I'm Your Shadow


You had a childhood friend named Yang YoSeob but he died when the two of you were young, the two of you played together, eat together, watch tv together.

Until one day, he came back as your friend again and you didn't know it but he came back to protect you, stay by your side.


You as Kang HyoJu

22 years old

working at a cafe shop

lives alone after parents died

had a brother but he moves away after his marriage

had a childhood friend


Yang Yoseob

died at 5 years old

your childhood friend

you likes to call him oppa


Gikwang - 23, your colleague, working with you, you don't call him oppa because the two of you are friends


Sorry about the chapter is too short aready


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baekhyunblah #1
<3 (Y) !!!
claudiamacy #2
Chapter 4: pls update soon. looking forward to how yoseob relive. hahahaa
Chapter 3: Very interesting! Is it the end already?
claudiamacy #4
Chapter 2: please update another chapter soon. wonder what really happens
Chapter 1: Ooooo! I'm excited! Please update soon!
claudiamacy #6
Chapter 1: nice start. please update soon :)