“Thank you for being in my life...”

Die of Embarrassment


Mona chose a pair of sweatpants and the largest shirt she owned. She wasn’t going to tempt him to do anything. Her father wasn’t home and her mind flew to the conversation they had earlier. He had said that since her father wasn’t home, they won’t bedoing anything. But her father wasn’t home tonight, and she wasn’t about to give him any reason to do anything.

What was he doing in the guest room? Was he already asleep? The questions floated in her mind and she groaned in frustration when she realised that there was no way for her to know if she didn't go see him. Her hand paused from turning the doorknob. She wondered if she should go... She was already exhausted as it is. She returned to her bed and lay herself down, staring up at the ceiling in the process. She was too much of a coward to go. She wouldn’t know what to do if she entered and found him half . Fainting at the door would be embarrassing. Besides, didn't he say that he was coming over? So there was absolutely no reason for her to leave her room. Grabbing the romance novel from her bedside table, she made herself comfortable on her bed. She was going to wait, even if it took her all night...

Simon paced about the room, wondering what she was doing. Why hasn’t she come yet? Was it ok for him to go over? She wouldn’t be asleep would she? Their date wasn’t even over yet! He chewed on his bottom lip, preparing himself to go over. He wasn’t sure what was making him nervous. Yes, her father wasn’t home, but that didn't mean that he was going to try anything... He just wanted to... be with her. He wanted to cuddle up next to her, he wanted to hear her beautiful voice... he just wanted to spend every single moment that he had with her...

Taking a deep breath and bracing himself, he stepped out of the guest room and made his way over to hers. Pausing outside the door, he contemplated with himself for a brief second before he finally knocked on the door.

Mona dropped the book she was reading and pretended to be asleep. She heard the door being pushed open and saw him peering in through half-closed eyes.

“Hey...” He said softly. “Sleeping?”

“Mmm...” Mona pretended.

“I’m just across the hall and you’re already asleep?” He asked, not believing his ears.

“Mmm...” Mona said again.

She heard him sigh. “Fine... goodnight.”

“Oppa, wait...” Mona said before he could completely close the door. She grinned at him when he peered back into the room, and she patted the spot on the bed next to her, inviting him in.

He stepped into her room and plopped himself onto the bed next to her, before he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Mona smiled to herself. She had never experienced such physical contact with anyone before... The heat slowly crept up her neck and she prayed silently, wishing it to go away.

“You were playing with me?” He asked from somewhere above her head.

Mona let a small laugh before nodding her head. “You were late.”

“I wasn’t sure if I should come.”

Mona looked up at him, and raised her eyebrow. “It was part of our date. Besides, I thought you said you don’t ditch on people you already made plans with...”

“Hey! You’re using my words against me! That’s not fair!” Simon protested loudly.

Mona beamed at him. They were facing each other on the bed, his arm around her waist. She gazed into his eyes as he did the same. She could get lost in those molten pools of bright brown eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. She had absolutely no doubt that his soul was as beautiful as his eyes.... She had never met anyone who looked at her the way he was looking now and she thanked the heavens for introducing him to her. The moment was perfect, but the person she was sharing it with was even more so. She couldn't have asked for anything better...

Overcame with emotions, Simon crashed his lips on hers, savouring her to his heart’s content. There was something about the way she was staring at him that moved him, and those lips... He could never get enough of those lips. Maybe she didn't notice it, but when she those plump lips of hers, his heart would beat at a speed he couldn't control, sending his train of thoughts on frenzy. Yes, he had promised his father that he would study. But at the time, he wasn’t expecting Mona to barge into his life the way she did. Besides, he wasn’t going to abandon his studies completely, even if he was madly in love with her...

“What was that for?” Mona asked breathlessly, once they tore apart many minutes later.

Simon merely smiled at her, and wrapped his arm tighter around her. “First date kiss.”

Mona giggled and shook her head. “People don’t usually kiss on the first date.”

“Well, then I guess our first date is just special...”

Mona played with his shirt, glad that he was wearing long-sleeved. It was tight, and she could still make out the contours of his bulky arms, but at least he was covered. And that was enough for her poor, poor heart. “Oppa...”


