Cho Kyuhyun

Rumored Love Story


The feeling of being kissed in a dream is almost the same as when you’re experiencing it in real life. The feeling of being loved and cared for, and the way your lover’s lips are on yours is just the best feeling you’ll ever feel in life.

The feeling of Sungmin’s lips on his under a leafless tree on a cold winter day with their puffy jackets on made that fluttering feeling in his stomach flutter even more. How they ended up kissing, he doesn’t know. Why are they kissing, he has no idea. All he knows is that he’s enjoying it. When he wanted more of those delicious lips, he pulled the shorter guy closer. He smiled.

Just when he was about to part his lips for him to be able to kiss Sungmin deeper, he stirred awake from his dream and found his cute little puppy him on his nose.

“Oh, Paulie, you could’ve let me sleep more,” Kyuhyun complained, bringing his puppy into his embrace. “I was so close.”

Paulie barked joyfully, and once again Kyuhyun this time, on Kyuhyun’s cheek.

“What do you think about me and Sungmin being together, Paulie? Do you think we’ll last long? Look at me jumping into conclusions already. I don’t even know if he likes me or not. What if he does? Should I ask?” Kyuhyun contemplated until his alarm clock finally signaled for him to get up. Slowly getting up from his bed, he grabbed his phone from his bedside desk and found that the LED indicator was lighting up letting him know that there was a missed call or message.

He unlocked his phone and found one message. It was a message from Sungmin.

The message from Sungmin said, “Don’t be late today. I know the doctor is your family friend, but I hate being late. So... uhmmm… please pick me up on time. Oh, I almost forgot. Good morning Kyuhyun.”

Unlocking his phone, he skipped around his bedroom, grabbing fresh clean clothes from his cabinet, and then to his bathroom he went. 

After taking a shower, he took Paulie outside for a quick walk while eating a strawberry-filled Pop Tart.




Upon arriving in front of Sungmin’s house, he parked the car under the Lee’s cherry blossom tree. The breeze wasn’t that cold, but the sun was hidden behind the white clouds. It was a beautiful day, and he knows that Sungmin will appreciate this kind of weather.

He didn’t even get to knock when the front door suddenly opened for him. “Two minutes early, good job, Kyuhyun.”

Kyuhyun shyly smiled at Sungmin’s mom as she lets him in the house.

“Sungmin will be down in a minute. Have you eaten breakfast yet?” Sungmin’s mom asked him.

Kyuhyun nodded, taking a seat on the sofa. “I have, Mrs. Lee.”

“What time is his appointment?” Mrs. Lee asked.                                                                                                           

“I believe sometime between 12 to 12:30 PM, Mrs. Lee,” Kyuhyun answered.

Mrs. Lee nodded, and then disappeared into the kitchen. At the same time, Sungmin emerged from his room and made his way down the stairs to Kyuhyun.

“It’s not that cold outside. You shouldn’t be that bundled up,” Kyuhyun told Sungmin upon seeing the pregnant guy with four layers on his upper body.

“Well you know how the weather is here. One minute it’s warm, then next thing you know it’s like we’re in Antarctica,” Sungmin rebuked. “It’s better to be sure.”

“Are you ready to leave then?” Kyuhyun said, getting up from the sofa.

“Yeah, just let me put on my shoes.”




The hospital was packed today.

There were nurses and doctors rushing around the ground floor, sick people waiting for their prescriptions and some were waiting for their turn.

Kyuhyun and Sungmin got on the elevator and so did a couple of other people. Kyuhyun pressed the button for the tenth floor.

The wait began.

The first floor they stopped on was the fourth floor which was the pediatric floor for children in the ages of 4-7, and a woman with a little boy holding her hand walked out of the elevator. The second floor they stopped on was the sixth floor which was the Radiology center of the hospital and two men, a doctor and a patient, got out of the elevator. Finally, it was their turn to get off the elevator. The tenth floor is where the newly born babies who are pre-matured are placed as well as the OB-GYNs.

The moment the elevator doors opened, Kyuhyun and Sungmin were met by a smiling Dr. Park.

“Teukie!” Kyuhyun squealed, immediately running out of the elevator to hug the said doctor with a bright grin on his face. Realizing that he just acted like a kid in public, he scrambled back to his feet and fixed himself. He turned to face Sungmin who was giggling behind him. “You didn’t see that.”

Sungmin snickered. “Saw what?” He asked with his head down still giggling.

“He’s here for his first ever check-up,” Kyuhyun said, placing both of his hands in his jacket’s pockets.

“It’s not really my first, Kyuhyun,” Sungmin corrected him.

Kyuhyun scoffed. “Whatever. Do you want me to come with you? I want to watch some TV at the waiting room.”

“He’ll be fine with me, Kyuhyun,” Dr. Park said, gesturing Sungmin to follow him.

