The Ride to Jeju Island


Today was the day, you would leave for Jeju Island. You already packed your bags and they ready at your door. You haven't told Kai that you were going on a trip. You though he wouldn't care.

But turns out he does...

You quietly knocked on his door and waited for an answer. 

After a few seconds, he opened the door. He had messy bed hair with a tired and an annoyed expression.

"What?" He groaned.

"I just wanted to let you that, I'm going a school trip for a week." You replied not wanting to make eye contact.

His eye's suddenly widen, "Why are you telling me this now?" His tone suddenly changed from tiredness to alert.

You were suprised and looked at him, "I thought you wouldn't... care." 

Kai swallowed, her eyes!! Why the hell are her eyes so pretty?!?!?!

Then he straightenned up, "I don't, and I'm going on a trip too, with ... friends, so have fun, see you in a few weeks... uh bye!" He then closed the door in your face.

"Remeber to lock the door, ok?" You waited for an answer but heard a groan instead.

You took that as an answer and headed to your kitchen where you left an extra house key rest on the counter.

You grabbed the handle of your suitcase and pulled it out the front door. You closed the door behind you and locked it. With that you made your way to the bus stop.

Your school instructed the students to all meet up at the airport at 9:00 am. As you were walking, the bus passed by you. Alarmed you hurried to the stop, but you were to far away. In a few seconds the bus closed its doors and drove off. 

You tried to catch up to it but your suitcase was pulling you back. You checked your phone for the time, and found that it was 8:45 am. 

You slumped your shoulders and decided to wait for the next bus. Before you knew it a black luxurious car pulled up infront of you. You looked up and tried to look through the tinted window.

The back seat window slowly went down revealing a handsome guy, Kris.

"Come in," He nodded his head to the side gesturing you to get in.

The trunk of the car opened and you absentmindedly put it in. You opened the car door and got in next to  Kris. 

"Your dad isn't taking you?" Kris asked as he instructed the driver to go.

"He ... was ... busy." You said.

Kris nodded his head. 

"And Thank you for giving me a ride." 

Kris softly smiled at you, "No problem, I was running a little late too." 

In a short while, the two of you made it to the airport. You grabbed your suitcase and thanked the driver before going inside.

You and Kris walked inside side by side, until both of you saw the group of students. You unnoticably distance yourself away from Kris. 

On the other hand, Kris noticed, but before he could say anything, EXO-M came up to him.

You walked passed them and made your way to Ms.Woo. She smiled at and put her hand on your shoulder. "You made it just in time, Yoonhee!"

You politely smiled back. She handed you your ticket, "We're going to board in just a moment, and do you know who your roommante is?" 

You shook your head, but you hoped it wasn't one of the queenkas.

"Hmm..." Ms.Woo looked at her clipboard and scanned for your name. "You choose your roommante, right?" 

You nodded.

"You've been roomed with...Kwon Hyeri."

Kwon Hyeri? You thought about her, trying to think of her. Until, Ms.Woo called her name out. 

A girl, with blonde hair short hair and headphones placed around her next came walking towards you. To be honest she didn't look really nice in your perspective. She wore dark ripped skinny jeans, a large t-shirt with a jean vest. As she was walking towards you and Ms.Woo she had one hand in her pocket, and had a plain expression on her face.

"What?" She said and flipped her hair.

"This is Yoonhee, you're rooming with her." Ms. Woo casually said.

Hyeri looked at you, and gave you a disgusted look and thought, Probably one of those bratty, spoiled girls. "Whatever." She put her headphones back on and walked back to a chair.

You sighed, thats goes for making a new friend.

Them the intercom came on, "Boarding for Jeju island starts now." 

"OK! Everyone let's get going!" Ms. Woo anounced. 

You grew excited and decided to push your thoughts of Hyeri aside for a moment.

Once you boarded the airplane, you had a seat next to the window. You plopped down with a smile on your face. You kept looking out the window and didn't even know who sat next to you.

"Why do you keep looking out the window?" A girls voice asked in a irritated matter, "It looks like you've never been on a plane before."

You grew embarrassed and looked away from the window and at the person sitting next to you. It was Hyeri. 

"Um... Well I've never been on a plane before. This is my first time." You said.

Hyeri gaped at you, "Seriously?"

You nodded, "I always wanted to go to Jeju Island, but my dad could never afford a trip."

"Wait? Couldn't afford? ... You're not rich?" Hyeri asked looking at you.

You shook your head.

"Then why do you go to SM High?" She asked, she was starting to change her view of you.

"My dad has connections with the school, so I go here with a free tuition. And I'm sorry if I gave you a bad impression, I just want to enjoy this trip without any trouble, so I'll stay out of your way." You slightly bowed and comtinued to look out your window.

Hyeri gave a you a bewildered look and thought, I should be apologizing for making her feel that way, maybe she's not one of those spoiled brats... she's poor .... like me....

"Hey, you shouldn't apologize, I should apologize for judging you and acting like a . I'm not like this all the time, let me reintroduce myself," She stuck her hand out, "I'm Kwon Hyeri." 

You blinked a couple of times and finally shook her hand, "I'm Lee Yoonhee."

When you looked at her more closely, you actually thought she was really pretty. You thought that her blonde short hair looked good on her.

During the ride to Jeju, you made conversation with Hyeri. Aside from her very blunt, straightforeword personality she had a nice, caring side to her. She was poor like you and goes to SM High under a scholarship.

You stating to consider that this trip won't be as bad asa you thought it would be. 

Sorry for the late update :( But 50 Subscribers!!!! Thank you so much!!! <3 

And do you guys like Kwon Hyeri? She's going to be a new character! She's kind of like one of those badass type of girl :D 


And please check out my new story! Key's Robotic Invention it's more of a romantic comedy! Please support it! (click the robot) 


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Thank you all for your love! ♥ I'm working on another chapter now~ See you soon! -xannyeong


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spartaceluver #1
Chapter 31: Nice story!!! Update soon
Chapter 31: Update please
Chapter 31: Please update!!!
immarktuans #4
Chapter 29: Ok so the two like each other ^^ but she thinks Kai doesn't love her :(
Update soon :)
Chapter 29: Well, I'm glad both their feelings are sorted out.
All we need now is a confession and possibly a kiss hehe.

Update soon <3
torinicole #6
Chapter 29: I just got really frustrated
Chapter 29: Oh gosh Kai so frustrating :((
immarktuans #8
Chapter 28: It's so sad that her father died and she's trying to cover up with lies even though on the inside she's hurting. Kris is such a good friend but he's doing it because he LOVES her.
Update soon ^^
immarktuans #9
Chapter 20: Does that mean B.A.P was the group that dropped her down the cliff?!?!? -O-
immarktuans #10
Chapter 4: Ok never mind. Joon is okay ^^