Cho Kyuhyun

Rumored Love Story


Kyuhyun gulps down the last drop of juice in the bottle before Hangeng could snatch it away from him.

“Damn you, Kyuhyun,” Hangeng snapped. “I’m thirsty.”

“The cafeteria is right around the corner. Go to the vending machine, idiot,” Kyuhyun snapped back.

“Holy .”

Kyuhyun was befuddled by Heechul’s sudden outburst early in the morning, but when he turned around to see what Heechul and Hangeng were staring at, he couldn’t help but say the same thing in his head too.

“Donghae!” Hangeng yelled enthusiastically. “You sly fox. Come here, you!”

Kyuhyun watched as the newly announced couple walks towards them. Donghae’s hand is slung around Sungmin’s shoulder, pulling the latter closer when Hangeng started making animal noises. 

​Sungmin shrieked when Hangeng pulled Donghae away from him. Hangeng got Donghae in headlock, and then proceeded to ruffle the younger's hair. 

"I knew you could do it, Donghae," Heechul yelled, walking beside Sungmin, and then slinging his arm around Sungmin. "Thank you." 

​Sungmin's eyes widened. "Thank you for what?" He asked. 

"For not breaking your promise to our baby," Heechul replied. 

Kyuhyun couldn't take it anymore, so he stood up from his seat, and started walking away. 

"Hey!" Donghae called out to Kyuhyun. "You can't at least congratulate your best friend?!" 

Kyuhyun turned around, flashing his signature smirk at the couples. "No way." 


​Kyuhyun rubs his jaw after tossing the lollipop's stick in the trash can. 

​Kyuhyun has been out of it since his first class. The teacher had to call him several times to come back to reality. He doesn't know what's happening to him either. It's Friday; the last day of the first week of school. He should be somewhat in a celebratory mood right now.

Kyuhyun walks over to his locker, opening in with a loud bang that scared the sophomores that were chatting happily near him walk away.

Moments later, he heard the familiar giggling voice of two junior males; Sungmin and Henry.

Sungmin and Henry merrily chatted towards the former’s locker.

“He’s extremely cute.  He asked me if I wanted one of those tasty flans from the bakery across the street.” Kyuhyun overhears, grinning while taking out his books for his next class.

Kyuhyun closes his locker, and then faces the pair of friends to his left. Curse this stupid school for putting his locker next to his enemy, but then again, like the saying goes, ‘stay close to your enemies.’

“How many did you ask him to buy you?” Kyuhyun deadpans. Sungmin and Henry turns to face him. Kyuhyun’s smirk grew wider.

“I asked him to buy two; one for me and one for Henry,” Sungmin answers calmly.

Kyuhyun chuckles. “Of course you wouldn’t say no to his offer. My best friend just loves giving to the needy. I’m surprised you didn’t ask him to buy the store for you. You know, so you can earn a little cash,” Kyuhyun says, walking away when Sungmin and Henry’s face turned sour.

Kyuhyun pops another piece of lollipop in his mouth with a smiled because he has succeeded once again to shut Sungmin’s mouth up, but he knows the latter won’t let this argument end without putting up a fight.

“What exactly is your problem?” Sungmin asks with his books in his hands.

“You are.”

Sungmin laughs. “You know, you’re quite attractive.” Kyuhyun stopped walking, and then turned around to face Sungmin with his flirtatious smile.

“I know,” Kyuhyun spat. “And you’re not.”

Kyuhyun left Sungmin dumbfounded. The latter was about to retort back, but his heart has started beating faster that he had to get out of there as soon as possible. Who exactly allowed Sungmin to compliment his features all of a sudden? Is this some kind of sick joke, he thought. If it is, is it because he’s Donghae’s boyfriend now, is that it? Has he been right all along that the guy doesn’t like his best friend at all?

Does Sungmin like him?

Truth is, Kyuhyun finds Sungmin cute; too cute for a guy.

If only Sungmin wasn’t his rival then…

Then… does that mean…?

“No way!” Kyuhyun yelled in the hallway, resulting for everyone in the area to look at him. He glared at them before entering the bathroom. He splashed cold water on his face like those facial cleanser commercial girls’ does, only manlier. He rubbed his wet face with his equally wet hands. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he said, “Cho Kyuhyun, you can’t possibly be… no. No way, absolutely not, there’s just… no way!”


“Hey man,” Heechul greeted Kyuhyun at the end of the day at the latter’s locker. “Why so gloomy? You look sick. Do you think you can still drive home?”

“Jesus, I completely forgot about my car yesterday. I left it here,” Kyuhyun said, closing his locker a bit calmly than after lunch, but still loud enough for the so called “stupid freshmen” who walks around the hallway to flinch.

