Chapter Thirty One: f(x)


I was hanging out in the practice room with EXO M as the danced. I was sitting in the back going through some papers I had to I had to fill out. The guys had all stopped for a break and were all seated in the center of the room when suddenly the door opened and a surprise visitor entered. “Ni men hao~” She called as she entered. They all quickly stood and bowed,

“Ni hao!” They called. She smiled and waved. Tao bounded over to greet her, “Victoria jiejie!” She smiled at him and gave him a quick hug. I looked up. Sure enough, it was Victoria from f(x). I smiled and went back to work; not wanting to bother them. I had always really liked f(x). It was really cool to be so close to one of the members. They all spoke for a few moments before she noticed me.

“Oh! Who’s that?” she asked.

“Oh!” Tao ran over and pulled me up off of the floor. I blushed as he pulled me over to join their group. “This is Nina jiejie!” I bowed,

“Ni hao. Wo jiao Nina. I’m EXO’s translator.” She bowed back,

“Ni hao! Wo shi f(x) Victoria.” I smiled and nodded. “I’ve heard about you. I’ve been wanting to meet you!”

“Really?” I asked, shocked. She nodded. “There aren’t a whole lot of people who speak Chinese really well here. I’m always excited to meet them and make a new friend. It gives me someone else to talk to in my 1st language.” I nodded, knowing what she meant,

“Yeah, I understand. I wish I knew more English speakers here.” I saw Lay shoot me a concerned look.

“Oh! Amber and Krystal speak English. You should come meet them sometime!”

“Really?” I asked,

“Yeah! Plus, don’t you get tired of hanging out with all of these guys sometimes?” She teased. I nodded and laughed. Tao pouted,

“You don’t really, do you?”

“Not really, but sometimes it would be nice to spend sometime with girls for once.” He continued to pout. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“Well, it’s decided. You have to come meet the rest of f(x) sometime and we can all hang out.” Victoria said. I smiled brightly.

“Thank you so much.”

“No problem,” then she turned to the guys, “and you guys better be nice to her.” She said, in a mock stern voice. Kris just rolled his eyes and I laughed.

“Don’t worry, they’re nice.” She nodded,

“Well, I should get going now. I just wanted to stop and check in on my favorite hoobaes~” She turned to me, “And it was nice meeting you. I’ll be sure to come by and kidnap you away from these guys sometime.” I laughed and nodded,


“Alright, well, bye guys!” She called.

“Bye jiejie!” They all called. She waved and left, closing the door behind her. My insides bubbled in excitement. I was going to meet f(x).




We were all sitting in the dorm one day after EXO’s schedules. We had the rest of the day off. Kris’ phone rang and he answered it. He spoke to the caller for a few minutes in Chinese before getting up and staring at the phone in confusion. He walked over to me and handed the phone over to me, “It’s for you…” He said as he walked back to his seat. I looked at him in confusion and he just shrugged. I answered,


“Hello? Nina? It’s Victoria!” Victoria…? Oh! Victoria!

“Oh! Hi Victoria.”

“Hi, so you’re off now, right?” She asked

“Yes. EXO’s schedules for the day are over, so mine are too.” I smiled.

“Okay, well, f(x) is also done with schedules for the day, so I wanted to see if you wanted to come over and meet the girls. I’m nearby now and could pick you up.” She said.

“O-Oh? Really? Now? Umm, sure. Just let me change really quick and I’ll be down.”

“Okay! Yay! I’ll be there in a minute and wait out in the parking lot for you.”

“Okay. Bye.” We hung up and I sat there in a daze. I stood up and gave Kris his phone back.

“What’s going on Noona?” Chen asked.

“…I’m about to meet f(x).” I said, still out of it. Luhan smiled,

“Oh, really? Was that Victoria Jie? That’ll be fun! They’re all really nice, I’m sure you’ll all get along great!” I nodded and smiled,

“Oh my gosh! But now I have to change!” I ran off to my room. Poor Lay was sitting in there and I had to kick him out, “Sorry Lay, but I need to change really quickly. It’ll only take a couple of minutes.” He pouted as I pushed him out and closed the door. I quickly changed into something I liked and deemed as acceptable to be seen in by f(x) and quickly ran back out. “Okay guys! I have to go now! I’ll be back later!” I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.




Victoria and I arrived outside the f(x) dorm a few minutes later. I stared up at it, totally nervous now. Victoria looked over at me and smiled brightly,

“Come on! It’ll be fun!” She grabbed my hand and led me to their dorm. She opened the door and was immediately attacked by girls.

“Omma’s home!” They called as they hugged her. She laughed as they clung to her.

“Guys! Move! We have a guest! We can’t leave her out in the hall!” Sulli finally stepped away from Victoria and peered around the door at me. I smiled and bowed.

“Annyeonghasseyo!” She bowed back and smiled, although still confused.

“Come in!” Victoria pulled me in and closed the door behind me. She brought me into the living room where they had all gathered. “Girls, I told you about EXO’s translator Nina and how I had invited her to hang out with is sometime. Remember?”

“Oh, yeah!” Amber said and the others nodded. “Well, I was near EXO’s dorm where she stays and decided to see if she would come over. So guys, this is Nina! Say hello!”

“Annyeonghasseyo!” They all bowed and I did the same in return. We all introduced ourselves and Victoria instructed us to sit. She and Sulli ran off and brought back a few drinks for all of us. I was quiet at first, but we all finally began talking.

