Final Chapter: Fated


I walked in the apartment, only to find it strangly quiet. Weird. This never happens. There’s always someone running around. Are they all asleep? Did they go out? Hmm…

“Hello?” I called out.

“In here.” That voice. It was Lay who had responded. I smiled as I closed the door behind me. Hopefully no one would choose to walk by right now and see the stupid grin on my face. I entered the living room, expecting everyone to be hanging out in there, but it was only Lay…

“…Hey,” I said as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

“Hey!” he greeted happily. I smiled back at him,

“Where is everyone?” I asked.

“Oh, they went out.” He said.

“Oh…” I stood there in the doorway awkwardly for a moment. “So, it’s just us?” I asked. He nodded,

“Here, come sit.” He patted the seat next to him. I cautiously walked over and sat down. This was weird. We were rarely alone. I was just waiting for someone to pop back in because they forgot their phone or somethimng. Lay laughed as he watched me sit there awkwardly, looking over my shoulder. “Relax.” He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. I smiled and relaxed some. We sat there in silence for awhile. Eventually I repositioned myself so that I was leaning against his chest. And he wrapped his arms around me. I sighed in content. Moments like this with Lay were hard to come by. We were always having to be cautious with people around. We hardly even got to kiss or hold hands. And sitting like this together on the couch? Never. But… It was nice.


“So, what do you want to do? Everyone’s probably going to be out for awhile.” I thought for a moment,

“Hmm… Let’s watch a movie!” he smiled,

“Alright! Which one?” We got up and went over to the shelf and looked at the array of movies available to us. There were a lot of Chinese, Korean, and American films. I pulled out one of my favorites.

“This one!” I held up the case for him to see. He smiled,

“Okay,” I had chosen The Road Home. (A/N: Oh my gosh, you guys should watch this movie. My Chinese class watched it in school and it is sooo good! I loved it! And then I cried in the end… But I mean, you know from the beginning you’ll probably cry… but you still watch it unsuspecting and then the end comes and you cry. -.- But its so good! Seriously, it’s worth the tears. Its so sweet! And the girl is just adorable and hfjehfwhfwkj! I acctually was at this used movie store the other day and found it so I had to buy it! That’s why I decided to use it in the story! So, it’s not totally random…) It’s about a boy who has to go back to his home village in China because his father has died. He goes to be with his mother and to help her make the funeral arrangements. The movie goes back and tells the story of the parents and how they fell in love and were the first people in this area to marry because of love and not through an arranged marriage. The story is so beautiful.

He put the disc in and we settled down on the couch to watch it. Eventually it ended and I sat there as tears rolled down my face silently. Yi Xing looked over at me,

“Are you crying?” he asked me.

“Yes! How are you not!? It’s so sad, yet happy, and touching, and… and their love story is so cute!” He smiled and brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it,

“I know a better one.” He stated.

“Hmm?” I asked, waiting for him to continue.

“Well. There was this girl in Shanghai. She was lost, so she asked a charming young man on the street for directions,” I smiled at how he described himself. “Immediately, the boy fell in love. She was so beautiful and kind,” I blushed, remembering our first encounter. “As the girl began walking away, he made a split second descision that could have ruined his career. But luckily, it ended up helping it.” I giggled. “He quickly stopped her and gave her his number. Then she left, but he knew he’d be seeing her again soon. Later, he arrived at his schedule; the exact same place that the girl had happened to ask for directions to earlier. His eyes immediately fell on her. The girl was extremely confused because she was sure that the guy looked likle the guy she asked directions from earlier, but what are the odds? But fate had even more in store for them as the day went on. The much needed translator for his group’s interview couldn’t make it, so they had to find a replacement. It turned out that this girl spoke many languages, including Chinese and Korean. She ended up translating for his group. They all got to know her and decided that she was the perfect person to fill the role of their official, full-time translator. They decided to ask her if she was interested, and she agreed. They all went out to eat and offered to drop her off at her hotel. That’s when they learned that they were staying in the same hotel. They spent much of their remaining time in Shanghai together, but they soon had to part ways. Finally, after months of waiting, she came to Korea for her official and final interview with their company, althought she told no one about it.”

