Morning Swim


The next day, you woke up and got prepared for the day. You looked out the window and at the view. You smiled. Well I'm here, but I wish you came with me, dad.

You sighed and walked to Hyeri, who was still sleeping. She stirred in her sleep and a slow mumble came out. "Chanyyyeeeoooll, stop beeeeeiingg sooo cccuuuutttteee~" 

You giggled and walked to the door. You opened it and quietly closed the door behind you. Once it was fully shut you started to walk towards the elevator but bumped into someone. 

"Sorry," You apologized. As soon as you looked up, it became awkward. The person you bumped into was, Kai. 

"Uh, It's ok," Kai awkwardly said and rubbed the back of his neck. 

You slowly nodded, "Well, See you later." You started to walk away from him and towards the elevator.

Kai blinked a few times as he watched you walk to the elevator. After coming to his senses, he walked to his room. Where he found Sehun sleeping soundly ... on the floor.

Kai raised an eyebrow and stalked over to him. Kai tilted his head while looking at him. He found his best friend extremely weird at times. He kicked him and pretty hard as well.

Sehun groaned and pulled the blanket over him. 

"What are doing on the floor?" Kai asked.

"I fell and I was too tired to get back up." Sehun slurred his words. 

Kai rolled his eyes and plopped down on his bed. 

"Anyways, where were you this morning?" Sehun asked, still on the floor.

"I went for a walk." Kai shrugged and closed his eyes. 

Sehun got up from the floor and sat on the edge of Kai's bed. "You don't look like your having fun on this trip." 

Kai shrugged.

"When we went out with those two girls, you seem to be distance." Sehun said. 

Kai shrugged again.

"Unless!" Sehun started and pointed a finger at him, "You're into one of those girls, and you're shy!" 

Kai didn't even know he was blushing. "W-What???!!!"

"See?? You're even blushing!" Sehun was standing now and still pointing at him. 

Kai looked away. 

Sehun smirked, "Is it the blonde one Chanyeol likes or is it Suho hyung's employee?" 

"It's not either of them." Kai said.

"Sure~" Sehun winked and walked to the bathroom.

Kai rolled his eyes and the TV.


You got off the elevator and headed to the hotels pool. You walked around the pool and even dipped your toes into the water. You giggled at it, until you saw a figure in the water. You didn't know someone would go swimming this early. 

The figure popped out of the water. 

Suho looked at the other person and a smile appeared on his face, "Yoonhee!"

"Oh hello, Suho oppa." You waved and squatted down next to the pool. 

Suho swam closer to you, "What are you doing here?" 

"I could say the same for you. I didn't know people swam this early in the morning." You replied. 

"Well, a person can swim whenever they want to, doesn't matter the time of day." Suho flashed a smiled.

You agreed, "It's better, not that many people around." 

"Yeah, I sometimes like to be alone and away from people." Suho said. 

"Was I disturbing you? I should go." You were about to get up but Suho grabbed your hand.

"No, you're not disturbing me." Suho said. Not at all.

This time you took off your flip flops, set it beside you, and sat down while putting your legs in the pool.

"Have you ever swam before?" Suho asked. 

"Only a few times, I'm not that good at it though." You said.

"Do want to learn?" Suho asked again. 

You thought for a little bit, "I do, but not now." 

Suho nodded. He lifted himself from the pool and was sat next to you.  

"So, you're saying I could teach you." 

You nodded, "Yeah, that would be great." 

Suho smiled to himself and mentally pumped his fist in the air. 

"Well, I better get going. Hyeri wants us to go sight seeing today." You got up and put your flip flops on. 

Suho felt disappointed but covered for it, "Ok you should. And there's going to be a party on the beach on Saturday, you should go. And bring Hyeri, Chanyeol wants to see her. 

You nodded, "Ok, I'll think about it. See you later!" You waved and left the pool area.

Suho sighed and wiped himself off with his towel. He placed a hand over his heart. Is it ok to feel this way?

Please do not hate me for updating so late! I apologize. I was concentrating on a bunch of school stuff, I'm going to start high school this year and i'm super duper nervous!!! I start it in a week from now, but one bad thing is .... I caught a cold -___- but it's nothing bad.... I hope ! And please comment <3 

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Thank you all for your love! ♥ I'm working on another chapter now~ See you soon! -xannyeong


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spartaceluver #1
Chapter 31: Nice story!!! Update soon
Chapter 31: Update please
Chapter 31: Please update!!!
immarktuans #4
Chapter 29: Ok so the two like each other ^^ but she thinks Kai doesn't love her :(
Update soon :)
Chapter 29: Well, I'm glad both their feelings are sorted out.
All we need now is a confession and possibly a kiss hehe.

Update soon <3
torinicole #6
Chapter 29: I just got really frustrated
Chapter 29: Oh gosh Kai so frustrating :((
immarktuans #8
Chapter 28: It's so sad that her father died and she's trying to cover up with lies even though on the inside she's hurting. Kris is such a good friend but he's doing it because he LOVES her.
Update soon ^^
immarktuans #9
Chapter 20: Does that mean B.A.P was the group that dropped her down the cliff?!?!? -O-
immarktuans #10
Chapter 4: Ok never mind. Joon is okay ^^