Cho Kyuhyun

Rumored Love Story




“Are you happy now?”

Donghae glared. “Not you too, Kyuhyun. It was bound to happen sooner or later—“

“That wasn’t my question!” Kyuhyun retorted. “I’m asking you, if you’re happy?! Are you happy that you humiliated your boyfriend—no, your ex in front of the whole school? Are you happy to see him cry? Are you happy now that he listened to you and decided to do what he thinks will make you happy? Are you?!”

“Don’t talk like you don’t make people cry, Kyuhyun! You’ve broken so many girls’ hearts, yet here I am, I break one and I get judged so hard?” Donghae retaliated. “You’re no better than me.”

Heechul almost lunged towards Donghae once again when Hangeng lost his grip, but the latter eventually held his boyfriend back.

“You get this guy out of my face, Hangeng or else I’ll make it disappear forever!” Heechul bellowed.

“Heechul, you have to understand—“ Donghae tried to explain, but Kyuhyun had already silenced him with a punch.

Donghae let out a chuckle. “I see where this is going. First, you wanted me to stay, but now you want me to go? Damn, make up your mind.”

Kyuhyun exhaled a huge amount of breath. “Leave, Donghae, just leave.”

Donghae didn’t need another word. He waved one last time to his, well… his so-called friends, and left.

“What the hell does he think he’s doing?! he think this is, a joke?!” Heechul growled, running his fingers through his hair in frustration when Hangeng had finally let go of him. He continued spouting out curses after curses, completely unaware that the school’s security guard was behind him.

“Young man, I’ve been reported that you have exhibited an act of violence towards another student. You must come with me to the principal’s office.” The guard said, taking Heechul by the arm, but the latter shrugged it away.

Kyuhyun and Hangeng just watched Heechul disappear. The crowd was gone. Everyone was gone. The hallway is clear, and they could hear some teachers’ voice in the classrooms.

“I’ll get going then,” Hangeng bided. “You should too.”

Kyuhyun nodded. “Heechul would be okay, right?”

“Of course. It’s not like he’s going to get expelled, probably detention.”

“I sure hope so.”

As Kyuhyun started walking away, Hangeng called him back. “Kyuhyun, how were you able to punch Donghae like that?”

Kyuhyun stopped walking. He didn’t turn around to face Hangeng. Honestly, he didn’t have an answer to his friend’s question. How was he able to do that to Donghae? What exactly made him do that to his best friend? Did Donghae deserve it? It wasn’t a question that Kyuhyun was able to answer, so he just shrugged it off, and walked away, leaving Hangeng’s question unanswered.




The moment the bell rang for dismissal, Kyuhyun didn’t go straight to his locker, but instead, he went to Henry’s.

Henry faced Kyuhyun with an interrogative stare; the stare almost as scary as when he first met the guy years ago.  

“Hey, I just wanted to ask if—“ Kyuhyun muttered, but Henry cut him off.

“I heard you punched Donghae,” Henry said.

Kyuhyun looked around for a while, not really caring about what Henry had to say at the moment. “As a matter of fact, yes, I did. Now if—“


“Does it matter?”

“Well, considering that Donghae is your of a best friend, your ness shouldn’t really be that far behind.”

Kyuhyun scoffed. “Oh, so what you’re trying to say is that I should be happy that Sungmin is pregnant with Donghae’s baby? I should be happy that my “ of a best friend” left him, is that what you’re trying to say?”

“Shouldn’t you be?”

Kyuhyun couldn’t believe it. Was he really that harsh towards the two?

Yes, the answer is yes.

“Look, I’m not happy that that happened to Sungmin. Now, would you happen to know where he is? I have to talk to him about something.”

Henry smiled. “Sungmin and I aren’t really in the best terms right now. Plus, he didn’t come to all his afternoon classes at all.”

“But you’re his best friend, you should know where he is—“

“And you’re Donghae’s best friend! Couldn’t you have stopped him from leaving?! Couldn’t you have stopped him from hurting my best friend?!” Henry spat. “Now, if you would excuse me, I need to go home.”

“Please,” Kyuhyun’s voice came out soft, almost as if he was begging. Almost as if he cared. Almost as if his life depended on seeing Sungmin at that exact moment. He needed to know where Sungmin was.

“Kyuhyun, don’t tell me you’re falling for my best friend.” Henry stared at him for a few seconds. “Are you?”


