Chapter Four: Amazing


Before the interview was the performance. I watched from the side as they all gathered in their formation on stage. The lights dimmed and the music began playing. I recognized it from one of the songs I heard earlier, although I couldn’t name it. I soon learned it to be MAMA. I watched happily as they all began dancing and singing. I often found myself watching Lay more than the others. I smiled to myself. So it had been him all along. I shook my head and laughed. The odds of this happening were tiny, but somehow it had happened.

I watched in amazement. He was an incredible dancer. When he told me he was a ‘dancer’, he hadn’t been joking. They were all amazing. I was also especially impressed with Chen’s singing. He seemed quiet earlier, so to hear him belt out those notes was amazing. Tao also seemed to go through a complete attitude change. Before they went on stage, Tao was able to relax a bit more towards me and I was able to speak with him a bit. He was very soft spoken and was so sweet. But now, on stage, he had a whole new persona. He seemed confident and tough, much like his first impression, before Xiumin exposed him for the softy he is.

The song soon came to an end and I clapped excitedly along with everyone else. I felt like one of their little fan girls now. I smiled brightly at them as they quickly bowed and left the stage. I congratulated them as they passed. They all thanked me happily as they hurried to be fixed in the small break they had before their interview. I walked into the make up room to find them all seated in chairs having their hair and make-up fixed before the interview. I took a seat briefly, waiting for instruction from the director.

“Nina Jie jie.” A timid voice called. I looke up to see Tao turned around in his chair smiling at me. I smiled back and stood up, making my way towards him.

“Tao! Wah! You were so cool out there! It was amazing!”

“Mei mei! What about me?! What about me?!” Xiumin called from next to him.

“Daebak!” I grinned at him and flashed him a thumbs up. He grinned back.

I was soon pulled away and instructed on what to do. I met the host briefly so that he would know who would be translating for them. I then patiently waited for it to all start. The boys were soon rushed onto the stage and took their seats. Some sat there fidgeting, some seemed completely calm, and others rubbed their necks. :P I watched in interest to see what they had to say. I was soon given my own mic and a seat at the side of the stage where they could see and hear me well. I smiled encouragingly at them and they smiled back. The host came out, I took a deep breath, and the cameras began rolling.

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Woah, when did I get 133 Subscibers on this story...? You guys make me so happy, you don't even know!!! XD Thank you all so much!


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Chapter 45: You might have already noticed, but the actress that you love so much from The Road Home stars in Oh My God, the movie Lay stars in too, do you have some kind of precognition lol
omg i love lay!
Chapter 10: I kind of have to laugh because, if I'm not mistaken, 'ni' in Chinese means 'you'. So Nina's nick name is basically 'You You." XD
Chapter 10: ooo! nini my chinese nickname my parents gave me! haha lol XP
Seems interesting. New reader here :)
MsAmazing #6
Chapter 1: the girl in this story has the same name as me
candyy07 #7
managed to finish reading it in just half a day . hahahaha . nice story . love it ^.^
Chapter 1: You have no idea of how many times i've re-read this fic! xD the first te i din't have an account sp i din't coment. This was my first FF to read on AFF and i loved it!~ thankyou so much author-nim!
Nice story. Its cute! ^ ^
maxine1513 #10
Chapter 45: Whoo, I just reread this all! It's so awkwardly awesome, ahh! XD I wanna start reading the sequel now, but I'm way too tired, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow unfortunately. :/
Bye for now! :D