Cho Kyuhyun

Rumored Love Story


Cho Kyuhyun walks silently at the busy hallway, on his lollipop as he winks at freshman girls.

Cho Kyuhyun is mostly known for being the sweetest playboy in the whole school. Despite his iness, he doesn’t treat girls like and he doesn’t force them into having . Although most of the girls he had dated wanted to do it with him, he’s just not interested.

Kyuhyun briskly walks toward his locker to get his books for his next class. Compared to Donghae, Kyuhyun cares about his studies. He even cried once when he was late to class because there was traffic on the way to school. He got the books out of his locker, and then closes the locker. His attention suddenly focused on the guy beside his locker who was trying to wipe the stain off his shirt.

“This is why I hate buying lunch from school. The day that I actually got money… .” Kyuhyun heard the guy murmur.

“That’s why you should’ve looked at where you were going, Mr. Perfect.” The guy turned his head to face Kyuhyun almost as fast as Kyuhyun had said it. “Lee Sungmin, you know damn well that it wasn’t my best friend’s fault that your food had spilled.”

Sungmin scoffed. “Of course it was my fault.” With a slam of his locker, he walked away.

But Kyuhyun followed.

“You know, that stain on your shirt looks good on you. It brings out the poorness in you,” Kyuhyun teased.

Sungmin stopped walking. He felt his face burning in anger, but he tried to control it by clenching his fists. “What exactly is your problem, Kyuhyun? I’m not in the mood to have an argument with you.”

“Simple. Stay away from my best friend.”

“Gladly!” Sungmin started walking again, so Kyuhyun followed.

“You don’t understand.” Kyuhyun takes the lollipop’s stick out of his mouth, and then tosses it into the garbage can. “Donghae is in love with you. No, it’s just infatuation. But seriously, you can’t treat him the way you treated him in the cafeteria earlier. You are nothing, Sungmin. Nothing. Stop trying to act all innocent when all you want is my best friend’s money.”

Sungmin sarcastically laughs. “You’re funny. Very funny. Look, just because I’m poor, it doesn’t mean that I want to leech off of somebody. I’m not what you think I am, Cho Kyuhyun, so if you have nothing nice to say, leave me alone.”

“I’m warning you, Sungmin. Donghae is not going to stop courting you if you keep on giving him the satisfaction. I believe you should start being what rich people think what kind of people you poor people are.”

“Which is?”


“ you, Cho Kyuhyun,” Sungmin said before running to Henry who was waiting for him in front of their classroom.

Kyuhyun laughs at his victory of teasing Sungmin once again. They’ve always been like that as far as he can remember. He believes it started when Sungmin won the Math Decathlon in 5th grade which he felt extremely embarrassed about. He thought, how can a poor person beat him? Until high school, Sungmin is beating him in a lot of things.

Especially being the top of their class.

Sungmin was number one during freshmen and sophomore year. He’s not going to let him top the class this school year.

No way.


“Hey babe, what took you so long?”

Kyuhyun sits down on his chair; he pulled his current girl friend to sit on his lap, and then made out like they were the only people in the room.

“Ms. Choi, kindly get off of Mr. Cho please.” Choi Sooyoung groaned as she makes her way to her seat in front of Kyuhyun. “Thank you.”

“Damn, Cho,” the guy beside Kyuhyun whispered. “Sooyoung’s lips are bleeding. Why so rough today?”

Kyuhyun shrugs, wiping the remaining saliva off his lips. “I needed to get my frustration out of my system, no big deal.”

For the next few hours of class, Kyuhyun listened well to his teacher. History and English are his worst subjects, but he can get through it either way.

The bell rang for school dismissal. Everyone got up from their seat and made their way out of the classroom.

Donghae was already waiting for Kyuhyun when he got out of the classroom. Donghae must’ve skipped class for him to be able to wait for Kyuhyun since his class is all the way at the other side of the building.

“Skipped class again?” Kyuhyun asks, fetching a lollipop from his back pocket.

“Oh, no, not this time. Ms. Kim sent me out for sleeping in her class,” Donghae replied with a shrug.

“And that’s not called skipping class because?”

“Because I actually arrived on time for her class, and you should be proud of me.”

“But isn’t the love of your life in that same class too?”

“He is, but he didn’t come. I wonder what happened to him. I hope it wasn’t my fault.”

“Hmmm… so are you-“Kyuhyun suddenly stopped talking when he saw his best friend staring at a man who walked past them. Of course, it was the amazing Lee Sungmin.

“Wait here, Kyuhyun. I just want to talk to Sungmin.”

“But Donghae-“

Instead of asking Donghae to stay with him, he followed Donghae just in case Sungmin tells him about the argument they had earlier.

“Hey, Sungmin.” Sungmin turns around to face Donghae with a blank expression on his face. “Uhmm… I just wanted to say that I’m sincerely sorry for what happened earlier in the cafeteria.”

Sungmin flashes him a faint smile. “It’s fine.”

Sungmin started walking again, so Donghae followed with Kyuhyun trailing behind him. “I’ll buy you a new shirt, as an apology that is.”