“No! Never mind that I asked. Stay away from Sungmin. He doesn’t need another like you.”

When Henry left, Kyuhyun silently followed the former. He watched Henry turn a corner, quickly but carefully, he followed.

Kyuhyun stopped in his tracks, when Henry opened a door. And that door led to the rooftop.

Is Sungmin there, Kyuhyun wondered.

He was about to follow Henry, when a hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Heechul.

“What are you still doing here?” Heechul asked, he was wearing yellow gloves with a cloth and a window cleaner in both his hands.

“I see you got detention,” Kyuhyun smirked.

“That bastard told his mother.” The bastard clearly referring to Donghae. “Anyway, you didn’t answer my question, why are you still here?”

“I’m looking for Sungmin.”

Heechul’s eyes widened. Anyone would be surprised if they heard him now. “What do you need from him?”

“I just need to see if he’s okay.”


Kyuhyun was getting ticked off. First, Hangeng questions him about the punch his fist had landed on Donghae’s face; then Henry, and now Heechul. What’s wrong about worrying about someone he dislikes? What’s wrong about looking for a guy who lost two (if you would count the fetus) important human beings in his life?  

“What do you mean?”

“I just… Kyuhyun, stay away from Sungmin, please? He doesn’t need any more stress.”

“It’s quite funny how you’re saying the same thing Henry said.”

“Because that’s what’s best for Sungmin right now.”

Kyuhyun smacked his tongue in irritation. “Whatever, you should start cleaning. It if you’re going to spend your Friday night in this school.” Without waiting for a response from Heechul, Kyuhyun ran to the rooftop door, and sprinted up the stairs.

He could already hear Sungmin’s voice. He wanted to show himself, but it looked like Henry and the former was talking about something serious.

And that’s when he heard it.

“No, the baby is still with me.”





The next day, Kyuhyun stood in front of his full-sized mirror, and looked at his reflection. He straightened his red plaid shirt, and then pulled up his blue jeans.

He looked good, and he knew that for he flashed a smirk at himself in the mirror. “Damn, Cho Kyuhyun, you’re so y. I’d date you,” he said to himself.

He turned to face his bed, where his puppy, Paulie was laying down; biting a tennis ball. “I look y, don’t I Paulie?” The puppy let out a cute bark that made Kyuhyun run up to the tiny thing to ruffle it’s growing fur. “I’m going to have to take you to the groomer’s one of these days.”

Kyuhyun flashed one last smirk at himself on the mirror before he bid goodbye to his puppy, then left the house. He got in his car, and drove off to the place he needed to go to.

Moments later, he arrived at quite familiar simple-looking house. He got out of his car, and then rang the doorbell.

No one answered.

He figured the person that lived in the house was someplace else. With a place that suddenly popped in his mind, he rushed back to his car, and drove off.

Please be there, he said to himself. With his favorite love song playing on the radio, he started smiling and singing along. Did he realize that he was singing along to a love song? Yes, he did, but he didn’t understand why he couldn’t stop singing.

It’s a beautiful autumn morning. Yeah, maybe that’s the reason why, he thought.


He arrived at the place he hoped the person was going to be. The aroma of the small bakery has already seeped in through his car windows, and Kyuhyun wanted nothing to do but to run inside the bakery and buy whatever that type of bread is.

“Welcome to—oh, it’s you,” Henry greeted him.

“I didn’t know you could be rude to paying customers,” Kyuhyun teased.

“What do you want?”

“Croissants sound good right now,” Kyuhyun said as he scanned the place. “Is Sungmin here?”

A voice completely different from Henry’s answered him instead. “No, Sungmin has soccer practice.”

It was Mrs. Lee.

“Soccer practice?!” Kyuhyun yelled out. “Do you want him to pass out like last week again, Mrs. Lee?!”

Without even taking his Croissants, he ran out the bakery to his car, and started the engine.

The moment he reached the school’s soccer field, he slammed the car door shut, and his eyes immediately darted to Sungmin’s location. Sungmin was surrounded by a tall blond guy, and two others; one was short, and one was tall.

As he got closer, he realized that the four were arguing.

“Sungmin, it’s not that I don’t want you to be in the team, it’s just…” The blond one said.

“I’m perfectly fine, Kris!” Ahh, so his name is Kris, Kyuhyun thought. From the looks of it, Kris is the captain.

“You just got rid of the… uhmmm… ‘thing’… you should rest,” the short brunette said.