“Why did you start university so late? I mean... uhh, you know what I mean...” Mona trailed off quietly. She wasn’t sure if the question was appropriate to ask...

Simon chuckled and lowered his head so he could see her. “I spent two years of my life wasting time, doing nothing in particular, and then I spent three years with the police.”

“In jail?” Mona asked, shocked.

“Babo yah! I’m not a criminal. I meant, training with the police. My dad made me.”

“Wow... so why did you quit?”

“I don’t want to become a police! Do I look like a police to you?” Simon asked sarcastically.

“Hmm... In all honesty, you look more like a male model/singer/... stripper.” Mona replied with a grin.


“Well, you certainly have the body of one...”

“And you’ve seen a male stripper’s body?” Simon raised his eyebrow.

“Ahh... erm. No, of course not! I... assumed.” Mona blushed.


“Ok, let’s forget what I just said and move on.” Mona said, feeling as if her cheeks were hot enough to fry an egg.

Simon laughed and rubbed his thumb over her cheek, feeling the hotness of her skin on his. “The things you say never fail to amaze me, you know that?”


“Anyways, let me continue. So, I ditched a lot of training and spent my time with the doctor that works for the police force. It was interesting, the way he worked. So... I told my dad that I wanted to be a doctor.”

“I see...” Mona said, nodding her head.

“What about you? Why did you want to become a doctor?” Simon said, caressing her face softly.

Mona snuggled closer to him before she opened to speak. “I’ve always wanted to become a doctor... I wanted to save people, but I didn't want to become a police like my dad either. So I chose to be a doctor... The coursework is killing me, but I’m getting by...”

“I’m so proud of you...”

“As I am of you...” Mona replied before she burst into laughter. “Listen to us... We sound like an old married couple.”

Simon joined her in laughter. “We do, don’t we?”

“Oppa, why don’t we take turns asking each other questions?” Mona suggested, sitting up on the bed while Simon remained lying down, his hands behind his head.

“Ok, but I get to ask first.”

“Ask away.”

“What do you like about me?”

“Oppa! Really?” Mona asked incredulously.

“I thought I’m allowed to ask anything!”

“Fine.” Mona took a deep breath after shaking her head. “I like the way you talk. I like how your lips move. I like your eyes. I like the way you laugh. I... just like you. Satisfied?”

Simon smirked. “Very. Ok, your turn.”

“What do you like about me?” Mona asked back.

“Everything.” Simon simply stated.

“Define everything.”

“Really? One night won’t be enough.” Simon replied nonchalantly.

Her heart swelled with love for the man in front of her. How can he be so sweet yet so hot at the same time? How can someone this perfect exist in this world?

“Ok, fair enough.” Mona said softly.

“What else do you like? Besides me of course.”

She lay herself back down beside him and pondered over his question before deciding to finally list down things that excite her. “I love winter. I love ice cream, strawberry cheesecake to be exact, I love reading romance novels, I love all sorts of movies with the exception of horror of course, I love the colour white and I love teddy bears.”

“Hmm... that’s a lot of information for me to take in.”

“Well tough luck. You were the one who asked me the question.” Mona giggled. “My turn now. Who was your first crush?”

“That’s easy. My 4th grade art teacher. Yours?”

“Mine? You don’t want to know.”

Simon turned to his side, and looked at her curiously. “It’s not Dari is it?”

Crap. She really shouldn’t have asked that question. It just came to bite her back in the . Damn... How was she to explain herself now? “Simon oppa...”

“Just tell me.” Simon pressed on. “I won’t get mad.”

Mona sighed. “If I tell you everything about Dari oppa, will you promise not to be jealous of him?”

“Let me hear it first, and then I’ll decide.” Simon countered.

“Fine.” She made herself comfortable in his embrace, preparing herself to tell the story. “I was 6 at the time. I was eating ice cream, playing by myself at the park when this boy came and snatched my ice cream from me. Dari oppa passed by at that exact time. He saw what happened and helped me get rid of the boy. He also bought me another ice cream. He was 12. That’s when our friendship began. I looked up to him, I mean, he was like a hero to me, and I guess you can say that maybe I had a little crush on him. And then when I was 15, my... mother died. He was in college at Busan, but when he heard what happened, he came straight back just so he could be with me. He helped me through those hard times and we bonded. He’s like a brother to me. Nothing else.”

