Chapter Twenty Six: Flirting?!?!


“Nina-ah. Who was that guy flirting with you over there?” Kai asked casually later as we all gathered around to get something to eat.

“M-MWO!?” I asked, almost spitting drink out. He smirked.

“You know. That guy you were talking to earlier. He was totally flirting with you.” He rolled his eyes as if I was stupid to not know or something.

“Ch-Chincha?” I asked.


“I told you.” Kris said. I rolled my eyes. Kai and Kris could be so annoying, especially when they got together. Together, they could make my life miserable. They both liked to tease me constantly and were sooo sarcastic sometimes. And I swear they had smirks on all the time. Chen stared wide eyed at us as the conversation played on.

“Ohhhh! Noona~ someone was flirting with you?” he asked, worried. I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Aniyo. These two are just crazy.” I waved them off and went back to my food.

Xiumin wandered over,

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Some guy was flirting with Nina earlier apparently.” Suho calmly said as he picked at his plate. Xiumin’s eyes grew wide, and I could have sworn I saw one twitch slightly.

“WHAT?!?! SOMEONE WAS FLIRTING WITH MY MEIMEI!?!?! WHERE IS HE?! I’LL GET HIM! NO ONE CAN FLIRT WITH MY MEIMEI!” He looked around furiously, trying to catch the culprit.

“Dude. Chill. He’s gone. And what’s the big deal anyways?” Baekhyun asked, annoyed by how loud and obnoxious he was being. Xiumin looked at him like he was stupid. He came over and hugged me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. I sat up straight in my seat in shock.

“No one’s good enough for my meimei. They have to go through me before they get my permission to flirt with her.” He nodded and pouted, as if to emphasize his point. I laughed. Silly Xiumin. But it made me happy that I had such a good oppa and I knew that I could always trust him and come to him. I squeezed his arm that was still wrapped around me. He smiled and pecked me on the cheek before releasing me and standing up straight again. I smacked his arm and he smiled cheekily at me. “Mehrong~” He stuck his tongue out at me and ran away. I laughed and turned back around. He’s an oppa, but a really silly oppa.

“So. Noona~ was he cute? Hmm? Was he? Was he? Oooooohhhhh!” Chanyeol bounced up and down, hyper as ever. I looked at him.

“Why are YOU asking me if a guy was cute?” I asked incredulously.

“Uuhhuuuuhhh~~~” He shook his head childishly and grinned innocently at me.

“Tch.” I looked away. I began eating again, but I felt weird… as though someone was staring at me… I looked up. Sure enough, there was Kai, watching me with the biggest smirk ever on his face.

“So… You never answered his question Nina.” I put down my chopsticks and folded my hands on the table before me. I gave him an irritated look.

“So now YOU want to know?” He just smirked. “Fine. If you must know, he was not.” I picked my chopsticks back up and began picking at my food again.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. He’s not my type.”

“Oh, type. What’s your type then?” he asked.

“Oh, shut up.” I said as I stood up. He laughed happily as I stalked away.



Kai eyed me with a smirk on his face. “What?” I hissed, knowing perfectly well what he was thinking.

“Tch,” he shook his head and stood up. I shot him a look. I could be jealous with out his help, thank you very much. I didn’t need him pointing out the fact that the girl I like was just being flirted with by some American guy and they can go off and speak English together and no one will ever know what they’re saying and jdljfdslfhsjdhfjsdhf. I glared at my plate as all kinds of negative thoughts ran through my head. Stupid Kai. I was jealous enough. Man… I really need to learn English…

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Woah, when did I get 133 Subscibers on this story...? You guys make me so happy, you don't even know!!! XD Thank you all so much!


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Chapter 45: You might have already noticed, but the actress that you love so much from The Road Home stars in Oh My God, the movie Lay stars in too, do you have some kind of precognition lol
omg i love lay!
Chapter 10: I kind of have to laugh because, if I'm not mistaken, 'ni' in Chinese means 'you'. So Nina's nick name is basically 'You You." XD
Chapter 10: ooo! nini my chinese nickname my parents gave me! haha lol XP
Seems interesting. New reader here :)
MsAmazing #6
Chapter 1: the girl in this story has the same name as me
candyy07 #7
managed to finish reading it in just half a day . hahahaha . nice story . love it ^.^
Chapter 1: You have no idea of how many times i've re-read this fic! xD the first te i din't have an account sp i din't coment. This was my first FF to read on AFF and i loved it!~ thankyou so much author-nim!
Nice story. Its cute! ^ ^
maxine1513 #10
Chapter 45: Whoo, I just reread this all! It's so awkwardly awesome, ahh! XD I wanna start reading the sequel now, but I'm way too tired, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow unfortunately. :/
Bye for now! :D