Chapter 9

Come Again .. For once..



A week past after woohyun lost his necklace.

@starbucks coffee shop

Your POV

So thats it your just throwing away this ring and you choose to throw it in a restaurant.. OOHHH WHAT THE HELL~!! AISH~ Thank God that yoon hee found it. and Thank God she didn't see the engrave letters at the ring. AAAHHH~ WOONHYUN your soooo BAD!! I'm sure if yoon hee will see it and saw the letters engrave at the ring. she will throw many question in me. I always tell her that I hate NAM WOOHYUN I just like there song. Aish~ I thought my life is going to be peaceful. But no This NAM WOOHYUN cameback again in my peaceful life.

"YAH~ day dreaming again!!" I snap out on my thoughts when yoon hee and her magic hand slap my shoulder.

"yah~ Are you enjoying slapping and slapping me when I'm not in myself" I asked and take a sip on my latte.

"Yep~ I love it" yoon hee cheerfully said as he clapped her hand.

"AIsh~ whatever! " I rolled my eyes.

"YaH~ ____ can I see the necklace with a ring of yours. the one I saw in the restaurant." She use her puppy eyes on me which is not working.

"No!" i replied then look outside the cofee shop. I saw she pouted because of my coldness to her. she is use to it when I'm not in the mood to be cheerfull as her.

"BiPOLAR!!" she mumbled good thing to heard.

"Yah~ whose BIPOLAR??" I asked with a tone of starting to irritate.

"Nothing~ I'm ju- OH!!! Infinite oppa!!!!!" yoon hee suddenly stood up when he saw infinite approching the entrance door of the coffee shop. Good thing it's only Hoya, Sunggyu and dongwoo. Good thing that no fans around.

"eeehhh~" ~ why do I feel this nervousness at my whole body. >_<

"Kyaaaaaaaaaa~" yoon hee squeled quietly as she sat again to her chair. "hoya oppa is sooooo HOT!!" she giggled as she stare at hoya.

Gosh~ I can't take it anymore.

"Annyeong Oppa!!" I heared yoon hee greeted when I look up to see wh is it. it's SUNGGYU!!!!!!! Oh no!! oh no!!! what the hell!!! I froze to my sit. like i saw aghost in my front.

"Annyeong... can I borrow your friend??" He asked yoon hee. which yoon hee nod. EXCITEDLY??

"shall we.. ____-shi?? right." I'm going pulled yourr eyes later sunggyu!! >:<

why do I feel this nervousness approaching my whole body right now!



"can I asked where will you take me??" you whispered to sunggyu.

"I'm just going to talk to you for a while." he relied.

The two of you sat at the corner of the shop which no one can hear the two of you talk.

Dongwoo and hoya went to yoon hee to entertain herr while waiting for you.


"so??" you you started.

"I'm just want to know your condition" sunggyu smile at you.

"Condition your face!" you barked at him. which sunggyu's eyes wide. and he laugh.

"Shut up! you!" you said in silence to avoid someone to hear you.

"You know you never change!.... And yous till the sam-"

"Yah~ I'm telling you don't waste my time." you simply said.

"hah.. Ok.. sorry.. I just saw you here and just want to say hello. I'm worried, you know since you-"

"yah~ if your just asking or bringing the past. I have to leave now. beacuse I'm sure Yoon hee will throw me many question about you!!"You said not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Mianhe~ about that.."

"It's ok.. I'm not bothering myself anymore about woohyun.. But that fanmmet is soooo pain inmy ..." you joked around because you now that you already hurt sunggyu..

"I never thought taht you will become his fan!"

"yah! I'm not that stupid little yoon hee's plan.. she's the fan not me!"

"Oh~ really"

"and about being a fan of woohyun... I'm NOT!!!"

"Yah~ Ok chill out!!. your not... but at least you support us."

"FYI I'm still not... yoon hee dragged me there.."

"Really... hahah... so.. how are you??" suddenly sunggyu's tone change to serious one.

"I'm doing good... I came back recenlty from japan."

"Really... what did you do there??"

"Yah~ Why are you always saying REALLY are you not believing in what I said??"

"haha.. aniyo.. aniyo!!"

"Ok.. I'm telling you the truth.. so don't try to brought up anything from the past. because I don't want to go back"

"But atleast your the one who brougth out now.. haha" Sunggyu laugh again.

"yah~ shut up!!"

"oK!! gOt to go now.. see next time.. but at least give me your number so we can talk a lot if i'm not busy." sunggyu gave his phone to you.

"Here.. Don't give this to anyone or elsee your not going to see  the sunlight after that!" you glared to sunggy. sunggyu know when your serious or not.

"Arasseo.. arasseo.. " he replied..

The of you went back to yoon hee, hoya, and dongwoo is busy talking and talking.

"Let's go..!" sunggyu said. the two folled as they bowed to you and yoon he..


*ok.. she's going to explode!* you thought as you sat at the same chair.





MIANHEYO!!!! late update.. busy in school it's already out prelim exam..

And I forgot to show this chapter... hahahha...


comment again !!!!

Hi~ I'm here in this chapter.

Love you Inspirits

YAY!! CAMEO!! I enjoy it..


. I'll be the leading man in the next chapter.. stay tunned :))))



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mauranapitupulu #1
Chapter 28: Seriouslyy,I really curious about the crash!!continue soon pleasee TT_TT
sungrin06 #2
sungrin06 #3
Chapter 3: omo, i just cant stop smiling while reading this fanfiction ><
4everJjonglover #4
Chapter 26: I love GIF! of woohyung throwing hearts! :D
update soon! FIGHTING!
update soon! please! ^o^
KimSuYeon #6
Chapter 24: update soon author-nim

Chapter 22: UPDATE SOON AUTHOR-NIM <3 <3
4everJjonglover #8
Chapter 22: hey! what the! what! the! omo! i want to read it more!please update soon!
what's with the teaser!!
you tease me a lot AUTHOR-NIM!
i hate teaser! because I'm going crazy! hahah xD
KimSuYeon #9
Chapter 20: can't wait for the actual story :)
Chapter 19: omo! no way! what the!? hey! author-nim updaete soon please!please!