
Shes the man
I reached the back of school and herd people laughing. Am I too late? I snuck round the corner and saw Yongguk on the floor with blood dripping out of his hands and stomach non stop. I really didn't wanna fight when I came back to Korea, but this time I had too. There was about seven people around him and I ran towards them. I fought off the weak looking ones first and broke on arm each. There was a red head and zico left. I was fighting off a short one when the red haired one grabbed my stomach and zico punched me on my jawline. For a girl, I had pretty boyish facial features, especially my jawline. I got punched on my stomach 4 times and started spitting out blood. But this was nothing compared to whats happened to me before in the past. I kicked zicos face before he could punch me again and threw there'd haired one on the floor, back first. They were now all grunting in pain on the floor including zico. I turned around and grabbed yongguk and helped him to my house, where I found Himchan still there, with 4 other people. I helped Yongguk onto the sore as tried to catch my breath. I herd mixed voices all shouting 'Hyung' with worried tones. This Yongguk much really be respected. I went to my room to wash up and change my clothes, Jaebeom oppa was probably out with his friends. He had gone out when I was waiting for luhan to come. I washed blood out from my mouth and changed into my pink shirt and jeans and my vans. I walked downstairs and saw everyone crowding about yongguk. 'Hyung what happened?' I saw the youngest looking one was. He was cury ramen like hair. 'ah, don't touch me. Let's go back' he stood up and wobbled a bit. His friends helped him up and walks out. The boy with the black mask came over and bowed. 'kansamidah Hyung.' I nodded back in response. I was a little annoyed that my room was all covered in blood and my living room all messy and bloody. But oh we'll... They were boys..
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Jungkoyoung #1
Chapter 30: Love this story its really short and cute
joselleroxz #2
WOAH!!!! I know her! :D
I follow her on tumblr and Instagram!!! She's sooo cute! Wow, never expected her to be in a fanfic xD
Mind blown (x
arrr.. can I know who is the girl that you use as the main image?
she's cute :D
btw, new reader is here ... I like your story ^^
KpopForever31 #4
*sigh* I need more YongJay action.....pwease:3
LuckyJune #5
Omo so sweet! New reader here and I'm excited to see where the story end. I hope Jay would use her girl appearance again so people wouldn't assume they're gays
KpopForever31 #6
They kiiiiiiiiiiiiiisissssed...........I'm really happy now. :D
:D I'm Super Happy!!!!
Zeidi117 #8
Yay Thank you! I like this story alot
annabelleshlee #9
Yay! Thank you <3
YAY! I think that would make everyone happy cause you would end up leaving us hanging and that would make people unsubscribe. I would love to read more of the chapters. :)