
Our Maid Sky Blue

You walked to the bus stop taking in the fresh nighttime breeze. The streets were still busy with many cars and people that it made you feel more at ease. All of the beautiful lights shone brightly everywhere allowing you to captivate this alluring city. *It feels good to be out here.* You sat on the bench waiting for the bus to come by.

Kai who was coming back from the bar for a quick visit with Yuri, drove pass the street catching a glimpse of you. Something about you made it easy for him to automatically recognize. *Where is she going this late?*

 He looked through his rear view mirror and you were already getting on the bus. Once he reached the next light ahead, he made a u-turn and followed you oblivious that 4 other men in disguise where also trailing behind.

“This isn’t the way to her house.” Luhan nudged Chanyeol who realized as well. “It’s not?” Baekhyun looked over at them. He hasn’t been to your place before, so he had no idea.

“Where exactly is she going?” Chanyeol pondered. *This is strange.*

“She…lied to us?!” Luhan’s eyes grew big. Kris furrowed his eyebrows wondering where you were actually going as well. Something seemed fishy about this.

You jumped down from the bus once it came to a stop. You slung your bag across your shoulders and darted towards the hospital entrance. Kai was shock to see you come to such a place, but he made a turn into the hospital parking lot and parked his car anyways. *Why…would she come here?* He threw on a sweater and cap then got out of the car trying to keep you within eye sight as you jogged down the pavement towards the sliding doors.

You made your way up the excavator to the children’s ward. *I hope she isn’t asleep yet.* You crossed your fingers and opened the door to her room. Soft giggles could be heard coming from behind the curtains and relief escaped your heart.

“JiJi.” You called her name and opened the curtains. “What are you doing?” She looked away from the television that was playing Pororo and smiled ever so brightly at you.

“Umma!!” She squealed and held out her arms for you. You picked her up instantly and grinned at her sweet adorableness. “I missed you.” She snuggled into your chest.

“I missed you more.” You cuddled her closely. “Aigoo my angel.” You parted her hair from her eyes and studied her baby face. *She has become paler.* The color in her face is barely there and she is starting to lose her chubby cheeks. Your pulse raced in worried and panic. *No, not yet…keep staying healthy and strong JiJi. Jebahl.*

“Does Jiji want to go out for a while?” You touched her hand. “Neh!” She nodded excitedly. You got up with her still in your arms and left the room to take a stroll down the corridor.

Kai was following you as close as possible, but lost you once he got to the excavator. He guessed and made a turn into the children’s division being careful not to be noticeable by patients and nurses.

Kris, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Luhan couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw that you were coming to the hospital. Although they were afraid of being seen, their curiosity took over and decided to follow through with this.

While walking through the door, Baekhyun spotted someone familiar running up the excavator. “Wait, isn’t that Kai?” They all followed his eyes to the person he was looking at. “It really looks like him.”

“It’s not him.” Chanyeol shook his head. “Why would he be here?” They disregarded the idea that it was him and continued their way passed the lobby and up the excavator.

You put Minji down and watched her hop from one tile to another happily. “Be careful JiJi.” You smiled. As you walked further down following behind her, a rushing nurse strolled by speedily and bumped into you. All the papers and clipboards went flying out of her arms to the floor.

“Mianhae! Mianhae!” She bowed and apologized several times. “It’s ok.” You bent down and helped her pick it up unaware of the fact that Minji has gone a little too far from your sight. When you were done, you looked up and noticed she was gone. “MINJI!!” You shouted in fear as you ran down the hall. “Minji ah!!”


Kai had no idea what he was doing or where he was going anymore. He decided to turn back around when he saw a little girl standing a couple of feet away from him. She looked up at him with big and sad teary eyes.

He bit his lip not knowing what to do. “Umma….” He hears her softly called out desperately. It was too much to ignore so he hesitantly walked over and knelt down in front of her.

“Are you lost?” He gazed at her kindly. There was no denying how adorable she looked. *Those eyes…* They caught his attention at once.