When he was sure that Sungmin had already entered the doctor’s office, he pressed the elevator button that goes up. As he waits for the elevator to come, his thoughts wander off to the person he hasn’t seen for months. When exactly was the last time he saw that person? When exactly was the last time he ever had contact with that person? When exactly was the last time they spent some quality time together?

The loud ring signaling that the elevator has come woke Kyuhyun up from his thoughts. He went in the elevator and pressed the button for the fifteenth floor. “Here goes nothing.”

Upon reaching the fifteenth floor, Kyuhyun hesitated to get out of the elevator. The doors had opened and closed for at least two times, and on the third time, he finally had the courage to walk out of the doors.

The fifteenth floor was a reserved floor for the best doctors’ office in the hospital. The fifteenth floor is also a floor that holds quite a lot of memories from Kyuhyun’s childhood. The fifteenth floor, where you simply just go straight down the hallway to the right coming out of the elevator, is where Kyuhyun’s father’s office resided.

Kyuhyun raised his clenched knuckles in the air when he stopped in front of a cream-colored door with a name plate written “Surgeon, Dr. Cho” attached.

“He’s probably not even here,” Kyuhyun said, bringing his hand down and turning away from the door.

“Kyuhyun?” A man in front of him called out and he already recognized who it was.

“Oh, Dr. Kim!”

“Here to see your father?”


“Bad timing, he just left yesterday for Macau.”

Kyuhyun lightly chuckled. “I knew he wasn’t going to be here.”

“So what else are you here for?”

“I accompanied my friend, which reminds me I should get back to him now. Leeteuk must be done with him by now.”

Kyuhyun walked away from the doctor with complete disappointment. Half of him was hoping that he would be able to see his father, and the other half… well, let’s just say it’s a father and son thing.

“He loves you, Kyuhyun. He just doesn’t know how to show it.” Kyuhyun didn’t stop to acknowledge the statement that was made by the doctor. Instead, he just smiled.




“I’m pretty sure that the waiting room was just around the corner from Dr. Park’s room, Kyuhyun! Where have you been?!” Sungmin bellowed at him the moment he arrived back on the tenth floor.

“I just went to visit someone, okay?” Kyuhyun said, reassuring Sungmin that he won’t ever leave the pregnant guy. “Would you care for some ice cream?”

An immediate pout suddenly got plastered on Sungmin’s face. “Dr. Park said I’ve gained so much wait since the last time he saw me, so I told him that you’ve been buying me ice cream and he said that I should cut back on sweets.”

Kyuhyun bawled his eyes out at Sungmin. “How in the world are you going to survive without sweets?!”

“I told him that!”

Speaking of the devil, Dr. Park reappeared beside them and patted both of them on the shoulders. “Kyuhyun, you’re dead meat if you take this young man out for ice cream.”

“Oh come on Teukie!” Dr. Park raised one of his eyebrows at him. “I mean, Leeteuk!” This time, Dr. Park raised both of his eyebrows at him. “Dr. Park!”

“No ice cream, means no ice cream for Sungmin, Kyuhyun,” Dr. Park gently advised. “The baby needs nutritious food.”

Sungmin, whose hopes have been crushed in so many different pieces, was already notoriously abusing the elevator button to go down. Kyuhyun shook his head in pure disappointment at Dr. Park, and then joined along with Sungmin’s temper tantrum.

When they got inside the elevator, Kyuhyun wrapped his arm around Sungmin’s shoulder and leaned down to Sungmin’s ear and whispered, “don’t worry, I’m still getting you ice cream.”

With that, Sungmin’s pout vanished, and a smile was once again on the beautiful face Kyuhyun liked. 





(A/N): Oh how I wish Kyuhyun and Sungmin would kiss already goshhhhh ;~~~~; I mean they've been kissing on noses and foreheads and all that other stuff but they won't kiss on the lips gosh dammit >< 

Btw, I did a minor change in the previous chapter. It's not the first day of winter omfg I'm so stupid I forgot I left in November -__-

Oh oh and uhmmm still very boring chapters, still going to be a long story, but I'll make sure that that baby comes out soon. So yaknow...more KyuMin action *wink wink* SO DON'T LEAVE YET OKAY? :D

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Pls continue the story
maefrancekim26 #2
wahh still waiting for updates authornim
maefrancekim26 #3
Chapter 21: my fave haeminxkyumin so farrrr daebakkkkk great story and plot
auwchris2775 #4
Chapter 7: Awesome story author nim !!!
Chapter 36: Just found this story, I love it! I can't wait until the next chapter!
QMiniSa #6
Chapter 36: قoh my God
i want this compliteeeeee TT.TT
im sure there must be some perfect kyumins moment in this in future TT.TT
QMiniSa #7
Chapter 10: where was the kiss scene sungmin talked about !?
on the cheeck by kyuhyun
Kateee #8
Chapter 36: OMG You're back, im crying so hard ;;;;;
Chopumpkin #9
Chapter 36: i'm all in to the next update
Chopumpkin #10