The Garden


Kai walked out of his room, he was taking originally listening to music but fell asleep. He walked down the stairs, he passed by the living room until something caught his eye. You were sitting up panting. 

Kai hurried towards you, "Are you ok?!?! What happened?!?!" 

You slowly looked him in the eye and blinked, "Uh... I just... Had a bad dream... that's all." 

Kai slowly nodded, "Ok, are you ok now?" 

You nodded, "Yes I'm fine. I think I need some air." 

"Let me go with you." Kai said.

The two of you walked around his massive backyard. His whole backyard was like walking through an England garden. Everything was peaceful and beautiful. 

"Wow this is such a beautiful backyard." You said. You were calm now but the dream still bothered you. 

"Yeah it is," Kai sighed, "I haven't walked through here in a long time."

"Why is that?" you asked.

Kai didn't know how to answer so he lied, "Too busy."

You could tell he was lying but decided not talk anymore. You saw a bench, "Can we sit?"

Kai gulped, memories flooded his head, "Uh s-sure." 

You sat down and looked at the landscape. Wind blowing your face out of your face.

Kai stared at you, he was mesmorized by your beauty.

Kai ran to his mom with his older brother chasing after him. He was smiling, when he finally reached his mother he looked up at her. Wind was blowing the hair out of her face. She was looking at the landscape. She smiled down at Kai lovingly. 

His older brother reached him and took a seat next to their mother. Kai sat in the middle and looked at the beautiful landscape.

"I did a good job, right Jongsu and Jongin?" His mother joked.

Kai quickly nodded his head, "You did a wonderful job mommy!" 

"Yes a very wonderful job!" Jongsu enthused. 

"Aww you two are so adorable!" She cooed and hugged both of them. A butterfly flew past them, "Oh a butterfly! Ah so pretty..." 

Kai smiled brightly, "i wanna catch it! Mommy, watch me catch it!" He jumped out of his seat and raced towards it.

"I want to catch it too. Let hyung catch it!" Jongsu yelled and ran after him.

Their mother laughed and watched her two son's chase after the butterfly. 

Kai blinked his way back to reality as he saw a butterfly flew past him.

"Oh a butterfly!" You held out your hand and the butterfly gently set its self on your finger. A smile formed on your face as you admired the butterfly. "Ah so pretty..." 

Kai stared at the butterfly as well. 

"Isn't it pretty?" You asked.

"No." Kai abrutly answered.

You flinched at his tone and the butterfly flew off your hand. You pouted and looked down. 

Kai didn't mean for his answer to come out that way. He soon felt guilty. He awkwardly took a seat next to you. At this view he could see his mother's garden. The one she worked so hard to make. Yet after her death Kai never bothered to visit it again. 

Looking at it, he felt a slash in his heart.

"Jongin, Jongsu, promise me that if I ever leave, you will take care of my garden." His mother said.

Kai nodded, "Of course." He then turned his attention back to his computer.

"Yeah sure mom, anything you like." Jongsu said and continued to work on his homework.

Their mother smiled warmly, "Promise." 

Kai looked away from his computer and smiled at his mom, "I promise."

Jongsu smiled too, "I promise too." 

Kai could feel tears forming in his eyes. Guilt was eating him up. Staring at the garden, which he never touched once his mother died. Guilt was all he could feel. He was the one who was suppose to take care of the garden instead of a random gardener his father paid. 

You noticed something and got up from your seat. You walked to a small patch of flowers, you noticed that there were weeds here and there. You bent beside it and lightly touched the flowers. Some looked parched. 

"Kai," You called. You saw Kai with his head bent looking deep in thought. You tilted your head and called him again, "Kai." 

Kai looked up. He saw you bent beside a patch of flowers. 

"Is it okay if I water these plants?" You asked.

"Huh? Uh um," Kai couldn't find an answer. 


"I'll be right back." Kai said as he ran to fetch two watering cans. He filled it both with water. He hurried back to you and handed you one. "Let's water them, together."

Updated! :D I will update soon... maybe double update... :O 

He looks like an angel ^_^ 


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Thank you all for your love! ♥ I'm working on another chapter now~ See you soon! -xannyeong


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spartaceluver #1
Chapter 31: Nice story!!! Update soon
Chapter 31: Update please
Chapter 31: Please update!!!
immarktuans #4
Chapter 29: Ok so the two like each other ^^ but she thinks Kai doesn't love her :(
Update soon :)
Chapter 29: Well, I'm glad both their feelings are sorted out.
All we need now is a confession and possibly a kiss hehe.

Update soon <3
torinicole #6
Chapter 29: I just got really frustrated
Chapter 29: Oh gosh Kai so frustrating :((
immarktuans #8
Chapter 28: It's so sad that her father died and she's trying to cover up with lies even though on the inside she's hurting. Kris is such a good friend but he's doing it because he LOVES her.
Update soon ^^
immarktuans #9
Chapter 20: Does that mean B.A.P was the group that dropped her down the cliff?!?!? -O-
immarktuans #10
Chapter 4: Ok never mind. Joon is okay ^^