She nodded at him as tears rolled down her tender cheeks and his heart softens. “Should we go look for her?” He didn’t know how’d he find her mother, but he didn’t want to abandon her either. He was surprised when she held out her arms to him. Without a second thought, he picked her up and started walking the other direction to find help.

Kai stiffened as she reached her hand up and touched his cheek. “Nice ahjusshi.” She cooed.

He looked down at her and couldn’t contain the odd and tingling feeling inside his stomach. She was too cute for words. While he was busy smiling and gazing at her, Baekhyun and the rest had suddenly appeared right before him coincidently.

“K-KAI?!!” They shouted at once frightening the both of them. She clutched onto his sweater and buried the side of her face into his chest.

“What are you doing here?” Kris gaped at him.  

“Who..who is that?!” Chanyeol pointed to the ‘little girl’ in his arms.

“Is she yours?” Luhan’s jaw dropped to the floor.

 Baekhyun remained calm and walked up to Kai who was still in shock to see them there as well. “Why are you here and who’s this?”

“I don’t know who she is.” Kai found his voice again. “She’s lost. I’m only trying to help her find her mom.”

“Wait…you came here to help a lost child find her mother?” Chanyeol blinked at him like he was ridiculous.

* Why the hell are you guys here then?!* Kai didn’t know how to explain this.

“MINJI!!” You continued to call for her frantically still running down the same hall. *She couldn’t have gone far. She wouldn’t go down the excavator either. Oh god, Minji where are you?*

At the sound of your voice, Minji looked up and saw your figure coming towards their direction. A smile spread across her face and her eyes lightened up with hope. Kai looked at her and then followed her eyes as well.

You stopped in your track when you saw familiar looking figures standing in the middle of the hall. *What the…* You slowly walked up to them inquisitively until you realized something. *No..way.*

“UMMA!!” Minji shouted at once when she saw you. Kai stared up immediately and the both of you interlock gazes. Electrical shock surged through his mind. He thought he was imagining things right now.

“Umma?” Kai looked at you in disbelief. The rest turned around and their eyes popped out of their sockets.



“JiJi…” You whispered almost inaudible as your knees became weak seeing the guys there with her. She got down from Kai and ran to you happily. Her little arms encircled your leg, glad to be reunited.

“Umma…” She called again allowing them to know that they weren’t just hearing things.

Baekhyun could feel his heart stuck in his throat as he stared at the both of you. No words could be uttered from Luhan and Kris’s mouth and Chanyeol held onto the wall for support. *This…isn’t true.*

 You didn’t know what to say to seeing their sudden appearance here and discovering a little of your life. Kai watched you pick her up into your slender arms and the both of you stared back at them. He felt his body shook to the core trying to sink this all in. *It can't be. She's too young.* 

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As shock as he was, there was not a doubt how much this little girl resembled you. Her brown hair, milky white skin, peachy full lips and most of all, her amazing sky blue eyes was the splitting image of you. Althought he tried to deny it, the image in front of him was too surreal yet so endearing at the same time. Seeing you with that beautiful little girl in your arms couldn't be more picture perfect. *They both look so innocent and pure.*


Both Chapter 21 and 22 since i missed two days! Hope you enjoyed it.

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my lovely readers, i want to let all of you know that i wont be updating for some time because my dear older brother has left this world.


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will this ever be updated??
hasnafm #2
Chapter 44: OMG!!! This is like... What... The third or fourth time I read this and I'm loving it soooo much! Comeback soon :3
Chapter 44: Omg I am so I love with your fic. I do not normally read fanfic were the reader is part of the story, but I could not let this go. I needed to read it.
0hayannika #4
Chapter 44: Omg just started reading this and it's so good. Update soon please~ I'll be waiting~ ^^
junnosuke1 #7
Chapter 44: Did this story get discontinued or is it on hiatus?
MenaYifan #8
Chapter 44: OMG!! The last words killed me!!! Please~ tell me Minji will be alright....please...*UGLY CRY*
ggexotica #9
Chapter 44: Hiii author-nim..
update pleaseee ~~~
In ♡ with this ff :)
Chapter 44: keep updating!! hwaiting author-nim!