With that, Sungmin’s face began fuming with anger as he faces Donghae once again. “You’re just like your best friend. How poor do you exactly think I am, huh? Just because my family don’t own a ton of buildings, doesn’t mean I can’t fend for myself. Please, just… go away.”

Kyuhyun could’ve sworn he saw Sungmin’s eyes b with tears.

Just the way he liked it.

He snapped out of his evilness when Donghae was staring right at him with eye brows raised in confusion.

“What the hell was Sungmin talking about?”

“How should I know?”

“Kyuhyun, what did you say to him?”

“The usual.”

“The usual? What does that mean?”

“That he completely dissed your babe, Donghae,” Heechul said from behind Kyuhyun.

“I can’t believe you, Kyuhyun.” Donghae walked away from his friends.

“Just leave him be,” Kyuhyun said. “He’s probably going to find that stupid guy again to apologize.”

“Kyuhyun, you need to stop saying those things to Sungmin. It’s not even funny anymore,” Hangeng said, intertwining his fingers with Heechul as the three of them made their way out of the school building.

“I don’t care.”

“You’re just hurt because Sungmin is smarter than you,” Heechul teased which earned a deadly glare from Kyuhyun. “All I’m saying is give him a chance. He’s a lot nicer than what people are saying. I was in his class last year, remember? I didn’t tell you guys about this, but Sungmin totally helped me pass Chemistry. He was an amazing tutor.”

“What? You got tutoring lessons from him too? He tutored me for Geometry! I passed with a 77!” Hangeng said, earning a high-five from Heechul.

“Are you guys serious? You hang out with a genius, but ask for tutoring from a poor person?  How much did he ask from you guys? $100? $500?” Kyuhyun jokingly asks.

Heechul and Hangeng looked at each other. “None.”

Kyuhyun gaped at them. “None?”

“None,” the lovers repeated.

“You must be kidding me.”

“We’re not. At first I secretly slipped in $50 in his bag, but the next day, he returned it to me. He even threatened that he won’t be tutoring me anymore if I continue doing that. So I stopped. I decided to just buy food for him as a thank you gift,” Hangeng explained.

“I did that too,” Heechul responded.

“I still think he’s after people’s money. One day, he’ll come back to ask you guys for the payment. Just watch.”

“Oh, Kyuhyun. You are dumb, my friend,” Heechul said, sliding an arm around Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“Absolutely dumb,” Hangeng concluded. “Oh lookie, Mr. Dumb’s girl friend is strutting her way here.”

Kyuhyun cursed at him, walking to meet his girl friend half way.

“Should we continue what we started earlier?” Sooyoung asked.

“Not today, babe. I gotta work on that project for History. Maybe next time, okay?” Sooyoung nodded with a pout that Kyuhyun succeeded to kiss away.

Sooyoung placed one last kiss on Kyuhyun’s lips before running to her dad.

“Isn’t she new in this school?” Heechul asked.

“Yeah, why?” Kyuhyun asked back.

“Oh, nothing. But wait; don’t you have Ms. Jung for History?” Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows. “The project isn’t due until next week.”

“You know I do all my work the day they’re assigned,” Kyuhyun stated, both hands in his pockets as he made his way to his car. “You guys need a lift?”

“Nah. I promised Heechul yesterday that I’m going to take him to the mall today,” Hangeng said.

“I could drop you guys off at the mall.”

“No thank you, Kyuhyun. Now go home and do your homework, nerd,” Heechul teased one last time which made Kyuhyun enter his car without another word.

As Kyuhyun passed by the end of the street, he witnessed the most shocking scene he’ll probably ever see in his entire life.

Who would’ve thought that feelings will spark the moment you never thought it would?




(A/N): I bet I'm boring you guys out already. I'm extremely sorry TT__TT 

uhmmm so if anyone read Rusty Marriage, i said i wasn't going to write another scene in my life because that seriously made my head hurt and i got sick after writing it but uhmmm i think i'm gonna be writing one again >.< eeep~ so there's this oneshot that's coming this weekend and i want u guys to look at it okay? i need HONEST feedback on it! 

as of now...i'm thinking of having haemin and kyumin for this story...  //hides someone punch me please


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Pls continue the story
maefrancekim26 #2
wahh still waiting for updates authornim
maefrancekim26 #3
Chapter 21: my fave haeminxkyumin so farrrr daebakkkkk great story and plot
auwchris2775 #4
Chapter 7: Awesome story author nim !!!
Chapter 36: Just found this story, I love it! I can't wait until the next chapter!
QMiniSa #6
Chapter 36: قoh my God
i want this compliteeeeee TT.TT
im sure there must be some perfect kyumins moment in this in future TT.TT
QMiniSa #7
Chapter 10: where was the kiss scene sungmin talked about !?
on the cheeck by kyuhyun
Kateee #8
Chapter 36: OMG You're back, im crying so hard ;;;;;
Chopumpkin #9
Chapter 36: i'm all in to the next update
Chopumpkin #10