Sleepover at the Yong's

Hello, Mr. Perfect!

3rd Point Of View

You hold onto Junhyung's hand as he takes you up stairs to his room. Everyone has left, Eunhee and Gikwang are sleeping down stairs as you realized that Jaejoong was still in the house. You stood close to Junhyung as he looked down at you.

"Are you okay?" Junhyung said as you looked up at him and smiled. He nodded and we went to his room as he sat down on the bed and loosened his tie.

"Long day.." Junhyung says as I stand in front of him, between his legs. I kiss his forehead as I nod.

"Can you close the door tonight?" I ask as he looks up at you, his eyes glistened and smirked.

"WHY?" he says, smiling. You look at him.

Gutter mind.

"Just want the door closed is all." You say as he nodded, wrapping his arm around your waist you sigh. As you tap his nose lightly. You lay down next to him, as you snuggled close to his chest. 

His arm was still in a sling as you made sure it wasn't sore.  You and him fell asleep shortly. With his hands locked in yours. And the sound of his heart beat filling your hearing.


I laid down staring at the ceiling as I felt a hand on my swollen wrist.

I hissed as I looked to my side. I saw Jaejoong's dark hair glisten in the moonlight as he covered my mouth before I screamed.

My hand was still in locked with Junhyung's as Jaejoong pulled me out of the bed. Dragging me barely across the hall to his room. He closed the door softly and locked the door.

"Why are you doing this?" I said as Jaejoong smiled. I could hear soft moans coming from down stairs as I listened softly.

"Don't worry, they have been doing it for a long time now, Eunhee and Gikwang." Jaejoong said as I looked at him. He smiled crookedly as I stared at me.

"Let me out." I said as he chuckled and shook his head.

"Nope." he said as he approached me steady fast. His hands were on my shoulders as he pushed me, I felt my body fall onto his bed as he crawled on top of me.

"GET AWAY!" I screamed

Junhyung's POV

I woke up as I rolled up, feeling for _____. I looked over and she was gone. I stood up and ruffled my hair. I stood up and walked out into the hallways, looking right and left. I knocked on Jaejoong Hyung's door as Jaejoong opened it, smirking and waved slightly and I looked inside his room. 


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Chapter 33: MY FEELS TT-TT
You know, this story had me cry hard. Yes, junhyung is my bias. Now, you make my love more for him. Seriously I'm a girl who do not like crying. But, when read your fanfics, it's make me cry. You shouldn't say it comedy, you should said it's sad or maybe tragedy.
14 streak #3
Im seriously crying right now!!! I cant see anything...... I thought that junhyung would survive and he would get out of the hosptail and they would have a baby and theyre going to have a happy ending!!!!
I thought it was a comedy!!!! This is not comedy this is tragedy ㅠ.ㅠ even though this is a sad stpry this made me cry for almost half an hour and i could see my trash bin filled with tissues ㅠ.ㅠ ( ; _ ; )/~~~
timeofmylife03 #4
This is so depressing ㅠ.ㅠ
But I loved it! Wow. <3
shinning4ever #5
I read quite a number of sad ending..some cry but not long..but this one make me cry for sad..why junhyung must die...:(
I was reading Chapters 30-32 while listening to 'The name I loved' By Onew from SHINee. And I can't help but cry. I really can't believe Junhyung died. :(<br />
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I promised myself I would never read stories like this, but I just keep on reading it. Sigh. :( I love how you write it. I can hear my own heart crying too. LOL. ;_;
Koizora inspired? ;)
urijunpa #8
i was kinda feel like dejavu when i read the ending..<br />
coz i feel that i ever see it or somethin..<br />
then you is from koizora...<br />
<br />
well i'll remember it finally..<br />
i loved that ending too ^^<br />
<br />
thank u for makin me more in love with junhyungie ~~~^^
wookhee #9
djhashdlahfjlafhjahfkjl! I dunno what to say but that was really AWESOME ! I REALLY REALLY LOVE IT !!! <3333
ianaheartshindongho #10
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~~ this <br />
is really a nice story ^^ love it !