A Review from Miss-U

Love in Different Languages

Love in Different Languages
Story by mengruifan
Story URL: http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/mengruifan/
Reviewed by Lixiangqingren of Miss-Understood

Title - 9/10
Great title! I liked it a lot, it really suits the situation and characters since Chun's Mandarin isn't really that great. Also the way Chun was to tell Ella he loved her in different languages related to the title quite well.

Poster/Background - 9/10
Biased opinion right here, since I made it. However, I realized that perhaps I used too many brushes...oh well. =)

Foreword - 6/10
Well unfortunately, your foreword didn't really leave a good impression on me. Of course, I now know a little bit about your characters, but I figured that I still don't know much about your plot. Also, the whole character details thing doesn't do it for me either. You see, your readers should be able to interpret your characters' personalities on their own, rather than having you tell it to them. That's the fun in reading a story, you get to have your own ideas about who the characters really are.

Cast Used - 5/5
I love CE! <3

Storyline - 8/15
A little strange, everything moved a bit too fast. I'm surprised that you had enough plot to fit into thirty-something chapters. I mean, the whole Chun wanting Ella to fall in love with him thing didn't really make sense. It was too fast. I understand that perhaps Chun was attracted to her, but it was just so awkward the way the story developed.

Originality - 10/15
Well, to be honest, your story wasn't really that bad. The whole thing about Ella wanting Chun to confess his love to her in different languages was pretty unique. I thought it was cute.

Writing Style - 7/10
Your writing style is okay. Like I said earlier, your story developed way too fast and it is over thirty chapters long. I suggest that you take some time to plan out your chapters before writing them.

Spelling/Grammar - 7/10
For the most part, you did quite well. Minor errors in every chapter, but they don't effect the overall story. Your readers still understand what you are trying to say. However, I suggest that you take some time to edit your work before you post. Or perhaps you can get a friend to edit it for you, just to make sure you don't have any mistakes.

Overall Enjoyment - 9/15
It wasn't horrible, but still it was too fast for my liking. Some parts were even a little awkward. However, the whole love in different languages concept was quite cute.

Total - 70/100


I kind of felt like the story went fast too. :)) =))
Nonetheless, thank you for taking time to review my story. :)
It was fast. ;)

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Visiting old fics!
@jjinbbangbbang, I guess so. :))) This, after all, is my first shot in making an ff. :))) Thanks for the comment! :)

@luckypyo, I hope you did read it. :)))
jjinbbangbbang #3
Ah~ like story but maybe too many minor character?
luckypyo #4
oooh!!! i'm interested..!