Are you kidding me?!

This is not funny…not a tiny bit.

“I swear if you’re playing with me…”

“Let me explain everything first…” he stopped me. “…just sit down and listen to me.” he pulled the chair beside me and gently pushed me down to it.

He motioned the waiter to leave us before he sat back down on his chair.

“So..where would you like me to start??” he asked.

“From the start…” I said.

He sighed, “Ji Yong showed me a picture of you and Dara… this is even before the bus incident. He said, Dara really wants you to have a boyfriend. His girlfriend has been dreaming of going on a double date with you and you’re boyfriend but you were too preoccupied with your fantasy back then that the level of your ultimate prince was beyond reach.”

Well…that was true. I thought.

“Ji Yong asked me if I would like to date you…. and cross my heart.. the first time I saw your picture, I was fallen. I immediately said yes and he said he will work on it.” he smiled at me.

I felt my cheeks blush. I should be scared right now but the weirdest of all weirdest is…. I AM NOT.

In fact, I am rejoicing deep within me.

Huh… I know I am pretty and the guys are just too blind to recognize my beauty, but is it their fault or my fault??

Yeah… you were so into your novels that the only person you want to marry back then is Edward Cullen..haha

But seriously up until now I am hoping for that XD

“And then….??” I tried to act cool.

“And then… I waited for the day that you will date me. Ji Yong said, Dara is urging you to go on a date with me but you were too stubborn just to try it.” he said staring straight at me.

I turned beet red and averted my gaze.

“I didn’t lose hope… they said that they are trying their best to coerce you but I got impatient so I took the matters in my own hands. I started following you, from your office to your home. There was never a time that I did not follow you…. until that incident in the bus.” His facial expression darkened. “That erted maniac… he’s lucky that is all I did to him.” He clenched his fist on the table.

“Did Dara and Ji Yong know that you were following me??” I asked.

“Yes…..” he answered.




“So….so…. you know everything?? I mean…ev…evry….” I found my voice shaking.

“Ahh… you mean…everything that you told Dara??” he chuckled.


I’m screwed.

“Yes I do….” He said containing a laugh.



“Omo…don’t be mad at Dara…” he suddenly said as if he can read what I am thinking.

“Why shouldn’t I?!!” I suddenly exclaimed.

“It’s not her who told me….” He said meekly.

“Then who??” I demand an explanation!

He smiled to me first before he utter the name of the culprit.


I shut my eyes to contain my anger. So everything that I told Dara goes straight to Ji Yong then everything that DARA told JI YONG goes straight to YONG!!




“Don’t worry…they only did that because I was losing hope at that time. I was following you but I never had the guts to talk to you. They said a lot of things to cheer me up….” He covered his mouth.

“A lot of things such us…??” I raised my eyebrow at him.

He smiled nervously, “Nothing…” he took a glass of water and drank it in one go.


I sighed then I bend down on the table to hide the embarrassment on my face.


What else does he know??

Does he know everything??

Arggggh….this is my worst nightmare.


A soft hand touched my hand and gently pulled and enclosed into his.

I look up only to meet his gaze. He was smiling warmly at me, “You don’t have to be embarrassed…. Love is something you can’t be embarrassed of.”

“Who said I am in love with you…huh?” I pulled my hands away from him.

“Aren’t you??” he smiled at me.

I pouted, “Tss…you’re confidence is way up there…” I pointed to the ceiling. “I will make Dara pay for this…” I muttered to myself.

“Hey…don’t be mad…this is our first real date so let’s enjoy this…”

I look at him; he gave me one of his pleading looks that would surely melt your heart.

Arrgggghhh…. Park Shin Hye don’t give in!!!

“Please…” he said putting his hands together in front of him.

Omo… how can I possibly turn that down? How?

ANIYO ANIYO ANIYO…. I won’t give in.

“I can kneel if you want…just forgive me…” he stood up from his chair and went beside me.

Is he serious??

He was about to get on the ground.

He’s really…he’s really….

“STOP!!” I screamed before his knees touches the ground.

He lookS up at me.

“I forgive you…” I said pulling him up.

“Really??” he held my shoulders gently while leaning forward to meet my gaze.

OMO…those lovely orbs –it’s hypnotizing!!

The corner of my lips twitch, his lips are so close. I wonder how it would taste like.

Arggghh… very tempting!!

I bit my lower lip.

“Shin hye… are you okay??” he brushed the bead of sweat on my forehead.

I snap back to reality.

“I…..i….i am okay…” I pulled away from him and sat back again on my chair.

I drank the entire content of the glass in front of me in one swig.

My throat felt so dry!!

Aish.. Park Shin hye.. you should learn to control your thoughts!!

I scold myself.

“Let’s eat… I am starving…” I said as he sat back down on his chair.

He smiled again, “Me too….”




The dinner went by just fine. I thought she will be mad at me the whole time but I guess my charm works really well on her that she gave in. We were walking in silence along the road. I glance at her beside me.

‘She’s even prettier when she’s acting cool.’

I sighed,

‘I finally found you after a long time.

You haven’t changed a bit.

Not a tiny bit.

 You’re spark is still there.

Maybe you’re not as strong as before but the strong willed Park Shin Hye is still within you.

You’re still the same old Park Shin Hye that I used to know…..’


