You Are What You Eat


Just a really random thing inspired by a math conversation and what Tao would look like while trying to do math. Then Kris helps. And Tao may or may not act like a 12 year old girl, oops.... Anyways, Math is always fun when you're not the one actually doing it (I guess...?), so I hope you enjoy Tao's (or Kris's really...) pain.


*And don't worry if your not a math wiz, I'm not either. I only learned about a tau just before writing this, so you don't need to understand! Because really I don't even. XP


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VioletLily #1
Chapter 1: Lol pie♥♥♥
Tao is adorable ♥
LittleGuri #2
Chapter 1: Hahahaha xD poor Taoie~~
"Another pie situation"? Seriously? XD