“Here comes the lovers in Seoul!” Heechul and Kyuhyun turns to face Hangeng, who yelled out those words, then immediately faced the direction of where Heechul’s lover is looking at. Sure enough, Hangeng was talking about Sungmin and Donghae holding hands, with Henry following silently behind them.

“Well that’s rude. You just started dating our pal over here,” Hangeng said while patting Donghae’s shoulders, “and you already left poor Henry over here to just be your maids.”

Henry pushed his glasses up, while waving his hands in disagreement in response to what Hangeng said. “I’m fine.”

Kyuhyun leans on his locker, with one foot propped up against it. “Maybe I should date Henry, and then I’ll buy him flans so that Donghae doesn’t have to put up with him.”

Heechul smacks Kyuhyun across his chest. “You, insolent brat!  You already have a girlfriend! Apologize to Henry, now!”

Kyuhyun pouts at Heechul, and then faces Henry, who’s now beside Sungmin, and said sorry.

“We gotta go,” Henry whispers to Sungmin, but only Kyuhyun heard since Hangeng and Heechul were busy teasing Donghae. Kyuhyun wonders as to why Sungmin and Henry always had to go. What exactly are they hiding?

Sungmin clears his throat, and they looked at him. “Henry and I have to go now.”

“I’ll take you-“

“NO!” Sungmin cuts Donghae off with a shout. “I mean… no thank you. We can manage. I actually want to catch that grabber on the bus today. I just hope it doesn’t smell like sheep today.” Sungmin let out a shaky laugh.

“Oh, okay,” Donghae said with a smile.

The next thing Kyuhyun saw was beyond his imagination; Sungmin had tiptoed to reach Donghae’s cheeks and placed a kiss on it. Kyuhyun was way past the part of being shocked, but most likely near going on a wild rage.

In the end, he just clenched his fists because of the fact that he shouldn’t even be surprised at the fact that they kiss on the cheeks now. In fact, he bets everything he has they already kissed on the lips, but “knowing” Sungmin for years now, they probably haven’t.

Sungmin and Donghae blushed, and everyone around them, including the passersby, howled at the scene they had witnessed.

“Go get it Sungmin,” two members of the school’s soccer team, which Kyuhyun knows that they are Sungmin’s soccer team colleagues.

“Ahhhh so cute!” Some girls squealed.

But of course, nothing beats out Heechul and Hangeng as they started lightly punching Donghae’s shoulders, and tickled him on the sides.

And the all mighty Kyuhyun…

…still on the verge of attacking one of them on the ground. And it’s not Donghae.

“So…” Sungmin started.

“So…” Donghae ended.

“Uhmm… I should get going. We still need to catch the bus. Come on, Henry.” Henry looped his arms around Sungmin’s, which made Donghae smile.

“I want to do what Henry’s doing,” Donghae said, pointing at the best friends’ looped arms.

Henry’s eyes widened, quickly loosening his arms around Sungmin. “Here.” Henry pushed Sungmin to Donghae that made Sungmin bump into Donghae’s chest. “Take him. I’ll walk in front of you guys so that I don’t disturb.”

“What a great best friend, isn’t that right, Mr. Cho?” Heechul turned around to ask Kyuhyun, but the latter just shrugged showing his discontent over the new couple.

“I’m leaving,” Kyuhyun snapped.

“Kyuhyun!” Donghae yelled out, but Kyuhyun was too absorbed about what just happened.

Kyuhyun walks towards his car, pressing the button on his keys to unlock the car, but it won’t unlock even after he pressed it a couple of times already. “Damn it, just open!” He presses the unlock button once again, and it finally worked this time.

He throws his bag in the passenger’s seat, turning on the radio to blast loud Alternative Rock music all around the car. He starts the car, and just when he was about to drive off, he saw Henry walking in front of a lovey-dovey Donghae and Sungmin with their arms looped around each other.

Kyuhyun scoffs. “Of all the boys in this world, Donghae.”

Just then, Kyuhyun had an idea.

He decided to follow Sungmin.


Kyuhyun cursed as the bus makes sudden turns, and stops every now and then. He could’ve sworn he almost hit the bus at the last intersection when another car coming from the left almost hit the big vehicle.

“I will sue everyone in that car, and that bus if they hurt my baby,” Kyuhyun had cursed earlier. Baby, meaning his most precious car that his father had gotten him on his sixteenth birthday last year.

Kyuhyun turns at a corner once again. He taps his steering wheel as he sings along to Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. As he got to the chorus of the song, the bus made a quick stop at the corner, and there he found Sungmin and Henry getting off of the bus, walking straight to the bakery in front of the bus stop.

“Bakery, huh?” Kyuhyun says, parking his car near the small bakery. “Not bad. So you’re not that poor, Lee Sungmin.”

Kyuhyun hides behind a big tree, and then watched as Sungmin places a kiss to a lady who seemed to be the guy’s mom. He watches as Henry and Sungmin took a piece of pastry off a short guy with an ugly haircut’s tray.

