Sixth Chapter

Flawless Tears

It was the second school week and I hadn’t seen Jonghyun since the day I broke the window. Maybe he had transferred school? Maybe he thought I was a stalker just because I watched him dance, oh god. I did not want to be stamped as a stalker. And since I hadn’t seen him, I hadn’t had the opportunity to give him the money. Hopefully he’d be at school today.

But as I stepped inside the classroom, he wasn’t seated at his bench, and that made me frown. Wasn’t he going to come today either? My thoughts of him transferring school were becoming more and more confirmed. Because why else wouldn’t he turn up.

A sigh escaped my lips when the teacher started the lesson and Jonghyun hadn’t turned up. I found myself taking glances at Jonghyun’s seat every other minute, as if he miraculously would’ve appeared.  But he didn’t.

All the classes were a constant pain in the , not only because of Jonghyun, but because the lack of sleep was getting to me. I’d been working every possible hour that I could. The whole weekend, Saturday and Sunday, I’d worked twelve hour shifts both days. And with putting the school related stuff I had to do, I’d only got about four, five hours of sleep.

Honestly, I was starting to doubt whether I had enough spirit to go through with all this hard work, if just half a week was tough, then what about the next coming weeks?

The bell rang in the distance and I scrambled to my feet’s before grabbing my things and skipping out through the door. The school day was finally over. Though I came to a stop just as I was about to walk past the hallway of where the dance room was. I glanced over at the door a few meters away and wondered whether I would go and take a look.

I took a quick look at my wrist watch and noticed that it was about forty minutes left before I needed to be home. I breathed in and decided that what the heck, why not. So I dragged my feet’s towards the door and glanced through the window. He wasn’t there either. My shoulders sank a bit; I really wanted to see him. What if he too was working so that he could buy a new window?

No, that couldn’t be the reason; it made absolute no sense at all.

After grabbing the handle I pulled it down and let the door open before I took a step inside and closed behind me. The air inside was freezing, I knew why, because my clumsy self had broken the window.

I went over to the wall and let my body slide down onto the floor. The room was in complete silence and I tightly wrapped my blazer closer to my body to keep my body heat in place. Small puffs of air escaped every time I breathed out. It was seriously so cold; still I brought out a bunch of papers and a pen from my bag. I needed to write a sketch over the room, it was easier that way. It would give me a better perspective on how I wanted it to look like.

My hands gracefully let the pen wander over the paper as a room was slowly appearing, since I didn’t know the exact measurements of the room I had to guess.

Huge, full-size mirrors would be placed on one of the walls, reaching from the floor to the ceiling, and from wall to wall. On the right side would the windows be placed, and thus natural light would be able to slip in. Then we had the music system and the speakers, they were going to be placed out so that they weren’t in the way, yet easy to reach when needed.

My eyelids were starting to fail and they would occasionally close completely, though I wanted to finish the sketch right now. I forcefully tried to keep my eyes open. But it was easier said than done and once they closed for the thirty-fourth time I let it be. Or more like, I barely knew that I had fallen asleep.

That was until I fluttered my eyes open and felt that the coldness that had kept a grasp around my body wasn’t there anymore. My body was warm, but how? I tried to lift my head up but something heavy was weighing it down and I looked to my right, only to gasp at the sight. My head was lying against someone’s shoulder, and that someone’s head was on top of mine.

And that someone was Jonghyun and he was asleep right next to me, with his head on top of mine.

I glanced at him and felt that warmness enter my heart. He looked so peaceful sleeping so I decided to not wake him up just yet. But deep down, curiosity was lingering, I wondered what he had been up to in order to be so tired. He hadn’t been at school, so it had to be something else.

After withdrawing my gaze from Jonghyun I let my eyes close again. A few more minutes wouldn’t hurt. Right, a few more minutes my . When I woke up again and carefully glanced at me wrist watch, it was already past 6PM. I had been sleeping for hours already, not minutes as I first thought. My eyes wandered back to Jonghyun, his eyes were shut and he was breathing in a steady phase.

“Jonghyun sshi?” I whispered; I didn’t want to startle him with a too loud tone. But seconds passed by and there were no movement from his side. I tried again, and yet again, nothing. “Jonghyun sshi?” I poked his side with my hand and I heard a low grunt escape his lips before he moved around, something that I didn’t expect.

I yelped when my head slide down from his shoulder and ended up in his lap. I stared up at him, our gazes piercing into one another and I blinked my eyes rapidly at the same time as a blush crept up on my cheeks.

Oh god how embarrassing this is.

I bit my lip when I heard a low chuckle escape his lips, something that made me blush even more. I felt something press against my back before I was pushed up, and out of the awkward position. My gaze wandered back to his and I laughed at how cute he looked. It seemed as if I weren’t the only on to be embarrassed over what just happened; he did too.

“Why are you here?” I asked him, he hadn’t been in school these past days so why did he suddenly turn up today. “Change the window.” his answer was low and short. But it was enough for me to understand what he meant and I looked over at the window that I broke last week. It was gone and replaced by a new one. Right the money.

I reached out after my bag and brought out the money I got from dad. “Here, take this.” I said before I motioned for him to take it. I saw how he changed his gaze from me down on the money before back to me again.

“Don’t worry, it’s not like you did it on purpose.” He replied and pushed my hand away. He didn’t want to take the money. “Then what am I supposed to do with this.” I asked myself as I stared down at the huge amount of money. I know, I would add it to the money I would use to restore this room with.

‘Crap, money, work. I needed to get home.’

I swiftly pulled myself up on my feet’s and noticed that I had someone else’s jacket hung over my shoulders. That’s why I wasn’t cold. “I need to go.” My voice was rushed and my bad Korean showed. It always would when I was stressed. I let his jacket slide of my shoulders as I waited for him to stand up so that I could hand it back to him.

“Are you coming to school tomorrow?” I asked him after that I’d handed the jacket back to him. There was a moment of silence before he uttered a maybe. I tilted my head to the side, how can you ‘maybe’ go to school. “Okay.” I laughed as I watched him putting on his jacket.

“Well, I guess I’ll ‘maybe’ see you tomorrow.” I smiled and then said goodbye before I rushed out of there. Ugh dad is going to kill me for arriving late. But when I thought back on everything it didn’t matter if I came late. Being with Jonghyun was something that made me happy, especially since everyone at school was being es. Well it had died down a bit, but there were still girls that would glare at me.

Maybe if I tried a bit more. Yes, I would try to be extra friendly starting tomorrow.

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Chapter 25: Beautiful
Chapter 25: :) ```````````````
Chapter 25: loved it! nice story, author-nim!
daeljoejinyoung96 #4
Chapter 25: I love changjo's way to tell her about his answer ;') its so sweet.
daeljoejinyoung96 #5
Chapter 11: its a cute part;3
Chapter 25: Great job, authornim..
Nice story.. :)
StayLeeForever #7
Chapter 25: OMG.... So amazing!!!! Made me cry:'(
Chapter 25: this was so amazing *sobbing*
Chapter 25: Daeak. At least Yeon Ah didnt give up till the end
Luv the story