The Showcase

Living With Exo

while the manager was driving, you were playing games on iphone with tao while kris was listening to his songs. Luhan and lay was sleeping, Chen and xiumin were chatting in their own language, but then you suddenly scream

"woohoo, i won" you won the game but as you scream luhan ad lay woke up.

"not fair, let's play again" tao was not happy, his face was going to burn.

"what is going on here?? i just heard someone screamming" lay woke up with his sleepy eye half open.

"opps, sorry, i was just playing games with tao then i won aready"  you explain to him clearly.

after all the tired and sleeping, you all have aready arrived to the showcase.

"okay guys, let's get prepare" the manager said as you and the members got off one by one. but then you forgot something, you can't go in with them to the backstage, so they prepared aready, gave you a ticket for the front seat so that you can see them clearly and went in.

"omg, so many fans here" your eyes were wide open big. you quickly sat down at the front of the stage, the girls beside were chatting loudly, you could heard them talking.

"5more mins, is going to start aready" you mummled but then the girls beside heard you saying something.

"excuse what were you saying just now?? are you from korea??" one of the fans spoke.

"no, i am china, my father is chinese, my mother is korea, so i can speak abit of korean" you told them as the host of this showcase started to talked.

"but your korean language can speak so well" she said.

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm the host of today showcase but first let's us welcome exo performming their song 'Mama' " the host said

you sat down quietly so as all the fans around, the 12 boys started to dance aready, you watch them especially luhan, later then your eyes started to close, but you try to opened your eyes wide enough, then luhan just notice you going to fall asleep while he was dancing but not his part, he don't know what to do then but he just continue to dance not to make a mistake.

then the girls stood to scream "AHHHHH", you just followed them screamming, after their first song had finished, you and the fans sat down.

"wow, your dancing are great" the host looked at them. "and also this is the first time i've seen exo has 12 members"

"gomawo gomawo" the leader of exok, suho standing beside the host thank her.

"is exo great??" the host asked the fans.

"NAE!!!!" all the fans agrees

"anneyong hasaeyo, we are one, exo inmida" all the exo members greet as they sit down on the chair.

"wow, now let them introduce themselves one by one, who will start first??" the host asked while tao was siting beside the host.

"i will start first, annyeong hasaeyo, i'm kungfu panda maknae, tao of exo-m inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm baekhyun from exo-k inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm xiumin from exo-m inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm chen from exo-m imnida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm leader of exo-k, suho inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm dancing machine, kai from exo-k inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm luhan from exo-m inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm lay from exo-m inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm d.o from exo-k inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm the maknae of exo-k, sehun inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm chanyeol from exo-k inmida"

"annyeong hasaeyo, i'm the leader of exo-m, kris inmida"

"ahh, i got a question, can one of you all explain about exo??" the host asked.

"oh, actually exo is when 12 of us are here, we are called exo, but when we are seperate into two group, we have exok and exom" suho explained to her clearly.

"ahh, so which group is exok and exom??" the host said as she point to them.

"oh, because exok and exom are mixed up like this, but i think the fans will know who is from exok and exom" he said as looking around them while luhan was still checking on you.

"sorry, i'm still confused, who is from exom?? please raise up your hands" the host asked while all the exom members raise up their hands (kris, lay, luhan, chen, xiumin and tao).

"so you all are chinese??" the host asked again.

"not all, sorry my korean is not so good, i will ask xiumin to explain" kris said as he points to xiumin.

"why him??" the host asked.

"he is from korea" he padded on xxiumin's shoulder.

"nae nae, i'm from seoul" xiumin spoke while you looked at xiumin carefully to listen what he is saying,

"oh, there is one more, chen is also from seoul" kris suddenly spoke as he looked at chen

"so only chen and xiumin are from korea then the rest of you are chinese??" the host said.

"nae, now i will explain about exom, as you can see exok stand for korea, exom stand for mandarin" xiumin explained.

"but why you and chen were in the group??" the host asked.

"oh i also don't know, is the company choose me and chen" his mind were going blank don't know what to answer.

"ok, since all the fans have known, let's play a game" the host started to play a game with them "is called musical chair, since we have 12 members, we have not enough chair here so we just choose 3 members from exok and 3 members from exom, so who will played

the members started to discussed who to played, and they finally choose 3 members.

"me, kai and sehun will played" suho choose himself with kai and the maknae, sehun.

"erm....for us, tao, chen and luhan will play" kris said.

"now you all have to do is to choose four fans down there to play with you all, each group will have two fans to choose" the host said as the members started to looked for fans.

then you looked at them started to search for fans, but right at that time, you saw luhan walking towards to you, dragged you up the stage without bringing your bag up while tao and chen also found a fan so as the exok group.

"why did he choose me??" you thought while you were standing between him and xiumin.

"luhan, why did you choose me?? i was just sitting down there paying attention to all of you" you whispered to him carefully as pulling his shirt behind.

"just play with us" he whispered to you back.

"oh ok" you agrees.

"now each of the groups have choosen two fans, let's start playing" the host said while the staff were busying bringing out the chairs to put in a circle shape. then you all started to stand around the chairs, you stand behind luhan followed by tao behind you then a fan girl behind him then chen last, while one of the fan girl from exok group was standing infront luhan as kai was standing behind chen, followed by another fan girl then suho then sehun.

 "music cue" the host snapped her finger as the song started to played out by their own song 'Mama', and started to run around, they boys were get ready to sit when the music stops, suho was holding onto the chair bar tightly, kai saw it and put down his hand off the chair.

then suddenly the music stops aready, the boys and the fans get ready to sit on the chair, but unfortunately one of the fans from exok group was out, she saw sehun was siting on it, but then sehun suddenly give his seat to her, and she sat on it.

"wait a minute, sehun-ahh, why you suddenly gave up your seat" the host saw what he did.

"i'm just doing my work as an idol, not to let the fans loses" he spoke while looking around.

after a few hours of the game, the game just ended, you and the fans and on the stage get back to your seats and also the showcase was about to end.

"ok, the showcase was about to end, before ending, let them sing one more song, so what song you all will sing??" the host said.

"oh, we are going to sing 'Angel'" suho said as they get ready to sing, they sing and sing, the fans followed them to sing very loudly, you could hear clearly.

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Fluffydar #1
Chapter 22: Awww~ please remember soon!!!
because i don't know what to write next, so i just think of any then write
pinkypn #3
i just noticed that whenever exom goes back to china, exok always happen to have days off
Cutee kyaa!!update soon
nikast1 #5
Update sooon
yhurrmaster #6
I'm liking this !! ^_^ Update please arasso! (^_^)