
Shes the man
I woke up the next morning as a big migraine hit me. The room started spinning and I felt dizzy, I rushed to the bathroom and was sick in the toilet. Did I do something last night? I just went to the park and back. I threw up again and again to the point where I couldn't even breath. I was coughing hard and I could feel that I was loosing my breath, I rushed over to the cabinet and took some pills. I drank them down with some water and asked Jaebeom oppa if I could miss school and go to the hospital for a quick check up. I changed my clothes to casual ones and started walking tot he hospital. I was walking down the street and the next thing I knew it was all black. .. ~2 HOURS LATER~ I slowly opened my eyes in an unfamiliar place. It was the hospital, it had the same smell as my,at hospital and I hated it. I touched my head and felt that there was a bandage around it. What happened? I sat up and saw Yongguk next to me in a chair. 'your awake?' he asked cautiously. 'wtf happened?' I asked. 'I was walking by and saw you fainted on the floor. I carried you and brought you to the hospital. 'ugh..' I grunted annoyed. What was wrong with me!?! A lady in a doctors jacket walked into my room and greeted me. She asked me if I already knew I had cancer and I nodded. I could see Yongguk's eyes widen in shock, great. I really didn't want anybody to find out, especially someone that goes to the same school as me. 'do you know when you are next predicted to die?' the lady asked. 'ermm.. 12th November' I answered back, 'my birthday...' I whispered, hopefully no one herd. 'it seems that your cancer virus is getting stronger, do you smoke or drink?' I stopped to think, my mind was running really slowly today. 'I smoke, but no drinking' I said... 'hmm' she jotted some things down and looked up again. 'you must quickly give up smoking if you want to beat this cancer virus. You have a very special type of cancer that one about 4 more people in the world have, so we don't know much about it. In the mean time, rest well and try to quit smoking' I nodded in response as the doctor left the room. . I forgot Yongguk was still here. I turned to him and stared into his eyes. 'Dont you ing tell anyone about this. Understand?' he nodded and I laied back down on my hospital bed. 'why me..' I whispered quietly. 'do you know when I can leave this hell hole?' I asked Yongguk. 'the doctor said you can leave today' yes. Last to time I had to stay for 4 days at a ing hospital when I could've been out. 'khaja, wanna come with me to the tattooist?' I asked in a monotone. 'sure' he replied.
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Jungkoyoung #1
Chapter 30: Love this story its really short and cute
joselleroxz #2
WOAH!!!! I know her! :D
I follow her on tumblr and Instagram!!! She's sooo cute! Wow, never expected her to be in a fanfic xD
Mind blown (x
arrr.. can I know who is the girl that you use as the main image?
she's cute :D
btw, new reader is here ... I like your story ^^
KpopForever31 #4
*sigh* I need more YongJay action.....pwease:3
LuckyJune #5
Omo so sweet! New reader here and I'm excited to see where the story end. I hope Jay would use her girl appearance again so people wouldn't assume they're gays
KpopForever31 #6
They kiiiiiiiiiiiiiisissssed...........I'm really happy now. :D
:D I'm Super Happy!!!!
Zeidi117 #8
Yay Thank you! I like this story alot
annabelleshlee #9
Yay! Thank you <3
YAY! I think that would make everyone happy cause you would end up leaving us hanging and that would make people unsubscribe. I would love to read more of the chapters. :)