Simon’s head reeled at this new piece of information and he let out the breath he wasn’t conscious of holding. So that was why she kept saying he was special to her... But he still felt slightly uneasy. Yes, from her point of view, she saw him only as a brother. But what about him? What was he thinking about her? He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts before he looked back at her. “Ok... I understand now. But I’m still going with you when you visit him.”

“You don’t trust me?”

Simon huffed. “It’s not you I don’t trust. It’s him. I’d like to see this brother-sister relationship that you guys have.”

Mona refrained from showing the smile that was threatening to appear on her face. “Fine, but I have to warn you. You will be jealous.”

Simon looked at her incredulously. “Please... don’t overdo it in front of me.”

“Arasso.” Mona giggled, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

“What about first kiss?” He asked a while later.

Mona blushed. “First kiss? Erm...”

“Goodness Mona, don’t tell me it’s Dari again?”

“No, no!” Mona replied, horrified. “Didn't you hear what I just said?”

“Then who is it?”

Mona tore her eyes away from his face, suddenly finding the fabric of his shirt interesting. She did not want to answer this question!

“Is it me?”

Mona cleared and kept her head down, refusing to look him in the eye. She will just die, she knew it. “I’m sleepy...”

“You’re not getting out of this easily.” Simon said. He placed his fingertip on her chin and forced her to look at him. He grinned at her. “It is me, isn’t it?”

“I think... I have the right to remain silent, don't I?”

“Not with me.” He breathed before planting another kiss on her lips. “I think it’s sweet that I’m your first kiss. I feel very honoured.”

“You should be.” Mona said as a yawn escaped her lips. “Oppa, I’m really sleepy...”

“Shall we end our date then?”

Mona smiled at him. “This is the best date I’ve ever been on.”

“Likewise Mona sshi.” He replied chivalrously.

“Thank you...” She whispered before her eyes fluttered close. Reality with Simon was better, but fantasy Simon couldn't wait any longer for her.

“Thank you for being in my life...” Simon said tenderly. He watched the serene expression that was on her face for quite a while before he placed a kiss on her forehead, and closed his eyes, drifting off to dreamland... 


Chapter Posted on: Jun. 19. 2012

Another chapter is up! WARNING: Cheesiness overload!!! Hahaha, maybe i should've put it on top... lol. Anyways, hope you guys like this chapter! Hahaha... i say the same thing everytime. Read and comment ok? And subscribe if you haven't! Thanks peeps! Love all of you!!! =D

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JulesinfiniteL #1
Chapter 30: Love! :D That's all I have to say! :)
JulesinfiniteL #2
Chapter 1: bahahahahaha, this sounds scarily familiar to me... :P
This was actually a brilliant story! I stayed up all night to read this and I regret nothing!c:< I loved every single character in this fic!:'D. Aghdkahdskahfdsll! weldone!<3
Chapter 30: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH found this and read and ahh SIMON omg my bias! btw DMTN comeback!
I've been looking for a good Simon fic for awhile! Noy many people here write on Dalmatian so I was glad when I found this story yesterday (and just finished reading this morning). :)

Seriously there's some cring worthy embarrassing things there and I know they're really possible too.
Well, I've enjoyed your story so thanks for sharing the Simon Park love :)
simon_x #6
THIS FIC. is so beautiful ;~; simon feels ;~; i think i like it like 1000000 times more because simon is my absolute bias.. and because your writing is amazing :o keep up the good work <3
asdfghjkl;' Poor Dari...I'm glad he turned out with a happy ending though (:
This story was just adorable <3
Why did it have to end?? I'm so happy that things worked out for everyone in the end. And Dari finally met someone and gave Simon and Mona his blessing. ^-^
omg, yay Dari gave his blessing, met Gina. :D
and Simon and Mona are happy together. <3
can't believe it ended, but i totally enjoy every chapter and moment!!
wil ldefinitely check out the new story. :D
b2utyforever #10
OMG!! It ended too quickly! T.T
Please please pleaaaaaaaaase make a sequel of this!!
This was the best Simon fanfic i could find!!
Sequel pleaseeeee~