“What’s wrong??” she asked noticing my silence.

I scratch the back of my head, “Nothing… I just noticed that you are so beautiful tonight.”

I saw her blush, I smiled.


Even that didn’t change… strong but shy Park Shin Hye.

Lovely Park Shin Hye.

My Park Shin Hye.


“Stop flattering me… I’m still a bit mad at you…” she punches me on the arm.

“Ouch…” I grimaced.


Even your punch didn’t change. I miss that.


“Omo…did I punch you too hard??” she asked worriedly touching my arm that she punched.

I smiled, “No… I miss that….”

Her brows tied into a knot, “Huh??”

I pressed my forefinger on her forehead to straighten her brows.

“Nothing….” I said.

Her brows furrowed more, “Yah!!” she exclaimed.

I turned my back on her and went straight ahead walking fast. And just as I thought, she came running towards me.

“Yah!!...” she screams behind me.

I look back, whoa she’s still a fast runner!!

Before I could even react, she grabs my shirt to stop me. She pulled my arm and spun me around.

“Hey…” she started but she wobbles losing her balance.

I grab her hand and pulled her to me, “Are you okay??” I asked her.

She looks up to me from my chest.

“Are you okay??” I asked again.

She nods then she pulled away from me.

“Tss… you’re very prone to accident…” I said looking at her.

“No I am not…” she pouted.

“Yes you are…” I level my face to her. “There’s a solution to that….” I winked at her, I took her right hand and enclose it in my left hand.

She looks stunned.

“Stay close to me…this is safer…” I smile as she blushed.

I started walking with her hand in mine. I thought she’s going to pull it away but she didn’t.

That made me happy.


“I never thought that you have a boyfriend…” we heard some someone said from behind.

We turn around.

“……….Ms. Park.” Joo Ji Hoon flashed his infamous smirk.







A little confession there from Yong…haha

I won’t say anything so read between the lines..keke

Sorry if I update this just now. I have 3 on going fics…ahhhhhhh

*suicide*   teddy-bear-emotions-crying


By the way did you notice the new poster?? Did you like it?? keke….cute-panda-emoticon-004.gif


Anyway I hope you like this mahbelles…





@laz_15 – won’t drop a comment.. waaahhh…that will be the death of me… cute-teddy-bear-lighting-emoticons  sorry chingu if I update this just now..i hope you can forgive me neh?? Mwuah!! ^^

@graeye82 – Shin Hye’s a little careless here..haha..and I love her carelessness… still busy chingu?? I’m terribly missing your fic.. T_T  teddy-bear-broken-heart-emotions 

@kloyola – I trolled you chingu!! hahaha… YONG and YONG what a combination…

@hanaplor – your happiness is my happiness… sorry for the delayed update T_T

@BOICELF – WAAAAhhh..don’t answer it for her chingu.. she definitely want to say yes but she’s just want to play hard to get…keke

@mymy5106 – hehe.. you don’t know how embarrassed Shin Hye felt that time…

@livelovelifeah – what are you feeling chingu?? Haha… let’s control our giddiness…keke

@len2109 – is a bickering date sweet…aigooo… I’mma hide now,, Mianhe for a lame update T_T

@jadepizarro – everyone thought that it’s Joo Ji Hoon…keke..  and I really love to troll… booyah ^___^

@starlight_flames – sorry if this update took soooo long.. anyways I hope you enjoyed this one.. ^___^

@loveydooley – suddenly the update became Tuesdays.. sorry for the delayed update.. I’ll try to update more often..

@DB_Yonghwa – waaahhh gwaenchanayo chinguya?? Keke

@ClumsyGirl – haha… Shin Hye tends to be really funny at times….err.. I mean… all the time.. keke

@Mistiri – soooo embarrassing…hehe

@andre_20 – Shin Hye died out of embarrassment but Yong hwa revived her..keke

@violet12 – wow…thank you so much!! I am honored ^___^ welcome to the family..keke

@ccharmzz – here’s the update.. I hope I did a good one thank you for the love ^___^



I’LL TRY TO UPDATE AS FAST AS I CAN…PROMISE   cute-teddy-bear-in-cold-emoticons





BUHBYE…. cute-panda-emoticon-003.gif




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I updated earlier than what is expected..keke ^^


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Wendy-1977 #1
So sweet yongshin 😍
danie1822 #2
Chapter 25: Me encanta esta historia es hermosa, yongshin formo una linda familia, que lindo, me gusto como relatastw toda la.historia. eres genial.
Revisiting my subscriptions and this was my very first fanfic <3
Reakempis #4
Chapter 25: i just finished reading it again, i"m not sure how many times i read this story of yours authonim! i hope you will write another one.
Keahun #5
Chapter 25: nice one, thanks
wahhh my two favorite OTP was in one story... DARAGON and YONGSHIN....
rubyani #7
Chapter 25: Authornim thank you 4 the beautiful sweet great great great story!! I wait 4 your next yongshin story^_^ fighting
rubyani #8
Chapter 24: Authornim now the question jihoon who steal shinhye's first kiss????? ANDWE!!!!
rubyani #9
Chapter 22: Authornim thanks 4 the picture of yongshin ♥♥♥ they are so good together I just love it ♥♥♥
rubyani #10
Chapter 20: What!!!! Oppa????