From being late to detention

Shes the man
'Jay!~ it's time for school~~~' jaebeom oppa sang as he ran into my room with pots and pans in his hand and bashing them together. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. Missed. Damn I forgot he got teaming for his army. I grabbed anoter pillow and wrapped it around my head to try and block out the irritating noise. I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped out of ed an Pineda jaebeom oppa to the floor. 'beg for forgiveness for else..' I evilly whispered into his ear as I smirked. 'ahh! Jay that hurts! Apa! Aapppaaaaaa! (hurts)' he shouted as I pushed his head closer to the floor. Hehe. I chuckled at his weakness and let him go. 'ah Jay that hurt!' he shouted fake crying. 'what if I broke my hand huh? You be getting death threats from my fangirl' he stuck out his tough. I gave him the finger and smiled. 'RUDE!' he shouted as ran out the room returning the finger. He's such a baby. sometimes I wonder who's really older. I got dressed and realises I still had yongguks clothes. I took them of and shoved them in my bag. 'egh' I made a face as I smelled the horrible smell from the sick on the shirt. Forgot to change in the night. Great. I thought. I walked downstairs and grabbed a toast and headed to school. My headache had disappeared like it never happened. I slipped on my Vans and walked out. I glanced down at my watch and hell. I was 10 minutes late already. Ugh. Never gonna make it anywys. Might aswell walk. I arrived at school 5 minutes later. The teacher was giving a lecture on school uniform as I cashing walked in. 'Excuse me Jay. Why are you 15 minutes late?' the teacher asked annoyed. I shrugged and headed for my seat. 'Straight detention after school!' the teacher shouted as I sat down. I could hear some whispers- ohhh. I herd that detention was horrible! Like cleaning the toilets!- I shrugged it off and went to sleep...
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Jungkoyoung #1
Chapter 30: Love this story its really short and cute
joselleroxz #2
WOAH!!!! I know her! :D
I follow her on tumblr and Instagram!!! She's sooo cute! Wow, never expected her to be in a fanfic xD
Mind blown (x
arrr.. can I know who is the girl that you use as the main image?
she's cute :D
btw, new reader is here ... I like your story ^^
KpopForever31 #4
*sigh* I need more YongJay action.....pwease:3
LuckyJune #5
Omo so sweet! New reader here and I'm excited to see where the story end. I hope Jay would use her girl appearance again so people wouldn't assume they're gays
KpopForever31 #6
They kiiiiiiiiiiiiiisissssed...........I'm really happy now. :D
:D I'm Super Happy!!!!
Zeidi117 #8
Yay Thank you! I like this story alot
annabelleshlee #9
Yay! Thank you <3
YAY! I think that would make everyone happy cause you would end up leaving us hanging and that would make people unsubscribe. I would love to read more of the chapters. :)