Operation 109

Love in Different Languages

“Did I hear right?” Chun asked, hoping that he would be answered with a ‘yes’.

“Heard what right, sir?” One of the nurses asked.

“Ella Chen!” Chun exclaimed.

“Yes.” The nurse replied, followed by a question, “Sir, are you related to her?”

“Yes!” Chun replied, thinking hard what he’ll answer if ever he will be questioned with a ‘what’s your relation to her?’

“She’s currently in room 109, but we won’t let you in if you’re not related to her.” The nurse said.

“I’m her husband.” Chun replied, after thinking so hard.

“I think the doctor needs to talk to you about something.” The nurse said. “She’s currently being transferred to the operation room.”

“What, why?” Chun asked, almost yelling. So many questions ran in his mind, as soon as he heard that Ella was being transferred to the operation room. “What happened?”

“We don’t know, sir.” The nurse replied. “In the meanwhile, please wait outside of the operation room, as possible as you can. I’m afraid that you can’t enter.”

“Where’s the operation room?” Chun asked, almost looking pale from frustration and fear.

“At the second floor, the biggest door nearest Room 109.” The nurse replied, while Chun ran off and banged the doors.

“You can’t do this to me. What’s happening to Ella?” Chun cried, crouching down the door, as if asking God why he’s done this to him and what made him deserve that kind of punishment. He was crying inside, afraid of what might have happened to her. He didn’t even have the time to look for Genie’s room, since he was really so overwhelmed, yet turned out to be anxious, afraid and some more of his mixed emotions. He didn’t know who really was inside the operation room, but what his heart told him is that it was her.


“Didn’t Chun say he was going to come?” Calvin asked the group who appeared to already be inside Genie’s hospital room.

“I thought he was behind me, just lately?” Rainie asked in reply.

“Yeah, I thought so too.” Arron said, trying to conclude in his mind where Chun might be.

“He still can’t keep the hang of it, of not seeing her.” Joe said, out of nowhere, turning so serious.

“He hasn’t eaten a whole meal for a few weeks now.” Ariel said, trying to continue Joe’s statement.

“Stop it!” Hebe yelled. “I don’t want to cry, because Ella’s missing. I don’t want to think about such remorseful and pitying moments when we know she’s not around. Wherever she is, I know that she wants us to be happy. Either way she’s with us or she’s not!” Hebe finished off, with tears streaking down her cheeks.

“Hebe…” Selina whispered, having to have seen her best friend crying her heart out in front of the whole group.

“I agree with her.” Selina said, supporting Hebe’s statement and immediately hugged her.

“Now, we know we need to find Chun!” Arron suggested. “That lazy !”

“I agree with you.” Rainie said, trying to smile. She was trying to forget those thoughts about Ella not being around.

“I’ll stay with Genie and Calvin for a while then.” Jiro spoke up, for the first time on that particular day.

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Visiting old fics!
@jjinbbangbbang, I guess so. :))) This, after all, is my first shot in making an ff. :))) Thanks for the comment! :)

@luckypyo, I hope you did read it. :)))
jjinbbangbbang #3
Ah~ like story but maybe too many minor character?
luckypyo #4
oooh!!! i'm interested..!