
Shes the man
I was so glad it was the end of the school day. Finally I could get away from jungsa and sora. I pulled my obey hat over my face and started walking home. I tried calling Suzy about our meeting but she wouldn't pick up. Where was she. This project is in for next week. I kept on walking when I bumped into someone. 'ay tard. Watch where yo walking!' The person shouted. 'watch your ing mouth. You bumped into me, not the other way round' I got up and saw I had bumped into Yongguk. 'oh it's you' he spoke. I took a better look at him, he had bandages around his biceps and wrist. But the blood was still leaking through it. He must have got beaten up hard. All cuz of me. I gave him a cold look and walked past him not turning out. I didn't need anymore dramas today, it was already stressful having jungsa and soda ask question through the whole entire day. I just want to get home and sleep. I reached home but Jaebeom oppa wasn't home. I walked until I saw a letter on the name - Park Hyomin - my Korean name. I opened the letter and read through it. My eyes widened with every word. But the sentence that hit me the most was, - you have already gotten a close friend killed Hyomin, we don't know what else you are capable of but we think this is the best for all of us. We are disowning you. From appa and omma - they were ing going to disown me!?! How could they!?! Did I ask to be born!?! NO!
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Jungkoyoung #1
Chapter 30: Love this story its really short and cute
joselleroxz #2
WOAH!!!! I know her! :D
I follow her on tumblr and Instagram!!! She's sooo cute! Wow, never expected her to be in a fanfic xD
Mind blown (x
arrr.. can I know who is the girl that you use as the main image?
she's cute :D
btw, new reader is here ... I like your story ^^
KpopForever31 #4
*sigh* I need more YongJay action.....pwease:3
LuckyJune #5
Omo so sweet! New reader here and I'm excited to see where the story end. I hope Jay would use her girl appearance again so people wouldn't assume they're gays
KpopForever31 #6
They kiiiiiiiiiiiiiisissssed...........I'm really happy now. :D
:D I'm Super Happy!!!!
Zeidi117 #8
Yay Thank you! I like this story alot
annabelleshlee #9
Yay! Thank you <3
YAY! I think that would make everyone happy cause you would end up leaving us hanging and that would make people unsubscribe. I would love to read more of the chapters. :)