He gave me a mock annoyed look and I laughed at him. “Days passed and she finally got the call she had been waiting for. She had been accepted and was to move in with them right away. So, she grabbed her stuff and headed to their dorm where she surprised them all. She and the guy, along with one of his band mates, were forced to share a room. It caused for some awkward moments, but things went pretty smoothly. Months went by and he made no visible progress in winning her heart. But honestly, he was too awkward to try much. And his mean, teasing Duizhang was never much help either.”  He had an annoyed, bitter look on his face as he said this and I laughed. “And then there was the annoying, American guy who came and flirted with her.” His eye twitched slightly, “but finally, things just all fell into place, and he confessed. And she apparently returned his feelings. But that was only the beginning of their story. Next they had to somehow try and keep their relationship a secret from everyone, but one by one, all of the other members they lived with began confessing that they knew or somehow found out. Then, the last of the other five guys found out. They were then forced to reveal it to the other six guys.” He shuddered as he remembered and I sighed. “And now, they’re here.” He finished simply, “their love story is nowhere near finished.” I smiled up at him.

“No, its not.”He smiled and looked back at me. He reached out and caught a fly-away hair and gently placed it back behind my ear,

“I’m glad fate decided to place us together then. It was the perfect timing, perfect everything. It really must have been fate.” I nodded,

“It was definatly fate that we met. I could have asked anyone for directions, but I asked you,” he leaned down and kissed me.

“Oh, but promise me one thing,” he said after he pulled away.


“Never ask any guy for directions again. Only me. No one else.” He shook his head and pouted cutely. I laughed, shaking my head.

“Really?” he nodded and I sighed,

“Okay. I promise.” He smiled and hugged me to him tightly.

I smiled and prayed with all my heart that he would never let go.




So... This is the end guys... DX I'm so sad that its over!!! (Untill the sequal) ;)

Thank you all soooo much for reading this and subscribing/commenting/inspiring/whatever else you've done that was awesome along the way! I really appreciate every single one of you who has read this. I don't care if you ever said a word, I still totally love you! <3

This was acctually my first ongoing fic that I loaded. So, thank you for making it so memerable for me. I love you guys!~~~~ <3 <3 <3

I am doing a sequal (spazzes uncontrolably) and I'm super excited about it!!! XD I've started working on it and I'll start uploading it soon. Once I do post the foreward, I'll place the link here as a new chapter. :)

So, hopefully I'll see all of you in the sequal! XD

I do want to say that I have some other oneshots and short stories posted, so I'd really appreciate if you checked those out (if your interested). Alot are EXO, but I also have some Super Junior, UKISS, and B.A.P. I also have started some other stories and hope to eventually put those up too... idk... I'll get around to it eventually! Right now I'm totally excited about this sequal so its pretty much all I've been working on... :/

Gosh. I don't know what to say... I tend to ramble so I'm sorry for all this awkwardness right here...

So... Thanks!!!~ XD





^^Don't you guys just love this derpy spazzball? XD

Oh... And I want to give a special thanks to two of my best friends. You know who you are. ;P Haha, thanks for putting up with my spazzing and reading all of my writing. One of you hasn't even read this yet... but you have good reasons. :P Haha, and thanks for encouraging me to acctually do this and post my stories... I probably never would have gotten the courage to actually do it if you hadn't pushed me... I am forever grateful!!! XD jkjpjj, (but not really).


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Woah, when did I get 133 Subscibers on this story...? You guys make me so happy, you don't even know!!! XD Thank you all so much!


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Chapter 45: You might have already noticed, but the actress that you love so much from The Road Home stars in Oh My God, the movie Lay stars in too, do you have some kind of precognition lol
omg i love lay!
Chapter 10: I kind of have to laugh because, if I'm not mistaken, 'ni' in Chinese means 'you'. So Nina's nick name is basically 'You You." XD
Chapter 10: ooo! nini my chinese nickname my parents gave me! haha lol XP
Seems interesting. New reader here :)
MsAmazing #6
Chapter 1: the girl in this story has the same name as me
candyy07 #7
managed to finish reading it in just half a day . hahahaha . nice story . love it ^.^
Chapter 1: You have no idea of how many times i've re-read this fic! xD the first te i din't have an account sp i din't coment. This was my first FF to read on AFF and i loved it!~ thankyou so much author-nim!
Nice story. Its cute! ^ ^
maxine1513 #10
Chapter 45: Whoo, I just reread this all! It's so awkwardly awesome, ahh! XD I wanna start reading the sequel now, but I'm way too tired, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow unfortunately. :/
Bye for now! :D