EST, B.A.P. and Cross Gene!! But forever my favorite boy band groups are Super Junior and Infinte <3 <3 <3 <3 

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Thank you all for your love! ♥ I'm working on another chapter now~ See you soon! -xannyeong


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spartaceluver #1
Chapter 31: Nice story!!! Update soon
Chapter 31: Update please
Chapter 31: Please update!!!
immarktuans #4
Chapter 29: Ok so the two like each other ^^ but she thinks Kai doesn't love her :(
Update soon :)
Chapter 29: Well, I'm glad both their feelings are sorted out.
All we need now is a confession and possibly a kiss hehe.

Update soon <3
torinicole #6
Chapter 29: I just got really frustrated
Chapter 29: Oh gosh Kai so frustrating :((
immarktuans #8
Chapter 28: It's so sad that her father died and she's trying to cover up with lies even though on the inside she's hurting. Kris is such a good friend but he's doing it because he LOVES her.
Update soon ^^
immarktuans #9
Chapter 20: Does that mean B.A.P was the group that dropped her down the cliff?!?!? -O-
immarktuans #10
Chapter 4: Ok never mind. Joon is okay ^^