“Baekhyun, I don’t need rest, I’m fine! I need to practice, we have a game on Wednesday—“

“A game which you aren’t attending,” Kyuhyun interrupted. “Let’s go.”

Sungmin looked at him with an irritated look plastered on his face, and then turned back to face his team’s captain.

“Kris, I didn’t even faint, I just got dehydrated, that’s all,” Sungmin explained.

Once again, Kyuhyun interrupted. “Wait, did he collapse again?” The question directed towards Kris.

Kris nodded. “He sort of, fell on the ground when he was about to kick the ball. Would it be rude if I ask you to take him home now?”

“Kris!” Sungmin snapped.

Kyuhyun grinned. “Of course not.”

Sungmin turned to face Kyuhyun once again. “I’m not going anywhere with you!”

“Oh yes you are.”

“No way.”

“I’ll count to three. If you aren’t by my side by three…”

“Try me,” Sungmin challenged.

Kyuhyun chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “Fine…”

“1…” Sungmin stayed in his spot.

“2…” Sungmin was still in the same spot, but this time, he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“I suggest you move towards me now,” Kyuhyun suggested.

“ no,” Sungmin rudely responded.

Kyuhyun shrugged. “3…”

Sungmin didn’t move a centimeter. Not even an inch. Next thing he knew, Kyuhyun was charging towards him as if he was about to be tackled. To Sungmin’s surprise, Kyuhyun hoisted him up on his shoulder, and started walking back to where the latter’s car was located.

“Ahh! Put me down!” Sungmin screamed while hitting Kyuhyun on the spine.

“I told you I was going to count to three, you didn’t listen,” Kyuhyun calmly replied. He turned around without stopping walking, and looked at Kris who was laughing at them. “I got him, Captain. No need to worry.”

“Cho Kyuhyun, put me down!”

“I’ll put you down in the passenger’s seat.”



The constant bickering reached all the way to Kyuhyun’s car, and when he finally put Sungmin down in the passenger’s seat, the latter tried to escape, but he caught him anyway. He fastened the seatbelt for Sungmin, and closed the door. Kyuhyun waved at Kris, who in return waved back, then quickly got in the car before Sungmin tries to escape again.


Sungmin had calmed down half-way through their journey back to the bakery. He didn’t talk to Kyuhyun, which Kyuhyun didn’t really mind.

Kyuhyun would glance every now and then at Sungmin who was looking out the window.

When Sungmin finally cleared his throat, Kyuhyun hummed as a response.

Sungmin turned his body to face Kyuhyun. “Tell me, you’re doing drugs aren’t you?”

Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin for a mere second and couldn’t help but laugh. The guy looked serious with his question. “Actually, no. I smoke weed.”

“I knew there was something wrong with your brain! Stop smoking weed! It affects the way you’re treating me!” Sungmin said, turning the radio’s volume down.

“I was lying when I said I smoke weed, you know,” Kyuhyun said, turning the radio’s volume back up.

“Then what’s wrong?!” Sungmin asked attentively.

Before Kyuhyun could answer, they already arrived at the bakery, and Kyuhyun motioned for Sungmin to get out of his car.

“Now, you stay here and rest. I will call later to check on you.”

Sungmin blankly stared at him.

“Go now," Kyuhyun shooed. 

Sungmin took one last look at Kyuhyun before stepping out the car. Without a “thank-you” or a simple “goodbye,” Sungmin left.


But still, Kyuhyun smiled. 





(A/N): you're welcome ;)


i'm still not sure if i want to continue this. so don't get your hopes up just because of this chapter. i find this chapter weak too, sorry, forgive me. :(


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Pls continue the story
maefrancekim26 #2
wahh still waiting for updates authornim
maefrancekim26 #3
Chapter 21: my fave haeminxkyumin so farrrr daebakkkkk great story and plot
auwchris2775 #4
Chapter 7: Awesome story author nim !!!
Chapter 36: Just found this story, I love it! I can't wait until the next chapter!
QMiniSa #6
Chapter 36: قoh my God
i want this compliteeeeee TT.TT
im sure there must be some perfect kyumins moment in this in future TT.TT
QMiniSa #7
Chapter 10: where was the kiss scene sungmin talked about !?
on the cheeck by kyuhyun
Kateee #8
Chapter 36: OMG You're back, im crying so hard ;;;;;
Chopumpkin #9
Chapter 36: i'm all in to the next update
Chopumpkin #10