What was the point of hiding?

Kyuhyun decided to just walk in, and… well… purchase something to calm his stomach down which has been growling from following Sungmin’s bus for almost thirty minutes.

“Ahh..” Kyuhyun said, clearing his throat. “You’re right, you’re not that poor, Lee.”

“Sungmin, who is this?” The lady asked Sungmin, while pointing at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun saw the way Sungmin’s eyes grew wider, almost as if he was scared of something.

Scared of something? Does Sungmin mother possibly still not know Sungmin’s relationship with Donghae?

“Allow me to introduce myself, ma’am,” Kyuhyun said, reaching out to shake Sungmin’s mom’s hand. “I’m Cho Kyuhyun. You’re son’s boy-“

“Classmate!” Henry cut in.

“Oh don’t be silly, Henry. I’m more than just a classmate to Sungmin,” Kyuhyun retorted with a smirk. “I’m Sungmin’s boyfriend’s best friend.”

Kyuhyun flinched at the sound of a hand landing on someone’s face.

Yes, Sungmin’s mother had slapped Sungmin.


“I told you..” Sungmin’s mom’s voice shook as she lectures her son. “I told you this morning to break up with the person! Why didn’t you listen to me?! You’re no good for that boy, Sungmin! Look at this, even his best friend came to tell you to break up with him!”

“B-but mommy.. I…”

“No buts, Lee Sungmin! Break up with that boy!”


Sungmin’s mom’s eyes widened in shock with the calm reply. “What?”

“I said no, mom.”

Kyuhyun flinched once again at the loud impact of Sungmin’s mom’s hand against Sungmin’s cheek; a red mark overlapping with the hand print that has been printed on Sungmin’s cheek from a while ago from the first slap.

Sungmin’s mom stormed out of the bakery, and the short guy with the bad haircut, and Henry rushed to Sungmin’s side.

“Are you okay?” Henry asked Sungmin, earning just a slight nod from the latter because Kyuhyun can see that he was still shaking from the impact of the hand. Maybe Sungmin hasn’t been slapped by his mother before?

Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun struggled to find words to say with Sungmin looking at him with teary eyes. “Sungmin… I didn’t mean to-“

“Save it. Just go home.”

Sungmin’s voice was shaky, but the way Kyuhyun stuttered was laughable. Kyuhyun didn’t think twice before going back to his car. The song had changed to Tongue Tied by Faberdrive. Kyuhyun couldn’t help but think about the way he got tongue tied at the sad look on Sungmin’s face just now.

He knows he’s finally gone too far; far enough to even stalk Sungmin, and make his mother mad at him.

I need a little more luck, than a little bit. Like the perfect one word no one’s heard yet. Cause every time that I try, I get tongue tied. I need a little good luck to get me by this time. 

What is happening to you, Cho Kyuhyun?

Do you feel something special for your best friend’s boyfriend? Your enemy?

Do you?




(A/N): did anyone miss this story? (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) of course not nobody currsss about this story haha anyway, I have a VERY GOOD explanation as to why I haven't updated for almost two weeks. First of all, my dad took my laptop. Well that's pretty much the main reason. Another part is because I've been totally busy with something called LIFE lmao no but uhmm yeah.... sorry? 

I know I'm practically focusing more on Kyuhyun and Donghae right now, but trust me... this story will focus so much on Sungmin later on! xD Is everyone still with me? Because yeah...uhmm.. i KNOW i'm boring you guys out already! you guys are probably going "omg where's the Haemin " or "when is min getting preggy" or "kyuhyun have with him already" and I'm sitting here taking my time :D 

Uhmm what else to say... I do listen to rock music so no bashing! Vans Warped Tour was last night and I didn't go //sobs TT_______TT 

Btw, I will post a blog post about the school system of this story by the next next update just so nobody gets confused, yes? haha ENJOY AND COMMENT EVERYONE <3333333333333 

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I'm sorry if I'm sounding so rude. But if you really don't wanna read this story anymore, you can leave. I'm not stopping u.


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Pls continue the story
maefrancekim26 #2
wahh still waiting for updates authornim
maefrancekim26 #3
Chapter 21: my fave haeminxkyumin so farrrr daebakkkkk great story and plot
auwchris2775 #4
Chapter 7: Awesome story author nim !!!
Chapter 36: Just found this story, I love it! I can't wait until the next chapter!
QMiniSa #6
Chapter 36: قoh my God
i want this compliteeeeee TT.TT
im sure there must be some perfect kyumins moment in this in future TT.TT
QMiniSa #7
Chapter 10: where was the kiss scene sungmin talked about !?
on the cheeck by kyuhyun
Kateee #8
Chapter 36: OMG You're back, im crying so hard ;;;;;
Chopumpkin #9
Chapter 36: i'm all in to the next update
Chopumpkin #10