Chapter Thirty Three: Super Spy Amber


Amber POV

 I entered the EXO M dorm quietly, as instructed by Luna before I left our dorm. She had come up with this whole plan, totally shooting me down when I suggested I just go talk to Kris and ask him about it. She claimed that that would never work and that I had to be sneaky. I rolled my eyes as I closed the door behind me softly, remembering what she had said to me distinctly. I stood up and looked at the cue card she had given me with the plan written on it incase I forgot something. Pabo. I squinted down at the card, “Aish! Luna! I can’t read your stupid handwriting! This doesn’t make any sense!” I said loudly. As soon as it left my mouth I realized what I had done. I covered my mouth and looked around quickly, waiting for someone to jump out of nowhere. But no one came. I sighed and stood up straighter. They were all supposed to be at a schedule, that’s why Luna had told me to go now. Wait… Now that I think about it… Why AM I the one to do this? Before she had claimed that it was so that I could talk to Kris, but I’m not going to talk to him because she wants me to sneak around. Aish! Pabo~ How stupid of me to fall for that. Now I’m awkwardly standing here having to sneak around and find out stuff about my hoobaes. Oh, I’m such a bad sunbae! Wah! Mianae!!! DX

I kept walking and turned the corner into the living room. I froze in my tracks; Kris was standing right there. He was leaning against the wall casually with his arms crossed over his chest. He wore a smirk on his face as he watched me.

“Why, hello Amber,” He smiled slightly, happy about my reaction. I had yet to move or say anything. I couldn’t.


“So, what brings you here?” he asked casually, inspecting a nail.

“Ummm, well… I uh…” I stuttered on, blinking repeatedly.

“This is daebak! I scared Amber!” He laughed and I laughed along nervously. “But seriously though. What are you doing?” his face turned serious and I gulped.

“Uhh… Here!” I threw the note card at him. It fell to the floor and he looked at me like I was crazy. He bent down and picked it up.

“What is this?” He began reading it, “You were going to go shopping in our dorm?” He raised his eyebrows at me incredulously.

“What? No! I-” I walked around to see the card over his shoulder. Well, not quite. I’m not that tall, but you get it. -.- I squinted to see what it said. Oh… No wonder it made no sense… Luna gave me the wrong card. That one was for Victoria Unnie for when she went shopping…

“Well? What is this?”

“Heh. It’s the wrong one.” I laughed.

“Well, what was it supposed to say?” I looked anywhere but at him,

“…A mission…” I cleared my throat and scratched my head as I tried to make it sound nonchalant. He looked at me quizically,

“… Why…”

“Ugh! Fine! You know what Luna! Forget the mission! I’m doing this my way. Look, we need to talk.” He raised his eyebrows,

“About what…?”

“Lay and Nina.”

“Oh… Yes…” He nodded, “Please. Come sit.” He gestured towards the couch and we both sat down and started talking.

“So, Luna was trying to send me on some kind of spy mission to try and find out anything, but honestly, I didn’t think it was going to work. I thought that just talking to you in the first place was the best idea.” He nodded,

“Yeah. Seems much easier. I wouldn’t have held back,” he smiled.

“Good. Ack! But now I don’t have any questions… That was on the other note card… Shoot!” I looked around, trying to think of anything, “Oh! What did you have to do with the whole Yi Xing calling Nina beautiful… In English…?” He smiled proudly,

“I taught him that. We’ve been having small English lessons. But don’t tell any of the other EXO members. It’s a secret. I don’t have the patience to teach them all. And Yi Xing is a special case. He’s trying to impress her and stuff. He wants something else in common with her.”

“Oh! Wait. Hold on… So Yi Xing does like her?”

“Of course.” I smiled like crazy,

“Yes! The girls will all be excited to hear that! Nina likes him too.”

“Oh, I figured. I swear those two are totally clueless. It’s totally obvious, and yet they just don’t get it… But none of the other members have seemed to notice either… Kai and Luhan only know because they were told. Pabos” I laughed. “So, Nina told you all she likes Lay?” I nodded,

“Yeah. We got it out of her.” I laughed manically. His eyes widened,

“What did you do to her?” I laughed and shook my head,

“Nothing. Everybody just started assuming things and attacking her with questions and she finally just let it slip on accident…”

“Oh…” He nodded and looked ahead.

“So, is Lay making any other plans other than learning English?” I asked. Kris sighed and shook his head,

“I don’t know. He doesn’t tell me anything. I a few times and he just shuts down all commuication. It’s SO hard being the leader sometimes. That kid never listens to me.” I laughed as he said this,

“Are you sure you only a few times?” He shot me a look and I laughed, yup. Silly Kris. He probably teases him all the time.


We talked for awhile longer and I was able to leave with plenty more information than I would have if I had just been snooping around like Luna wanted. I also left with a promise from Kris that he’d keep me updated on everything happening between Lay and Nina. Oh, the girls are going to be so excited! XD




I'm back! :) Ehh, this chapter was kinda boring... but I'll put the next one up soon and things will start getting really interesting! XD

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Woah, when did I get 133 Subscibers on this story...? You guys make me so happy, you don't even know!!! XD Thank you all so much!


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Chapter 45: You might have already noticed, but the actress that you love so much from The Road Home stars in Oh My God, the movie Lay stars in too, do you have some kind of precognition lol
omg i love lay!
Chapter 10: I kind of have to laugh because, if I'm not mistaken, 'ni' in Chinese means 'you'. So Nina's nick name is basically 'You You." XD
Chapter 10: ooo! nini my chinese nickname my parents gave me! haha lol XP
Seems interesting. New reader here :)
MsAmazing #6
Chapter 1: the girl in this story has the same name as me
candyy07 #7
managed to finish reading it in just half a day . hahahaha . nice story . love it ^.^
Chapter 1: You have no idea of how many times i've re-read this fic! xD the first te i din't have an account sp i din't coment. This was my first FF to read on AFF and i loved it!~ thankyou so much author-nim!
Nice story. Its cute! ^ ^
maxine1513 #10
Chapter 45: Whoo, I just reread this all! It's so awkwardly awesome, ahh! XD I wanna start reading the sequel now, but I'm way too tired, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow unfortunately. :/
Bye for now! :D