Chapter Thirteen: Falling


We ran around playing for ages. I was able to convince Tao to even show me some of his Wushu moves. “Wah! So cool!” I clapped as he finished.

“Meimei! Watch me now!” Xiumin also showed off some of his Taekwondo for me. I laughed and clapped as he finished. He smiled, proud of himself. I was really tired so I sat down to rest.

“Gege! Look! I found a ball.” Tao came running over with a ball. Xiumin came over and snatched it from him.

“Soccer!!!!” He threw it down on the ground and started chasing after it. Luhan and Tao chased after him. They all ran around playing soccer for awhile as I sat on the side and watched. They were all so funny. I giggled as Tao pouted because Kris stole the ball from him. He went chasing after him and Xiumin ended up tackling him for some reason. They finally got up and by now Chen had the ball. He teased them for a bit by dribbling around them. Tao was getting annoyed and almost got the ball, but Chen passed it off to Lay at the last second. Lay had been kinda out of it and just stared at the ball for a minute. But then Xiumin came charging towards him and he started running away with the ball. He eventually passed it on to Luhan who continued to play keep away with the maknae and oldest. I giggled as I watched them. Tao and Xiumin were running around shouting at the other members for hogging the ball.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes and sighed as the breeze blew past me peacefully. I felt a shadow loom over me and opened one eye slightly. Standing above me was Lay. He smiled at me and took a seat on the ground besides me. He leaned back and rested on his elbows. I looked over at him and he blew his bangs away from his face. He looked over at me and smiled, “I’m tired,” He said. I laughed and nodded,

“I bet.” He was all sweaty from running around. He grinned and held his arms out.

“Want a hug?” He teased. I made a face at him,

“Ew, no. You’re all gross.” He laughed.

“Aw, come on.” He grinned mischeviously and leaned towards me.

“Eeek!” I screeched and stood up. He was just a second after me. I started running and he chased me. “Stoooop!!! Now I’m gonna be all gross!”I whinned as I tried hiding behind an unsuspecting Kris. Lay laughed,

“So then it won’t matter that I’m all gross when I hug you.” He dodged around Kris and I ran. I laughed. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my arm. I gasped and tripped. Lay had caught my arm and came tumbling down with me. We landed awkwardly with me somehow on top of him. I just stared at him and he stared back. Then I realised that I was, indeed, on top of him and hurriedly stood up. I was blushing madly and he also got up. I looked away and brushed some grass off of my pants. He rubbed his neck awkwardly.

“Uhh… Sorry…” I mumbled and started walking away, but he stopped me.

“Nina,”I turned to look at him, only to be enveloped in a sweaty hug. My heart skipped a beat at the close contact. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Gotcha.” He pulled away and I slapped his arm. He laughed as I pouted. “Aigoo,” He squished my cheeks. I glared up at him,

“Run.” He just stared at me with big eyes. “One… Two…” He got the hint and high tailed it out of there. I gave him a second before chasing after him. “Yi Xing!!!” I yelled. I heard his laughter as we ran. He finally collapsed in the grass and I fell next to him, panting.

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Woah, when did I get 133 Subscibers on this story...? You guys make me so happy, you don't even know!!! XD Thank you all so much!


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Chapter 45: You might have already noticed, but the actress that you love so much from The Road Home stars in Oh My God, the movie Lay stars in too, do you have some kind of precognition lol
omg i love lay!
Chapter 10: I kind of have to laugh because, if I'm not mistaken, 'ni' in Chinese means 'you'. So Nina's nick name is basically 'You You." XD
Chapter 10: ooo! nini my chinese nickname my parents gave me! haha lol XP
Seems interesting. New reader here :)
MsAmazing #6
Chapter 1: the girl in this story has the same name as me
candyy07 #7
managed to finish reading it in just half a day . hahahaha . nice story . love it ^.^
Chapter 1: You have no idea of how many times i've re-read this fic! xD the first te i din't have an account sp i din't coment. This was my first FF to read on AFF and i loved it!~ thankyou so much author-nim!
Nice story. Its cute! ^ ^
maxine1513 #10
Chapter 45: Whoo, I just reread this all! It's so awkwardly awesome, ahh! XD I wanna start reading the sequel now, but I'm way too tired, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow unfortunately. :/
Bye for now! :D