Definitely Back Again

Love in Different Languages

"Ella..." Chun slowly called out her name.

"Hm?" Ella responded, looking up at him to clearly see his face.

"That night at my suite..."

"You told them!?" Ella asked with her wide eyes staring at his.

"They already know." Chun explained, trying to choose the right words to come out from his mouth.

"How come?" Ella asked.

"The doctor told me that..."

"Go on, tell it, tell it!" Arron and the others said in chorus, cheering Chun on.

"You'repregnantandwe'regoingtobeparents!" Chun said, rather quickly, while Ella pretended that she didn't hear.

"What!? Can you please repeat?" Ella pleaded, with tears of joy forming on the sides of her eyes.

"Ella! Ella!" Chun chanted on, cupping Ella's cheeks. "Our baby's inside your womb." Ella hugged Chun even tighter, she can't believe what she was hearing now, but she surely was happy and worried at the same time.

"Why do you look so worried?" Chun asked, shaking Ella who didn't reply back at what he just said. Ella mentally slapped herself and tried to think of positive things. Why? I still don't know. Probably, she was thinking of something negative, to start with.

"I'm just too happy even if it's all too sudden..."Ella replied, only letting Chun hear, while the door swung open. There revealed Jiro, Calvin, Genie, Danson, Hebe and Selina.

"What a scene to see." Selina said, walking towards them, while the others followed.

"Why didn't you inform us earlier that Ella was found already!?" Genie exclaimed, slapping Chun's back.

"Hey, that hurts." Ella said, rubbing her hand against his back in response.

"I was just giving him a lesson." Genie replied and smiled at her friend. "So, what's been cooking up in here?"

"Ella's---"Arron said, but was deliberately cut by Ella. "Shut up, Arron!" Then Chun looked at her in response. He thought that she didn't like the thought of them having their very first baby, so he just kept his mouth shut.

"I definitely loved the news, but we'd have to keep it all to ourselves first, honey." Ella said, whispering to Chun's ear, while glaring at the group who just came in. It was as if Ella knew how to foretell the future, that she--they would lose their very first child, but then, she was still determined to do her best to make their child live, but then didn't want her other friends to know.

"Ella's what!?" Genie said, almost shouting, who looked over to Arron and gave him a death glare.

"Why do I have the feeling that the person who just drank sleeping pills and fainted suddenly turned out to be a split personality type of person!?" Arron fired back, after noticing a couple of times how Genie sent him death glares.

"Who fainted?" Ella asked, turning to the group.

"Genie!" Arron and Ariel shouted.

"Genie!" Hebe repeated, followed by a sigh.

"What are those sleeping pills for anyway?" Ella asked, turning to face Genie, her best friend, out of the three, Hebe, Selina and Genie.

"I was so depressed that you, my best friend would be gone forever!?" Genie replied, trying to pull Ella who was hugging Chun to hug her.

"Wait! Wait! NO!" Ella yelled like a five-year old girl. "Sorry, no one could succeed in taking me away from him!" While everyone just laughed. They never noticed, but they actually changed the topic.


Three months passed...

Ella usually had her cravings for 'this' and 'that', while Chun who was obedient as a dog never failed to got her everything she wanted. Everyday, people would visit them with a lot of presents for the two--three of them. They've planned the wedding, but decided for it to push through right after Ella's labor. Well, it isn't really right after, just when the time is right.

Chun did go to work, but would end up all stressed up with his stress level reaching its maximum point just because he took care of Ella right after his work. He made sure that everything was in the right place and nothing would seem out of place. He wanted everything to work perfectly fine. He always took note of what the obstetrician and gynecologist would tell him every after her monthly check-up. The baby's ultrasound also seemed to work perfectly fine. Hopefully, there were no cracks or anything disease-related to the baby, though its heart beat wasn't that normal for it only had about 95 heart beats per minute.

Everyone, especially Hebe, Selina, Danson, Jiro, Calvin and Genie were wondering 'what the hell is going on with Ella?' And it wasn't soon before long when they found out that she was pregnant, for it was quite obvious... She gradually increased in weight and appettite. They blamed Chun for everything, but then was glad that they were going to have their very first niece/nephew soon.

As for Josh, he was totally beaten up by the boys just right after the week Ella's been saved. They've let the police find him first as well as asking permission if they could beat them up first, while the police just agreed.


"Could we just beat the hell out of him first!?" Jiro and Arron yelled at the top their lungs, hungry for battle against Josh, which appeared to be 2 VS. 1, because Josh's companions faded away instantly just right after the plan and setting up stuff.

"Sure, sure." Was all the police could reply. They were actually afraid of how devilISH Jiro and Arron looked, so they allowed them for a few minutes.

"That's what you get!" Arron yelled, giving Josh an upper cut, while Jiro gave him a kick causing him to be out of balance and lie on the floor completely. When the others, Chun, Joe, Danson and Calvin noticed this, they thought that it was too much. They knew that the two were losing control, so they quickly took notice of the police and gave them the signal to back the two off of Josh.


About the media, they didn't have the time to care so much about the news, because as far as Chun and Ella's concerned, they didn't want the news to be spread to the public. And even for once, even just this once, the media absolutely and unexpectedly didn't involve themselves with the two's relationship, for we all know that they also have common sense and that it isn't their problem anymore if ever Ella's pregnant.


Least for the chapter, but definitely not the last... The much awaited fifth month.

Chun and Ella came to the obstetrician and gynecologist once again to have Ella do her monthly check-up for the fifth month. They were unaware, but then was informed that in this month, they would actually know the baby's gender and to much ado, they were too excited and happily advanced about what they will hear next on the next chapter.

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Visiting old fics!
@jjinbbangbbang, I guess so. :))) This, after all, is my first shot in making an ff. :))) Thanks for the comment! :)

@luckypyo, I hope you did read it. :)))
jjinbbangbbang #3
Ah~ like story but maybe too many minor character?
luckypyo #4
oooh!!! i'm interested..!