I Missed You

Love in Different Languages

“Hey, what’s up with the goofy grin?” Arron asked, resting his arm on Chun’s right shoulder, opposites the one Joe was resting on. “I thought you were Mr. I Miss My Darling Bao Bei Oh So Much And I’m Depressed!?”

“Whatever!” Chun replied, turning to Arron.

“Man, what is this really about?” Joe asked.

Seeing Chun smile made them smile too. They forgot all the sadness that took over them for over a month. They actually knew that really… there was something so good with Chun today.

“I’m going to be a father!” Chun announced.

“What? Why? When? Who did you do it with?” Arron asked, throwing a lot of questions at Chun, while Chun just gulped.

“Oh no, I’m dead meat! They still don’t know…” Chun thought to himself in shock, with his eyes real wide. “I can’t actually tell them that I had it with their best friend!”

“Hey!” Arron snapped at Chun, shaking him real hard. “Are you going crazy?”

“How can you betray Ella!?” Rainie and Ariel asked in chorus.

“I didn’t betray her!” Chun yelled, as if he was angry.

“You don’t need to shout…” Rainie muttered, feeling a bit down.

“Sorry, Rainie.” Chun apologized.

“And sorry to all of you guys for not telling you that she might be pregnant that day when I told you to come first on the venue.”

“So, it happened the night before, you mean?” Arron asked.

“Yes.” Chun answered truthfully, a bit shy and embarrassed to be confessing to the group right at this moment.

“So, you’re actually trying to tell us that Ella is here!?” Rainie exclaimed in question.

“Exactly!” Chun gladly replied.

“She can’t be giving birth now; it’s only been a month…” Rainie spoke up. “Why is she here?”

“Josh caused her to be missing a lot of meals and she ended up here.” Chun explained.

“Where’s Josh!?” Joe asked. “I think he kind of needs some beating right now.”

“This isn’t the right time to be searching for him!” Chun replied, rejecting Joe’s suggestion, he knew that he was referring to them to beat Josh up. “It should be the police’s job at least, right now…”

“Where’s Ella?” Arron asked, absolutely curious.

“She’s inside the ope—“ Chun said and was cut when the operation room’s door opened, revealing Ella being brought back to her original room and was quickly followed by the group.


“I wonder where they are right now…” Calvin said.

“They’ve just probably found Chun who already is with Ella.” Jiro replied.

“Ella’s been found!?” Calvin asked in shock.

“No! I mean, I don’t know. I was just trying to put up some irony around this so-so silent room...” Jiro joked, playing with his hair.

“It wasn’t very good of a joke, young man!” Calvin said, looking back at Genie to check if she’s just fine and breathing.

“Do you want me to get you two some food?” Jiro replied, rubbing his stomach.

“Isn’t it you who’s hungry?” Calvin asked, slightly smiling at the image of his friend who actually looked kind of tired and hungry at the same time.

“Yeah, I think it’s just me.” Jiro replied and let out a yawn. “Then, I’m going. Just wait for me to bring back food and some good news.”

“What good news?” Calvin asked.

“I’m just foretelling the future, laugh out loud!” Jiro replied and let out a hard laugh.

“Crazy!” Calvin yelled. “Go out from here before Genie wakes up from her beauty sleep.” And Jiro went out, but before he could even walk away 5 meters from Genie’s room, he received a text message from Arron, saying: “Ella’s been found, dude and she’s *toot*… I’ll tell you as soon as we see each other again. Don’t worry, Calvin, Genie, you, Danson, Hebe and Selina still doesn’t know of this yet… BTW, don’t kill Chun once you find out about the news and oh, it was Chun who found her! Ella was actually here, the doctor said that she was brought here by a man named Josh! Once this is all over, we should start a plan on how to beat up Josh!”

Once Jiro read the message, he immediately went back to Genie’s room to announce the news.

“Ella’s been found, Ella’s been found!” Jiro yelled out and announced, walking in Genie’s room.

“Where’s the food?” Calvin asked.

“No, don’t think of that yet… Just look at this!” Jiro said, handing Calvin his cell phone with Arron’s text message on it.

“What’s with all the screaming out loud!?” Genie asked, waking up from her sleep. Jiro’s squealing and screaming actually had her all woken up from her beauty sleep. “I was having my beauty sleep!”

“What the! Beauty sleep, you say!?” Calvin said, turning to Genie. “You nearly killed me when I found out that you had those sleeping pills on the palm of your hand!” Calvin continued, poking on Genie’s nose.

“Hey, don’t touch that!” Genie squealed. “It’s so sensitive. I don’t want to get pimples, because of your filthy hands, but wait, why am I here!?” Genie continued, having to have noticed that she wasn’t in the studio, but instead was at the hospital!?

“You’re in the hospital, dearie. I was too worries, so I brought you here!” Calvin replied, with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

“Why are you so happy?” Genie asked, thinking about Ella again.

“If you’re thinking about Ella, she’s already found out!” Calvin said, trying to calm her. “Anyway, how many sleeping pills did you take?”

“Ella’s found already?” Genie asked again completely ignoring what Calcin just asked, jumping up and down the hospital bed. “Tell me, Jiro!” Genie continued, shaking Jiro.

“If you’re fine now, you know you can check out!” Jiro replied, rolling her eyes at Genie.

“Oh that!” Genie said. “Let’s go Calvin, check me out!” Genie continued, hooking her arms with Calvin.




Ella, who immediately saw Chun as she opened her eyes, hugged him real tight, gripping at his shoulder. Actually, even scrunching it already just to prove that it was real! She knew that she wasn’t dreaming. She knew that she was already set free, set free by Josh. Deep inside, she thanked Josh, but in the same time thought that he really was the one at fault and not her, but with Chun with her now, Josh didn’t matter anymore!

“Chun…” Ella whispered, while tears her cheeks. “I actually thought I wasn’t going to see you anymore…”

“Don’t worry, be happy!” Chun faced her, cupping her cheeks. “I don’t want you getting so emotional over me just because you love me.” Chun laughed, and then everybody laughed.

“I don’t want to let go.” Ella said, still hugging him oh-so tight.

“What did he do to you?” Chun asked. “You know I missed you.” Chun continued, pinching her cheeks, which was followed by a kiss.

“Who did what to me?” Ella asked.

“You know that you know, Ella!” Chun said. “It’s Josh.” Chun continued, now playing with her hands.

“Oh, that… I don’t want to remember anymore.” Ella said, wiping her tears away, playing along with Chun. “Trust me; he didn’t do anything to me! Anyway, he doesn’t have the right to do anything to me and I don’t even have anything to do with him!”

“Just be sure.” Chun said, resting his head on her shoulders.

“Ella, there’s something else we need to let you know that we don’t know if you know.” Arron said, rather quickly, confusing Ella.

“What!?” Ella asked with slight amusement on her face, looking at Arron, but still was hugging Chun.

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Visiting old fics!
@jjinbbangbbang, I guess so. :))) This, after all, is my first shot in making an ff. :))) Thanks for the comment! :)

@luckypyo, I hope you did read it. :)))
jjinbbangbbang #3
Ah~ like story but maybe too many minor character?
luckypyo #4
oooh!!! i'm interested..!