“Victoria unnie was really excited when she finally met you. She had someone new to speak Chinese with. Plus, she’s always happy when she feels like she makes a new friend.” Luna said to me. I smiled and nodded, slightly embarassed and surprised.

“So, you’re American, right?” Amber asked me.


“Me too. Krystal also,” She nodded over to Krystal. We talked about abounch of random stuff for awhile,

“So, what’s it like living with EXO M?” Krystal asked.

“Probably Heaven,” Luna sighed.

“Yah!” Victoria hit her teasingly.

“What? It’s true! I mean, come on?! Living with 6 guys?! Don’t you think she’s fallen for someone by now? Oh my, wouldn’t that just be daebak!!!” Luna excaimed. I blushed, slightly embrassed about where this conversation was going.

“Well?” Krystal asked. I scratched my head,

“Well… It’s fun. There’s definatly never a dull moment… We’re all like family by now. They’ve made living in a foreign country so much easier for me.”

“But is there anyone you feel a little differently towards? Someone you’ve fallen for?” Luna pushed. I looked down, trying to avoid their intense gazes. They noticed my hesitation and pounced.

“Wah! There is! Daebak! Who is it?! Please~” Sulli whined. I blushed and shook my head quickly.

“Aww! Please!” Luna joined Sulli.

“Ah, I don’t know! I’ve only just met you all! I can’t! I haven’t told anyone! Not even my friends back home. Honestly, I think that would kill me if I told them. I haven’t even mentioned that I work with them…”

“What? Really? Why?” Victoria asked.

“Well, I’ve been really busy for one, and also they would probably scream like crazy and ask me to do a bunch of embarassing things…”

“Your friends are EXO fans?” Amber asked. I nodded,

“Actually, they like most SM artists. So, they’re also fans of you guys. Honestly, I am too. I’m pretty happy to be able to meet you all.” I smiled.

“Really?!” Victoria asked, grabbing my hands.

“Ne~” She giggled happily.

“Oh! Are we the first group your meeting other than EXO?” I nodded.

“Oh? So who’s your favorite SM group, other than f(x) and EXO?” Luna asked. I smiled,

“Super Junior!”

“Oh! Chincha?! Who’s your favorite?” Sulli asked. I blushed,

“Yesung…” They all smield,

“Omo! So cute! Oh~ We’ll have to tell EXO to keep you away from him if this mystery guy is to stand a chance with you.” I laughed and shook my head.

“No, my feelings for Yesung oppa are simply as a fan. What I feel for Lay is real. Not just the love of a fan.”

“Lay?!” Luna exclaimed. My eyes widened,

“D-did I say Lay? I meant L-L…” I couldn’t come up with anything so I just stopped and trailed off.

“Lay! It’s Lay! Aw! Lay!” Krystal danced around.

“Yi Xing! Wah! How perfect!” Victoria exclaimed. I blushed even further. They all smiled at me.

“So. Tell us about it! Come on!” Luna urged.

“Yeah! How did you meet? When did you discover that you felt this way? Do you think that he feels the same?” Krystal quizzed me. I gulped, trying to take it all in.

“Well…” I began, “I acctually met him before I met all of the others…”

“Really? Ah!” Victoria sighed and fell over. We all laughed and I continued to tell them the story of how we met.

“Oh! He gave you his number! That HAS to mean something! Especially as a celebrity!” Luna exclaimed. “Yeah. I can’t believe he was so reckless. He must have really liked you,” Amber agreed. They continued asking me questions and I answered, relieved to finally be able to get this off of my chest and talk about it with someone finally. I ended up telling them everything.


By the time I went home, I had exchanged numbers with all of them and we had all hung out for hours. It was so much fun to go out and spend time with girls again. I was cooped up with guys too much of the time. I had now made 5 new friends and finally had someone to talk about things like Lay and other things that I just couldn't talk about with EXO.



Back at the f(x) dorm…

“Hmm…” Luna thought, finger tapping her chin. “I think that we need to send a spy in. Nina said that Lay told Kris about meeting her. And he gave Lay that picture of the two of them…” Luna turned to Amber. “Amber. Are you ready for your mission?” She asked. Amber groaned,

“Why me?!”

“Because you’re closest to Kris! You have to ask him about Lay and Nina! Okay! We are trusting in you! Don’t let us down!” Luna continued on dramatically. Amber sighed and nodded.

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Woah, when did I get 133 Subscibers on this story...? You guys make me so happy, you don't even know!!! XD Thank you all so much!


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Chapter 45: You might have already noticed, but the actress that you love so much from The Road Home stars in Oh My God, the movie Lay stars in too, do you have some kind of precognition lol
omg i love lay!
Chapter 10: I kind of have to laugh because, if I'm not mistaken, 'ni' in Chinese means 'you'. So Nina's nick name is basically 'You You." XD
Chapter 10: ooo! nini my chinese nickname my parents gave me! haha lol XP
Seems interesting. New reader here :)
MsAmazing #6
Chapter 1: the girl in this story has the same name as me
candyy07 #7
managed to finish reading it in just half a day . hahahaha . nice story . love it ^.^
Chapter 1: You have no idea of how many times i've re-read this fic! xD the first te i din't have an account sp i din't coment. This was my first FF to read on AFF and i loved it!~ thankyou so much author-nim!
Nice story. Its cute! ^ ^
maxine1513 #10
Chapter 45: Whoo, I just reread this all! It's so awkwardly awesome, ahh! XD I wanna start reading the sequel now, but I'm way too tired, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow unfortunately. :/
Bye for now! :D